What do you think Veeky Forums?

what do you think Veeky Forums?

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it won't even lose weight
fucking floppy handed fatty

does air magically stop acting like a fluid or something near a treadmill?

but the plane is standing still so no air it's pushing it up

classic Veeky Forums post

A propeller plane might do a little hop if enough air passes over the wing. A jet plane 100% not.
It's not the turning of the wheels that generate lift but air passing over the wings.

Keep this brainlet shit on (((FaceBook))) where it will baffle the mind of the average user for 3 weeks.

I dunno, but I certainly wouldn't buy one.

Not this shit again.

A treadmill has no means to significantly slow a plane down. The wheels on a plane only serve to reduce friction with the ground, so power from the engines will accelerate the plane regardless of what the wheels are doing. Once it achieves enough airspeed, the plane will take off as normal.

first brainlet

It'll go straight onto the threadmill struts, if you keep pushing the wings will probably break so...no.

no because the plane might run out of fuel

idk, your thread seems to be doing okay so far.
Its not sky rocketing yet though...

I think his threads a bit plain!

Next I bet we'll have those stupid moving portal moving towards object post arguments.

What matters is the relative velocity between the air around the plane and the plane itself, so no, it won't take off because it's zero

What is the speed around the wings? There could be a fan where cameraman stands, that is pulling air.

Let's say you're wearing roller skates on an moving sidewalk that's rolling south and I'm standing outside of it holding your hand and walking north. Do you think you will move north, south or that you will stay still?
Now imagine you're a plane and I'm turbines.

I'll take "What is relative velocity" for 100

It'll crash when it takes off, there are poles in the way.

What is the question?

Do the plane engines idle and does the treadmill rotate? Or does the treadmill idle and do the engines thrust?

It is an easy question

It takes off

Jets power the plane, not wheels

Planes are not propelled by the wheels tardo. Why would it stand still?

It still wont take off though because the 2 feet of treadmill is not enough runway for the plane to take flight before its wings crash into the support posts.

No the wingspan is too wide so the plane won't fit between the arms of the treadmill

The turbines would suck up air and it would eventually fly

>Why would it stand still?
same reason why you don't take off when running on it you lardass

i'm a dumbfuck, so answer me this:

If a man was inside a hollow donut, at zero gravity but not touching the donut, and the donut started to spin would the man remain stationary while the donut spun around him?

Would there be any difference between if the donut was in vacuum or with atmosphere?

>Would there be any difference between if the donut was in vacuum or with atmosphere?
Yes. Assuming the diameter of the aluminum tube is wider than he is at any angle, and he's in the exact center then the movement of the tube shouldn't affect him at all in a vacuum.
If it's under pressure then moving around like that is going to create disturbances in the air which means you're going to face plant on the twitchy tube.

>jet fuel can't melt treadmill


AE here, the ground would be moving but the air around the wings wouldn't, so it couldn't generate any lift.

It's an easy question.
Assuming the treadmill keeps the plane itself stationary, the airspeed is zero and the plane won't take off.

The wheels on a plane do not provide it with any power.


Wrong. The belt isn't flat. It moves air with it as it moves. If the belt is going fast enough, the plane with take off. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. If it doesn't take off you aren't going fast enough.




yes, noticeably so

>and the donut started to spin would the man remain stationary while the donut spun around him?
if the donut was dense enough and spinning fast enough, eventually frame dragging would start moving the person in the middle


the marvel harddrive has lower entropy so it has more free energy available to do work, so it's heavier


You mean no air is pushing it down, dumbass

Propose on a normal track, your fictional plane's wheels rotate once every second. If the treadmill attempts to counter this and we ignore the friction imposed by the axel on the gear, the gears simply rotate twice as fast and it taxis as normal. However, it'll taxi into those support beams.

>he thought he was smart
>called facebook users brainlets
>doesn't know what a plane's gears do

Is it turned off after being turned on or turned on after being turned off?

This depends on the type of HDD used.

It would just hit the front of the treadmill

Yes. The light is a release of energy.
What am I solving?

Turned on because the additional electrons (if you suppose a closed system).

If air were pushing it down it wouldn't take off you moron

>What am I solving?
You lost

Which cup fills up first?

The lit one because it is lighter

Other than the photon aspect, how would it be lighter? The pressure inside can't deform the glass to make it take up more space.

the power of autism

Here's how you can fuck yourself with a portal gun, might suit you more then.

you're even dumber than FB people holy shit. It clearly implies the plane doesn't move in space but just takes off vertically.

First you have to prove to me that the treadmill is rotating




>Here's how you can fuck yourself with a portal gun, might suit you more then.
Can you make one on how I could give head to myself?

I haven't made that, the user who did took a few minutes to make that. but that should be easy depending on the size of the portals and/or your height. Just place them directly on top of eachother. Stick your dick through the bottom one and suck away my friend!

All this provides us is information about position for a given point in time.
No conclusion either way can be determined.

It will take off if stationary wrt to treadmill surface as it has local air velocity over the wing; assuming treadmill is long enough and accelerates it quickly enough to reach V2(speed of liftoff).

If the planes engines thrust so that the plane remains stationary wrt to an inertial lab frame, air velocity is 0 so no take off.

If the planes breaks were not activated and if the treadmill was activated, it would move backwards as no slip boundary at the wheel interface. Some brainlet clarify this point. We need to put an end to such threads.

Of course NOT, no air pushing it up

the light one weights less because air abobe it become lighter (??)

?? expand

No the wings are too wide to get through the two legs and it will stop.

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 34, 0, 267

>it's not 0
>Don't overcomplicate

The first to find gets a free (picture of a) brand new Porsche in Any Colour You Like!.

wouldn't they be the same?


If your plane needs to go at 200 km/h to take off, the treadmill is moving backwards at 200 km/h, and the engines only provide the thrust needed to reach 200 km/h on normal ground, the plane is gonna reach like 180 km/h or something close to but below 200 km/h because the wheels have to rotate faster slightly slowing the plane down.
If the treadmill moves so fast the plane is standing still, like at mach 4 or something, then it wouldn't take off, because the airflow over the wings from the jet engines is inferior to real wind. Realistically the wheels would just blow up.

The one that's turned on is hotter, so it has more energy, meaning more mass and therefore increased weight. It doesn't have more electrons as another poster said though, since one electron goes in, one goes out. Light bulbs don't become negatively charged when you turn them on (Kirchhoff's current law).
If you actually put them on a scale in a room with 1 atm pressure however, the one that's turned off would actually seem to weigh more, since the hot one would expand and would become more buoyant.

Depends on whether the 0 or the 1 position of a bit on the hard disk has more potential energy.

Of course it won't take off. If it is moving at the exact speed opposite as the treadmill there would be no airflow over the wing, and thus no lift.

no bcs we need air flow not speed actually, speed is just a problem here

this is still a subject of current research

no. it'll hit the wall/treadmill before it has anywhere near enough speed to achieve lift.



bullshit bro

>all these brainlets that do not understand basic aerodynamics

No. You need air drag to fly, by striking wind to it at 140 knot or move forward at around 140 knot.

you can go up with thrust (VTOL) but the engine need to be set vertically like F-35 or AV-8

It mean if your plane parked then striked by 100+ knot wind from his 12 oclock it will fly too.

No, the wings will just collide woth the side of the treadmill.

>additional electrons
R u kidding m8.

The electrons are there anyway. They're just not moving around the circuit.

>additional electrons
>its electric charge changes when you turn it on