What is the best political system according to science?

What is a scientifically approved system.

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Democratic republics are the type of society that have achieved the most in this world. That alone reveals the answer to your question. Now back to /pol/, my dim-witted friend.

>Democratic republics are the type of society that have achieved the most in this world.
You mean like the DRC and the DPRK?

Well-regulated and regularly trust-busted capitalism.

Fascism induced Anarcho-Capitalism

20% libertarianism
30% socialism
50% capitalism

Ideally there is no government, as humans become more optimally moral and reasonable the role of government becomes smaller and more nuanced. The perfect political system is one where the people, not the government, is perfect, and the government is slight if not eliminated entirely.

(When using moral and reasonable I am suggesting a measure by which a human is ethical in some agreeable universal sense - morality - and a measure of how a human is aligned with the society they are in - reasonability. Government is essentially the power by which societal outliers are forcibly aligned, and ideally with perfectly moral and reasonable people a society has no need for the forced restructure of character.)


An AI singleton where all humans have been eradicated after an AI takeover has occurred.

>Fascism in God Tier
>Nazis in shit-tier
Almost didn't realize it was trolling at first.

Technocracy is pretty popular amongst STEMfags but it's pretty shit and autistic. They're the same fags who argue for darwinistic morality, and they're never the people who would survive if we became anarcho-primitivist and let nature take its course on the DYEL noguns manlets.
Direct Democracy is easily mathematically proven to be the most effective system for making the most people pleased with the system. Additionally, if we look at examples it's got a long run of not fucking up ever. See: Switzerland.
There is no way a subjective opinion about what is or isn't moral can be scientific though.

That's not how science works. Even if it was, it wouldn't be true. Only one democratic republic has been able to do anything productive, and now it's in the shitter.

Sounds a lot like fascism induced anarcho-socialism, which just ends up in fascism forever because you can't force people to voluntarily agree with you.



whats wrong with Classical Liberalism?

Looking at that chart I guess it's what I agree with the most

although for some reason im characterized as conservative? I don't get it

Politics is the literal most brainlet thing on the face of the earth, falling into the same category as, but beating out, palm reading and self-inflicted injury by poorly practiced motorcycle tricks

Take the mathpill, user. Start studying now to flush the trash from your brain, or remain forever brainlet. It's up to you

How can anyone live like that


Scientism as a political system
>everyone for science
>science for everyone
no more no less

The quality of a political system assumes an ethical and moral framework, and those things lie outside the scope of the sciences (see: is-ought)

Take this to /pol/ or Veeky Forums

This guy knows what he's talking about. Except that Switzerland is a really bad example because it partly got its stability from the fact that they're basically the world's safe. When all rulers and powerful people in general store gold in your country, you can be sure that they will keep it out of conflict.

>implying you can just gain interest and ability for maths out of nothing

>"MUH WORKERS" - a worker

>Direct Democracy is easily mathematically proven to be the most effective system for making the most people pleased with the system.
>"""Direct Democracy"""
you mean mob rule?

you unlearned how to be smart

I literally did when it comes to math. It's like I've been conditioned to hate maths my whole childhood. How do I undo the damage?

>direct democracy
>holding everyone hostage to the whims of the lowest common denominator
No. Here, for just one example of what happens when the competent are forced to make concessions for the retarded and braindead masses. These are the complaints they had with the plaques we sent into space.

>Art critic and activist Craig Owens said that sexual bias is exhibited by the choice to make the man in the diagram perform the wave gesture to greet the extraterrestrials while the woman in the diagram has her hands at her sides.[10] Feminists also took issue with this choice for the same reason.[11]
>According to astronomer Frank Drake, there were many negative reactions to the plaque because the human beings were displayed naked.[14] When images of the final design were published in American newspapers, one newspaper published the image with the man's genitalia removed and another newspaper published the image with both the man's genitalia and the woman's nipples removed.[6] In one letter to a newspaper, a person angrily wrote that they felt that the nudity of the images made the images obscene

brute Force

I'm not defending sjws, but can you find an example that's kinda more scientific.
>muh ayy lmao plaque
lol what are the chances aliens even find that shit

cult of cthulu

Anarcho-Capitalism would be nice, but impractical due to human greed. The most realistic 'soft' version of it would almost laissez-faire capitalism, with Minarchist governance.

And at what point does it turn into something enjoyable to do? I mean I see the insane usefulness of it, but I just can't see myself enjoying it.

when you can start applying your skills to improving the world through science

Its enjoyable because it's intellectual stimulating and also because of the tangible reward. You look at what appears to be indecipherable or something you don't understand and then you figure it out and learn how it works. Solving a math problem is like solving a puzzle, it's just satisfying.

Dubs confirm this.