Help a brinlet

help a brinlet

americans are retarded (and swarthy)


Triangles are ideal objects that don't exist


Just realized I missed a bunch, there a lot more than 36


Every triangle has to have at least one vertex that is one of the two base vertices of the largest triangle.

I say 64


A fuckton, I got bored at 43.

Looks like 8

>not working the number out systematically

If my arithmetic is correct, for every such puzzle, where the sides of the largest triangle are divided into x segments, the number of triangles is (x^2)(x+1)-2

In this case x=4, so 78

64 plus 3:
16 triangles have two base vertices (4 lots of 4)
24 triangles have only one left-side base vertex (4 lots of 6)
24 triangles have only one right-side base vertex
and the other 3 are easy


Anons logic is correct, it's 64

Nice quads and nice maths


Is there some kind of general formula to calculate this ?

I got 79

yes, it's been left as an exercise

If we count from just the right vertex, there are 4 sets of single triangles, 3 sets of triangles that contain 2 subsets of triangles, 2 sets of triangles that contain 3 subsets of triangles, and 1 set of triangles that contain 4 subsets of triangles. That's 10 sets in total (4+3+2+1).

Each subset has 4 triangles, so we multiply 10 by 4 to get 40. Multiply by 2 for the left vertex to get 80 total triangles and then take 2 for 78 because they have the large triangle and bottom single triangle in common


Add three for the capital A's in the text
