What would Happen if you Dropped Tsar Bomba into the Marianas Trench?

How accurate is this science? It sounds a little far-fetched towards the end, but it's the same people who make the Meet Arnold series, so I'm torn on their authenticity.


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The part where he says it will send the planet off-orbit and into the sun or into the cold reaches of space is where they kind of lost me.

A lot of people in the comments section also say the tidal waves' heights are illogical, but again, I don't really know anything about that.

BS from the get-go.
As some of the comments below the video itself point out, this clown can't do simple arithmetic.

Krakatoa equated to about 4 Tsar Bombas
The 1815 eruption in Indonesia was about 16 Tsar Bombas.
And there have been bigger catastrophes.
None of which threatened to break up the Earth or displace it from its orbit.

How do people ever end up posting outright false information on the internet like this? I mean, for people who have a history of making lies or posting anonymously on any platform, I understand: it's either trolling or pure moronic behavior.

But these guys are perceived to be very smart. The series Meet Arnold is very popular and seems very believable. How do people like these build up such a trustable reputation and then suddenly make a video of pure falsehoods???

>open video
>animated metal text
>michel bay environment
>check author of the video
It's not hard mane.


>How accurate is this science?

Accurate as a 9 yo kid discovering the power of nuclear bombs.

Is Riddle unreliable or something? I never thought he was notorious for bad facts or poor math or anything. It looks like his videos are pretty well-made.

>well made
Like quality animation and voice over, sure. The science?
>pressure magically crush bomb "like a pancake" despite the fact it didn't really have any air gaps (except a small vacuum in some designs under several inches of lead and explosives in some). biggest problem would probably be water seeping in and fucking up the electronics.
>"2000 year half life" U 235's (not even specified) is more like, hmm, nearly a billion years lol. Why does he think there's any left? That's not even considering decay products
>The ridiculous wave height (twice!)
>magic end of the world earthquakes/volcanoes tsunamis
>ridiculous claims about changing the entire planet's orbit by several million kilometers with a nuke.

Nothing. Other than killing a bunch of flatfish & worms

I was watching the video and when the started talking about new continents forming that's when it started sounding far-fetched, but near the end they just straight up started talking out of their asses about the entire planet exploding and moving out of it's orbit.

If you were to stretch your logic to insane levels, to the point where your logic is being stretched on a torture rack, than it could conceivably "melt" the surface by collapsing the tectonic plates, but it's simply absurd that to say that it could somehow result in the entire planet being broken into tiny pieces and launched outwards at escape velocity. While a change in Earth's internal structure would make a change to Earth's orbit, they obviously didn't read beyond that, because the change would be so minuscule that simply climbing a hill / mountain would put you closer/further to/from the sun than any of those changes would.

TL;DR: Riddle is full of shit and spent the video talking out of their asses.

How do people end up electing a literal reality show clown for president of one of the most powerful nations in the world?

Well Imagine my shock user!

The meet Arnold series is complete bullshit

Complete retarded. Deep ocean nukes would just make a bunch of bubbles of superheated gas at the surface. The pressure of the water above the bomb far overpowers the outward pressure of the explosion. Much closer to the surface, less than a mile probably, and you'll get a wave. But the wave is unlikely to cause more damage than the bomb would already cause by just blowing it up above the target rather than setting it off in the waters offshore.

Is Stranger Things any good?

400ft tidal waves that travel the entire planet?

What the fuck is this guy smoking? Did he pull this straight out of his ass?

Are you asking that because you think he's a shill and Stranger Things is a pansy-ass liberal show?


>Forays into the Marianas Trench have been classified because they'd blow your mind!
>Megalodon lives in the Trench: FACT!
>We know this because we found a tooth in the ocean and also a Japanese boat got bumped IT WAS A GIANT SHARK!
>Jacques Piccard saw a disc-like object down there so there must be aliens down there!
>There's irrefutable evidence of the exploration vessels and bathoscyphes being bitten into but we don't need to show pictures or footage!
>No citations in description.

I think this guy's a troll. That, or he didn't think anyone would take his videos seriously.

>What would Happen if you Dropped Tsar Bomba into the Marianas Trench?

Almost nothing at all, except lots of bubbles and probably a tidal wave somewhere, but a rather small one if one at all. A nuke like that is really tiny and not very powerful compared to a small earthquake that causes a tidal wave. It more than likely won't set off extra earthquake other than the initial blast itself.

>as experience shows, in the end humans are no fools
I choked on my beer.

its not accurate at all, the pressure and specific heat of water is much higher.

(3/4pi)^(1/3) * (.4 * (tons of tnt)/(pressure of surroundings))

for the tsar bomba its 535 meter sphere initially, with it rebounding in, then expanding out repeat with it getting smaller each time.


this video but bigger.