Climate change, is it real?

What do you think, is climate change real? why or why not?

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>is climate change real?

it's some wealth extraction bullshit, pulling peoples heartstrings in order to shame them into giving the global banking syndicates more money.

And this is provable.

All you have to do is ask a proponent of "AGW" or "Man made climate change" what their plan is to counter it, and their answer will be one of the three:

1. Give more money to global banks

2. De-Industrialize the West

3. They don't know.

>third-hottest year in history
>costliest year for disaster in US history
...b-but it's not our fault! IT CAN'T BE

just keep saying it, over and over


Why not intentionally burn away accumulated detritus each year? African goat farmers do this to replenish the pastures and they have 0 wildfires.

>let's all live like goats

yes, hullaballoo and shenanigans aside, CO2 absorbs infrared, it's a fact

You don't have to live out in the pastures with the goats, you don't even have to set the dry grasses ablaze. Let the farmers do that. They know what they are doing and you don't.

Fourier calculates that the Earth would be far colder if it lacked an atmosphere.

Tyndall discovers that some gases block infrared radiation. He suggests that changes in the concentration of the gases could bring climate change.

Arrhenius publishes first calculation of global warming from human emissions of CO2.

[citation needed]

Of course it’s real. You’d have to be an ignorant brain let to believe that it’s a hoax.
This. The real conspiracy is corporations trying to protect their profits.

>What do you think, is climate change real?
Obviously not

Yes, it's real, but conservatives will tell you that it's not, for 2 reasons:
They can't stand the cold and think a few degrees more can do no harm
They hate everything white, including snow (that's also the reason why alt-retards want to incite a race war: to harm the white race)

A namefag said it's fake, therefore it must be real.


Define climate change.

The weather changes all the time. Is my desert climate slowly becoming a tropical climate or an arctic climate? No. Are oceans rising? No. Do hurricanes happen? Yes. Have hurricanes always happened? Yes.
Would an entire meter rise in ocean level be a problem? No. Maybe for india, but even then and in any case could be solved towards not significantly impacting comfort or lifestyle.

climate change doesn't mean anything intelligible. Deforestation is the only problem impacting future generations, as we kinda need trees to be alive and well in order to produce sufficient oxygen, but I guess we're past a point of problem there too since the only best way of describing new age idiocies is brain damage by hypoxia. You can scream about CO2 in the atmosphere all you want but vegitation remains the only natural recycling plant for the stuff.

A bold new synthesis

imagine still falling for al gore's propaganda 12 years after an inconvenient truth was released


Real but exaggerated

>Define climate change.
Are you incapable of using the internet?
"Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years)."

>The weather changes all the time.
That doesn't mean the distribution is shifting over a significant amount of time.

>Is my desert climate slowly becoming a tropical climate or an arctic climate?
Desert climates on average are shifting. Here's an example:

>Are oceans rising?
Yes. Pic related.

>Would an entire meter rise in ocean level be a problem?
Yes, that would cause billions of dollars in damage to coastal areas everywhere.

>climate change doesn't mean anything intelligible.
Considering the fallacious claims running through your post, I would not judge what is and isn't intelligible based on your particular intelligence.

>Deforestation is the only problem impacting future generations
What about ocean acidification and rapid warming damaging infrastructure and ecologies humans rely on?

>You can scream about CO2 in the atmosphere all you want but vegitation remains the only natural recycling plant for the stuff.
Or we could just not emit as much of it in the first place.

Where do you idiots come from and why are you posting pseudoscientific nonsense on a science board?

Bumblefuckskin. How many billions of dollars of damage have occurred from rising ocean levels since 1870?
Do you think it is possible to curb the usage of fossil fuels?
>Weather changes all the time but d-d-distribution...
Hypoxic motherfucker get on life support.

>climate change
>starts talking about the weather
- pic related

Post disregarded.

Exxon Mobil
British Petroleum

You have no argument. Even the people who's money comes directly from putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere are admitting that climate change is real and poses a serious problem for the future of mankind that must be addressed.

Get the fuck out brainlets

Got any reputable sources, shill?

Oil gas and coal companies are shitting their pants right now as the evidence that climate change is caused by human emitted greenhouse gases is getting stronger.

Coal giant admits climate change

>admitting climate change is real
Wow good job, next are you gonna tell me the Earth orbits the Sun?

>How many billions of dollars of damage have occurred from rising ocean levels since 1870?
It's almost like you want to get BTFO.


>Do you think it is possible to curb the usage of fossil fuels?
It's actually not that hard if you retards will just stop denying scientific facts because it hurts your political feefees.

>limit any future liability their pollution may cause
Oh, they're fucked and they know it


You're naive to think this. I'd argue the oil companies are helping to fund the climate hoax. The oil reserves are running out and they need to find a way to continue their market dominance. I expect they've invested heavily in green energy, and now they just need to sway public opinion with pseudo-science.

As others have posted,climate change is just a way for corporations and elites to destroy the west and make money,people who think it's real are useful idiots.

Its almost like you're actually retarded.

That says nothing about since 1870. it says a projected cost would be 20 billion dollars by 2100.

Inhale silica familia.

