You take pride in being a scientist and you think it's the highest state of a human being

You take pride in being a scientist and you think it's the highest state of a human being.

How do you feel about the fact that all the problems in our ecosystem are caused by science and scientific "progress"?
Pollution, nuclear warfare, weapons, distorted evolution..
I especially want to thank the worshipped Mr Einstein for giving us the technology to reduce our whole planet to dust.

Dude, if we were "dumb" cavemen with sticks and stones, we'd be better off. Seriously. It's just the pride in us that wants us to become gods. It's like humans can't accept the fact we're animals. You don't need smart phones and cars, it's just a fucking illusion. You need love, companionship and natural food. Nothing else. Science is elitist bullshit that's destroying humanity.

I'm an unemployed 30-year-old poet and most of my friends are physicists or programmers. I think I'm superior to them as a life form.

>climate change
Thank you, science

>holes in the ionosphere because of American HAARP experiments
Thank you, science

>city dwellers have black lungs because of all the shit cars pollute
Thank you, science

>the internet has made everyone physically weak, lazy, fat and incapable of actual life
Thank you, science

>the banana is going extinct
Thank you, science

>retarded 3rd world countries have nukes
Thank you, science

Post a poem

>heavy metal pollution is giving all the country folk autism

Yeah but its also made our lives better, and left a foundation of knowledge for the ai super beings when they take on the mantle of the dominant lifeform

>Yeah but its also made our lives better

If you're talking about Youtube and funny meme videos, I don't even like them.

Science destroyed our planet and gave us funny cat videos on Youtube, gossip on social media and virtual reality porn as compensation.

Most people are satisfied with this trade. I am not.

Think whatever you like. Enjoy being superior. No skin off anyone else's nose.
You obviously "take advantage" of the stuff you despise. You have a computer, or you wouldn't be posting here. So you're a hypocrite.
Be happy. Live naked in a cave and worry about your next meal. (If you're a poet, maybe you already worry about your next meal. But you can work on the other things.)

The very concept of science isn't what is resulting in the environmental ailments of the earth, science is merely an attempt at understanding the reality we reside in through observations and experimentation, rarely will you see passionate scientists who study and experiment independently disregard the state of the earth. It is the individuals who utilize these findings for the "wrong" reasons that are the ones responsible for these problems, corporate leaders who exploit the earth to further their own company and agenda and to feed the consumerism beast. It is also due to the growing population of homo sapiens on the earth that results in more problems, typical methods of growing food are already not efficient enough to support this population, so we look at genetic modification to ramp up the food production, but in the process creating unwanted mutations causing vegetative plants to possess unwanted traits, perhaps harmful.

But children are awesome! Right? If you want to continue your "legacy" even after death, give birth to a child, who cares about that little chunk of rock in space anyways?

t. the next Einstein-Tesla
go get em user

>Veeky Forums humored this bait with replies
This place is kill I tell you. sage

This is not so bad b8.

How did Einstein in all his wisdom not realize that he would doom us all with the atom bomb?

scientists just do science, it's other people that take their work and apply it to things

Did he truly invent the atom bomb, or did he invent the means of allowing it to function: The splitting of an atom.

He was a high paid scientist and could have given birth to this technology for any number of reasons we might never know. He could have been paid to build it, or may have wanted to see his enemies annihilated.

>You don't need smart phones and cars, it's just a fucking illusion. You need love, companionship and natural food.

convince women of that first, ok?

Then why don't you stop posting here and sell your computer?

Science caveman: Look, I discovered fire! Now we won't freeze to death during the night!
Normie caveman: And we can use it to burn and destroy everything too!
OP: Science is evil!

Pollution is caused by overpopulation. Even without the plastic covering Haiti the Haitians still would have destroyed the land by cutting down the forrest.

So even the most basic primitive technology destroys environment

Einstein had nothing whatsoever to do with the Bomb -- aside from being urged to use his prestige to sign a letter to Roosevelt urging the US to make the attempt.

There was fear the Germans would succeed first. Which turned out to be wrong. The Germans never made a serious effort. They gambled on the Allies capitulating quickly. The war would be too short for anyone to develop such a weapon. But the US couldn't risk it.

Gangsta rap is worse.

ain't nothin to it

>pollution is caused by overpopulation
not necessarily, definitely correlated

This is some pretty high-level bait. Nice.


Nope, he was referring to vaccines

>You take pride in being a scientist and you think it's the highest state of a human being.
Sounds like something a brainlet would do

Even if existence for the sake of existence is good enough for you and you'd rather restrain all progress, then realize there is a giant asteroid or some other cataclysm waiting to meet us. The only thing that can save us is science.

The same march of technology that allowed the Ohio River to catch fire also enabled the later cleanup.

>How do you feel about the fact that all the problems in our ecosystem are caused by science and scientific "progress"?
Like I'm reading a post written by a moron.

>unemployed 30-year-old poet