Second Grade Math

I literally just can't.

I believe this question is incorrect.

> mfw I read this explanation on popsugar

Other urls found in this thread:

>I literally just can't.



y = smalldogs
x = bigdogs

x + 36 = y
x + y = 49

x + (x + 36) = 49

2x + 36 = 49

2x = 13

x = 6.5
y = 42.5

post your homework in the sqt thread OP



And that's why the question is incorrect.

This is why we shouldnt let women teach math. Also, this is another version of the brainlet 25. cent cup water problem

The real problem is that we don't know the set of all dogs contains only big and small dogs.
There could be 0 big dogs, 36 small dogs and 13 medium dogs, for example.

This, they are obviously teaching intervals and dopamine equations. Let s be small, b be big and x be other dogs, then it's s+x+b =49 and s=b+36, with all variables non negative intigers, then 2s+x =85, thus s =36 thus s=[36,42] over Z

Me after finishing the problem...


are the half dogs the top or bottom half?


gb2 /b/

What's the point of these verbally vague "math problems"?

nothing vague, only one correct interpretation

Ami retarded?

The two half dogs are just one Rottweiler-Pomeranian cross.

this is clearly too difficult for a 7 year old

Lrn2popsugar fgt pls

So... It isn't 13?

36-13 =/= 36

If it was 13, then there being 36 more smaller dogs implies there are 49 smaller dogs, but that's how many are signed up so we've over counted here.

Refer to

Tbh I dont think its unreasonable to assume that there are 13 large dogs and 36 small as it satisfies the question and fits within the framework because you can just say its 36 more than 0

w-why are two of the dogs missing half their body?

>There are 36 more small dogs than large dogs
>I dont think its unreasonable to assume that there are 13 large dogs and 36 small as it satisfies the question
Jesus Christ.

I have 36 english muffins more than I have loaves of bread. I have 0 loaves of bread. This is the english language, welcome to it.

An error in a 2nd grade homework? Call the news, this has never happened before!

> only one correct interpretation

Really? I see two correct answers. One mathematical and one logical leading to numerical value.

Same same, but different.

It says second grade problem, not first grade

Is this entire board literally autistic? They made a typo. They obviously meant how many big dogs.

>Cut two fucking dogs in half

Because math

its fucking retarded, have americans forgot english language?

how wouldn't this be 36?

obviously atleast one doggo is cheating and signed up for both competitions.

How is that? Is it just a randomly impossible case? Is there a rule or something that explains why and how that comes to be?

>inb4 brainlet
Yeah, I'm a huge brainlet and not a mathematics undergrad. Spare your comments.

Its 36 you guys are fucking brainlets.

36 and 42.5 are both correct.

it was supposed to be 50 total dogs rather than 49, not that hard to see

42 small dogs
6 big dogs
1 medium dog

So there's one medium dog.

You're extrapolating information that doesn't exist. We only concretely know there are large and small dogs competing, the problem never presents information related to medium dogs.
If there's 0 large dogs, then there are 36 small and 13 medium.
If there's 1 large dog, then there's 37 small and 12 medium.

The question is flawed inherently.

>absence of evidence is evidence of absence

Medium dogs makes more sense than half dogs

We shouldn't be assuming there are any medium dogs, medium-large, medium-short dogs ect.. The problem never claimed they do exist in the first place. Basic logic would state the dogs fall either into large dog set or small dog set.

Not in maths, and not in context given. The inclusion of medium dogs means there is only a range of answers, and not any definitive naswer.

Yes, which is what I said. But half dogs also don't make sense, so there's no logical answer to the question.

S |M | L

Is our final result assuming only SML and no XL or other odd sizes.

so obviously 36 small dogs and 13 mediums

No, because 37 small, 1 large, 11 medium, 38 small, 2 large, 9 medium, 39 small, 3 large, 7 medium..... all the way to 12.5 large, 42.5 small.
Nothing says there are 0 large dogs, nothing says there are 0 medium, so the solution is only a possible range, not a definitive answer.

So you agree the dogs can only fall into one of two sets and everything else is a null set. If there are 36 more small dogs than large dogs that would mean 49-36 would give us 13 the total of large dogs since there are no other possible sets the dogs can fall into and 36 would be the amount of small dogs and we can't have more dogs than the universal set of 49 dogs that are present.

You forgot to account the dark dog so the equation balances

There is no such [math]$\{x \in \mathbb{Z} : 2x + 36 = 49\} ([/math]
So no.

there's no evidence that these "medium" dogs even exist, given the information we can only assume that small or large dogs exist.


You can use simple math to prove the Earth is flat and not sphere.

Look into the central banking scam.
USA 1913, Google USA debt clock
Canada 1970 (small potatoes compared to the USA) they pulled over $400 billion from 1970-1992 (it cost 37-39 billion to build the whole place from 1867-1992).

Educated people can tell when they re being decieve and would do something about it.



Jesus Christ, fuck off.

>Can't even add up 3 numbers

>tfw i own 6,5 dogs

one dog is a ni—

>not 3/5 of a dog

36? Wtf is this board going on about with all these calculations. Besides, there was obviously a typo and the question meant to ask for large dogs. I.e. basic 2nd grade subtraction (49-36 =13 large dogs)

>(49-36 =13 large dogs)
Re-read the question.

Check your autism. I said their is an obvious typo in the question. They meant to ask for large dogs, not small.

>They meant to ask for large dogs, not small.
That wouldn't fix the question.

as long as they agree that adding an even number keeps the parity and adding two numbers of the same parity results in an even number, you can never have 49 dogs.


I see you are a man of astronomy as well.

bruh wtf we used to do this shit in grade 2 all the time
you just round up

>round up
But what if it's a square dog?

Just fyi gooks are doing harder than this before even starting school.
>There are brainlets here who disagree with the answer because it's not an integer
The fuck is wrong with you?

not disagree, it's just a shitty problem.

>it's just a shitty problem.
Why is it?


yeah this one makes no sense

Fucking shitty ass trick, imposed by stupid people mostly woman. I hate those kind of question that also include verbal comprehension. If they are maths just put some fucking numbers and that's it become it stops becoming math and becomes reading comprehension. Fucking bullshit. Oh and it also leads to retarded shit like this where woman teacher thinks she is so witty but the math is all fucking wrong.

Or 48 total

It's a logic puzzle. It's showing you subtraction done incorrectly and asking you to analyze the method used to find where the errors are. It's good for critical thinking, not just for chugging out arithmetic.

but isn't a dog a torus?

idea is Jack subtracted 6 10's instead of 6 1's
or alternately he skipped the 10's place in his retard algorithm
this parent could have seen this in half a second if he had gotten off his soapbox
whether the abstract graphical approach is really best for a kid is another story, but a kid learning subtraction sure as shit isn't going to figure it out by just looking at it "in under 5 seconds"

didn't look carefully enough at the pen numbers, he just skipped the tens place
I really fucking hate this pigeonholed "write a letter" crap though

why are you shitposting so hard? go back to /b/.

I love you man

Don't blaspheme here please. Thanks

>Inventing A new class of dogs just to make the math work out

85, brainlet. Learn to speak english, are you from some amazon tribe? English is my third language, bitch.

This pic makes me incredibly sad.

consider suicide


cause half an animal don't make CENTS

raugh 6.5

these trump algorithms are weird.

Is the catch that somebody brought a cat and it's considered as half a dog in the problem?

What in the everloving FUCK are you people doing? The answer is 36.

When did this board get populated by literal retards?

Are you trolling or do you genuinely not understand what "more than" means?

I can ask the same of you, brainlet