Let me put it this way.
Trump applied for a permit in Scotland to build a barrier to protect his golf course from rising sea levels.
He's sane only when his own interests are threatened.
The rest of the time he parrots the Koch Brother's denialism.

Wrong, it talks about current costs, you illiterate baboon.

Just the increase in flooding in a single storm from current sea level rise can cost billions:

If global warming is not real why are the sea levels dropping? Al Gore and Reddit have been warning you about this for years. Obama, Clinton, Oprah, etc. The glaciers are melting and the water level is going down like we've been saying OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Your beaches are going to go miles further into the sea. You retards even elected blumpf who exited the Paris Agreement further exacerbating the problem of global warming.

You'll never have to fight for a spot on the beach again

>I'd argue the oil companies are helping to fund the climate hoax
And yet the oil companies are pumping loads of money into climate change denial. You can easily find proof of this.
It doesn't matter what you think. The reality is different.

Where does it say sea levels are dropping? Why can't pol/tards/ read?

yes. proof: in december it's colder than in august


Yeah wake me up when NYC is powered by the sun and hopeful thooughts

The climate is changing.
No one can predict how it is changing with any degree of accuracy.
With such a chaotic system that consists of so many variables, you are just as like to hurt rather than help with any solutions you suggest.
Money is best spent adapting to effects of climate change instead of poking around in the dark trying to fight it, which is almost surely create a ton of other unforseen problems.

>No one can predict how it is changing with any degree of accuracy.
Wrong again, /pol/tard.

The sea levels dropping is a great example of predictions being wrong, and alarmists being dangerous. This guys would have had us building sea walls, when in fact the sea levels would drop just a few years later. The climate is an almost hopelessly complicated system to accurately simulate.

Proves my point. Those relative errors are massive. A model being off by like 0.1C temperature anomaly doesn't seem like much, until you realize that actually represents as much warming as occurs in like 3 decades.

The claim that "sea levels are now dropping" is a great example of deniers having no idea what they're talking about and not being able to read. It's pretty easy to win a debate when your opponent not only has no argument but spouts outright falsehoods.

More energy is staying in the system, if you have a big peak in one spot, you have to have a big dip in another. It's why winters are getting more extreme.

>Proves my point. Those relative errors are massive. A model being off by like 0.1C temperature anomaly doesn't seem like much, until you realize that actually represents as much warming as occurs in like 3 decades.
Except a temperature increase by 0.1°C it's much closer to 3 years than 3 decades. Once again deniers prove that they have no idea what they are talking about

>Once again deniers prove that they have no idea what they are talking about
I'm a skeptic

Why can't we put more funding in nuclear and not meme shit like solar and wind

Why are the alarmists who show up on Veeky Forums so irrational and emotional whenever someone shows any skepticism about climate change/global warming? It makes it nearly impossible to take them seriously

Solar and wind are cheaper and don't contain toxic wastes?

They already do that?


nice ignorance

I know right? I just wish alarmists would stop hyperventilating about some global conspiracy to enforce green energy that doesn’t exist; and realised that climate change is based upon verified science.

It's almost like the alarmists don't want their feelings hurt because it clashes with their bias based on "non left wing" ideology.

It's nothing. The fear mongering creates an echo chamber. We should solve it via technological advancement not austerity

an what toxic waste do wind turbines and solar panels have in them? That being said, at this point we don't have a choice to exclude nuclear power.

Because it's easier to do solar and wind both cheaply and safely. With nuclear power, you have to pick one or the other.

>I know right? I just wish alarmists would stop hyperventilating about some global conspiracy to enforce green energy that doesn’t exist; and realised that climate change is based upon verified science.
>It's almost like the alarmists don't want their feelings hurt because it clashes with their bias based on "non left wing" ideology.
What do you mean?

If you were skeptical you would already have figured out that what you're spouting is bullshit.

>live on planet next to star
>expect it not to heat up


lmao the fact that this is even a debate on a science board just goes to show you how dysfunctional the people here are

>i'm asleep


>If you were skeptical you would already have figured out that what you're spouting is bullshit.
But I'm not "spouting" anything, just in search of a convincing argument for or against climate change

>i think this is going to proceed linearly
>i haven't heard of tipping points

So you "searched" for convincing arguments and you found these:

>No one can predict how it is changing with any degree of accuracy.
>Those relative errors are massive. A model being off by like 0.1C temperature anomaly doesn't seem like much, until you realize that actually represents as much warming as occurs in like 3 decades.

But you weren't skeptical of them. How odd.

My plan is third world genocide.
What now, /pol/?

Not that guy but solar panels do have a lot of nasty heavy metals in modern production and wind farms devastate bird populations. Everything has ups and downs.

>So you "searched" for convincing arguments and you found these:
No, you posted those "arguments", and they weren't convincing.

No, I didn't post those arguments, you did you massive tard:





Inhale silica familam

this one's not due to global warming

>3. They don't know.
Wait, how does someone admitting they don't know how to solve a problem mean that they're lying about the problem existing?
If I called for an ambulance and told them my leg was broken, would they conclude it was a prank call if I didn't know how to make a splint?
What the fuck?