Are you wasting your life if you sit around all the time reading?

Are you wasting your life if you sit around all the time reading?

Shouldn't you be going on your own adventures, meeting and interacting with real people?

This is why a daily routine matters.


no i cant



You can do both.

i haven't read a book since i was like 10

>meeting and interacting with real people?
Why would you torture yourself like that?

I just need a little while to read every book in the world in order to unravel the secret of the human psyche. After this interacting with real humans should be a child's play.


This triggers/lit/

Real people who don't read and can't structure a thought if it doesn't fit into 140 characters? No thanks.

You should do whatever it is you wish to do

You can meet intelligent people who doesn't read


yes, har har and a mighty bellow

>Shouldn't you be going on your own adventures, meeting and interacting with real people?

Give me money so i can do so. Real life just consists of wagecuckery, so change it so i don't have to work and have a good supply of funds and i'll stop escaping into books.

Why not both? Though not with the people part. People are awful. Adventures and books are an obviously superior choice to "meeting and interacting with real people"

OP, why didst thou live so long by the swamp, that thou thyself hadst to become a frog and a toad?
Floweth there not a tainted, frothy, swamp-blood in thine own veins, when thou hast thus learned to croak and revile?


it's really not either/or. i spent a couple years living out of my car as a vagrant going out and doing shit and still devoted a good chunk of my time to literature and writing.

And what do you have to show for it?

i make a living doing what i love on my own terms and have the expendable income to more or less do what i feel like


What is your living?

Monsieur, I believe the word adventure could be defined: an event out of the ordinary without being necessarily extraordinary. People speak of the magic of adventures. Does this expression seem correct to you?

Fuck off genrefag

>Why would you torture yourself like that?
It's only bad if your friends treat you like a pet monkey

haha le hip and trendy 140 characters meme XD

Nah, fuck this gay earth. I'm too autistic to ever get anything out of human interaction that approaches what I get from literature. I hope we all die in a meteor strike.

>Nah, fuck this gay earth
Sounds lile something a 15 yr old tumblrina would say.
>I'm too autistic
Le self wanky labeling
>I hope we all die in a meteor strike.
Too edgy for me

>Sounds lile something a 15 yr old tumblrina would say.
It's a meme you dip

my poor genetics/ugliness keep me from having a physically and emotionally fulfilling and enjoyable life, so at least i can read a lot and obtain some form of spiritual and intellectual edification.

Yes, of course I read. I read quite a bit I'll say. Its funny, it is. I get judged a lot for it.

Some people will furrow their brows and look at you and they'll make up your mind not to like you if you seem an upright, intelligent man. They'll invent all manner of things up about you to spread as lies and to put you down if they perceive you as being virtuous. People these days, they're just shallow husks; they're envious.
I don't have many friends. Personally, I don't feel the need for the company. I'm actually a nice person and if I interact with you I'll generally be kind if you are. No, its not that I'm some unbearable grump from all my time reading. I choose to be alone rather, for the sake of sanity. The quiet is nice, be it in a room, or outside, or in your own mind.
So generally from here the average peer would come with the usual criticisms: "user, why don't you have a girlfriend? user, why don't you hang out or go out with your friends? user, aren't you missing out?"
To you I say no, and an assured no. Girlfriends are all too often these days tantamount to sex, which is equivalent to pleasure. There is nothing they have to offer that I have not already experienced or could experience again should I choose. Hanging out with friends? Ah, but I do this already! Yes, if you can learn to be your own friend, you'll surely find a reliable ally. Besides, the kind of friendship I'd seek today is not the kind of friendship being peddled with the times. For who would want to be friends with another soul for the mere company, thinking you'd have to check your wallet in the morning after a jolly night of drinking? The simple answer is I'd like to keep my friends as few as possible, to ensure they are as true as possible.
"And what are you doing to stay productive?" You might ask. Well, its not like I sit around and rot in this wretched body of mine! No, every day I work for 8 hours and exercise for 1 hour. I am making money, staying healthy, and keeping my mind sharp. I should hope that would be productive enough!

So there you have it, OP. I hope I've answered your question, in the greatest possible literary detail, as to why I sit around reading.

what's your work?

I am a physicist working on solid state physics for hardware technology.

I was with you right up until the point where you began to publicly convince yourself that you don't want a girl in your life.

Not even one that would be a good fit for you and your attitudes toward life? Not even that one? I don't believe you, user. No one does.

Oh, don't misunderstand me, see:

>Besides, the kind of friendship I'd seek today is not the kind of friendship being peddled with the times. For who would want to be friends with another soul for the mere company, thinking you'd have to check your wallet in the morning after a jolly night of drinking? The simple answer is I'd like to keep my friends as few as possible, to ensure they are as true as possible.

Applies very much to the girlfriend, yes? Outside of the romance, one must have a platonic relationship as well with one's girlfriend?
So presented with an appropriate opportunity I am certainly not averse to the idea.

You're a dickhead.

You can do both, tho. Should, in fact. Nobody is having adventures 24/7. The ability to withdraw and spend time with yourself is also important.

I'm schizoid and poor. Also I'm in uni. Stop trying to negate my hobby.

Is that a funny pasta or did you seriously type doesn't there