Hello guys, what kind of diet is best to get as much as you can from your brain? I know that you need also to exercise, but I always was eating shit food and I have no idea how to make good diet, everything I see is for better physics.
Other urls found in this thread:
>There is some evidence that the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart disease and early death.[4][5] Olive oil may be the main health-promoting component of the diet.[6] There is preliminary evidence that regular consumption of olive oil may lower all-cause mortality and the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and several chronic diseases.[6][7][8][9]
>A 2016 systematic review found a relation between greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet and better cognitive performance; it is unclear if the relationship is causal.[25]
>According to a 2013 systematic review, greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet is correlated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and slower cognitive decline.[26] Another 2013 systematic review reached similar conclusions, and also found a negative association with the risk of progressing from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's, but acknowledged that only a small number of studies had been done on the topic.[27]
if you dont want to supplement, look for foods with tryptophan(aids in seratonin transfer), or other nootropic compounds
a general rule for a good diet is finding supplements or drugs with a desired effect, then find where those compounds are naturally occurring (e.g. tryptophan supplement vs. pumpkin seeds/watermelon seeds)
also vitamin D is very important; if you are white and/or take showers everyday in hard water get vitamin D supplement; or sweat outside, adsorb vitamin d, 5 days for it to absorb into your body so dont shower
if you eat right, physique will come without excessive excercise
I don't care about physique, but It is good for the mind to exercise. I don't say about gym-kind, more about running, walking a lot or simple stuff like that.
About shower, I always make hot bath, then long cold shower.
I was thinking about making a vegetable-fruit diet with meat/fish rarely, and everyday whiskey ofc.
Thanks, I will check it out.
>what kind of diet is best to get as much as you can from your brain?
sugar and meat.
nihonjin desuka
sounds like a good diet, try to eat those vegetables and fruit raw as often as possible
You will not get that much if you will die earlier.
Unironically a vegan diet, unless you can afford meat that isn't laced with hormones and antibiotics, and fish that isn't laced with mercury
Hahaha, I'm not.
Thanks, It is not really mine, I basically learned that from Tesla.
But still meat and fishes have acid.
multi-vitamins + beans
that's it
you forgot about whiskey and water my friend.
the only thing a vegan needs to supplement his diet with is vitamin b12
I've been a vegan for almost 4 years and the doctors ask me if I'm a runner, even though I just sit on my ass all day
Sounds nice, why have you become a vegan?
and what about iron?
Spiritual and environmental reasons. I won't try to indoctrinate you, but there are plenty of reasons people do it. The health benefits are secondary to me
I understand spiritual but don't really get the environmental reasons if you could talk about it I will appreciate that.
Leafy green vegetables, nuts,beans, all have iron. Or just use a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in your breakfast oatmeal or cereal if you are worried.
Sure, I can list a few. Deforestation to make room for grazing cattle, methane emissions from cattle, overfishing and species extinction in the ocean, wasted energy (I believe it takes about 10 lb of soybean or wheat to produce 1 lb of meat), farm and CAFO groundwater pollution through runoff, etc. There is a lot of info if you care to research it
Carbohydrates are memes. Meat is carcinegenic on the same level as air is. Sugar prevents you from entering ketosis and operating at 90% of peak.
Check out these runners.
found the keto shill lol
Producting meat produce a huge amounth of pollution.
>Sugar prevents you from entering ketosis
... can you read?