I am interested in being immortal creature, I can die for that and do whatever it takes from me..
I'm 21 living in egypt and have a healthy body
where should i start and what sources of information should i focus on?
sometimes i think that's a real impossible thing to do because there is too much information and things i cant see and even if i have been biologically immortal earth is a fucked up place and some humans are cancer so i will have to destroy the whole planet and of course there is somethings out there in the universe that will damage me somehow anytime so i will need to destroy the universe and then there will be nothing but my biological body then i will keep playing games and shitposting in Veeky Forums in the simulation that i've made.........
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is your only hope of getting a serious answer
what does serious answer mean?
you're only going to get unironic advice on becoming an immortal from a schizophrenic
praise kek
whats wrong with you?
how old are you?
for starters you should get the fuck out of egypt
You're going to want to minimize your chances of death in every aspect you can until immortaility is achievable.
well, thats what humans tryinna do for almost 10000 years and no immortality is still unachievable
i think my chances of death are low in egypt so i will stay there and try to ACHIEVE THE FUCKING IMMORTALITY BY MYSELF
was it immature of me to imply that Veeky Forums doesn't hold the key to immortality?
You want the answer OP?
>become a genius
>invent AI, superadvanced technolgy, and revolutionize the world
>scan the neurons in your brain and upload them to a computer
There you go, you just became immortal
It is feasible
>I'm 21 living in egypt and have a healthy body
Say no more
So you wish for eternal life on earth. Are you willing to pay the price? Would you really be willing to sacrifice everything? Why?
>living in Egypt
Step 1: Move to some country that isn't almost overrun by anti-progress religious fundamentalists.
>> wants to be immortal
>> doesn't believe in Ra
Without inventing AI, i believe telomeres are the key to immortality. That is, if we were to live a healthy lifestyle and find a way to prolong telomeres in a controlled way, we would become immortal.
>I can die for that
Kek. How would dying make you immortal???? wwwwwww
First take a course on logic wwwwwww
thatch the joke
Go to Europe, ask for asylum, apply to uni.