[meta] How many of you have autism

[meta] How many Veeky Forums users have autism or some sort of social disorder? It's common knowledge that there is a correlation between autism, maleness, and STEM abilities. Does it hold here?

Other urls found in this thread:

familyservices.us.com/pdf/A Review of 200 Birth-Order Studies-Lifestyle Characteristics.pdf

Is this some kind of reddit tag or something?


Diagnosed on the autism spectrum

Fuck the police str8 out from the underground, they hate us because we're intellectuals in a society full of transsexuals

High functioning autism doesn't exist

Schizoid PD

Took pic related again a few days ago, scores haven't gotten much better.

>ughhhh i hate myself im such a mess!!!! So.. guys? What do you think? Am i a wacky cuckoo boy? lmao!!!!! :))))))

I think I may be autismo

I like who I am. You must not know what Schizoid PD is.

I unironically suffer from all that, including the ironic "WRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" because Jojo, but if I have it, it must be high-functioning because no one has ever noticed or asked to get checked.

What are the benefits of actually getting tested? Will I get anything from being officially diagnosed with autism?

you are a retarded 17 year old nerd that deservse to be shot to death

I'm a 22 year old that at least can spell
>edgeworth mercerie

Dysthymia and OCD here. Not autistic, but socially impaired enough that I've been wrongfully diagnosed by my therapist as one in the past and people around me have wondered if I am.

My younger brother is legit totally handicapped autist, i.e didn't learn to speak properly and has to live in a facility. Totally dysfunctional.

Never got tested myself, but considering how it's a genetic condition, I'm probably on the spectrum. (also fit the typical Veeky Forums aspie description)

Feels bad man

Only 15 year olds think like that. Even the depressed NEETs in here know that the costs of mental illness outweigh the benefits, as they have lived enough to see that one can be very productive while being neurotypical.

Look up the research by Bernard Crespi and Simon Baron-Cohen.

Maybe he is autistic because he is your younger brother. The older the mother, the higher the probability of mentally handicapped children.

You could be onto something there. My mom got him at the ripe age of 40 as her 4th child.

I'm the oldest and my mom had me when she was in her 20s and I'm the r9k autist - my younger brother and sister are normie scums

There you go

Do you know why this is?

The oldest child tends to be more introverted and reserved.

>what is and outlier
It has been literally proven by research that older women are more likely to give birth to autistic children. It doesn't mean that young women can't have or that once they had one autistic child of all the others will be too.

what if you're both?

Source this claim. I don't know of any psychological difference from order of birth.

familyservices.us.com/pdf/A Review of 200 Birth-Order Studies-Lifestyle Characteristics.pdf
(pg. 412)

No, but if I ever get tested I wouldn't be surprised if I was somewhere on that spectrum.


was goan say that i dont have mental diseases and still got this, so i dont have much faith in online tests

>Do you know why this is?
Not really. I suppose it has to do with older women's bodies not being able to bear a child as properly as younger women's, increasing the chances of developing a disorder.

I thought it was about the age of the eggs. Is that just expired shit at this point? haven't kept up with biology for a decade or so.

if you answered seriously then you probably do have at least one problem you failed to acknowledge

It's like this:
>With first child, parents are more reserved and cautious
>After first child they're more confident as parents and are less protective
>Older children don't get "bullied" by older siblings since they have none, so they don't get acclimated to it
Thus less socially capable but likely more intelligent

There is studies that say that the chances of a son being gay correlate to the number of sons before. This statistic is also only true for right handed males.


>using the phrase "it's common knowledge that..." on a science board
kill yourself you fucking faggot