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Literature #94
Getting into philosophy
Should I learn Italian or Arabic?
Best e-reader
ITT: Books that had a major influence on you
Chart Thread
Postmodernism ruined evrything
Name a place in the US and I will pick for you a book exemplifying that local culture
Daily Allotted Stirner Thread
French literature thread
What do you think about Voltaire?
Why do you continue to discuss these people, 1 year after I made this image?
Veeky Forums is culturally irrele-
34 read
Had a lonely existence
Alright Veeky Forums, gun to your head, what is your favourite book?
This is what kids are reading nowadays
Do you think that Kafka's father actually was as ruthless and tough as he described...
Did he really want to fuck his mom?
I want to be a huge sellout and write a trilogy of YA books that gets adapted into a low-grade quadrilogy of shitty...
ITT: /summer/core lit. Post, rec, even rate
How exactly and why does Kant assert the possibility of a noumena?
Post some of the greatest works of the 2010's. I haven't read that many desu senpaitachi
I know this board has a hate boner for Foucault, but I'm in the middle of writing a final on him and need some help
Can we have an actual discussion about this book?
Spend 10 minutes writing a highly detailed, highly descriptive scene with a lot of action, a lot of tension...
I need books about feet RIGHT NOW
This guy is based
Author uses an adverb
Commas in a sentence
Stop being generous
This board never seems to discuss anything new
I need an idea for the next hit YA book. Please offer your suggestions because I would write anything...
What do you prefer Veeky Forums:
Which Bible version will make me believe is the most real?
We are living in times of literary brilliance.Literature might be approaching its zenith
Blood Meridian
Why does nobody realize that Tom Buchanon did nothing wrong?
If i write genre fiction will it turn me into a giant?
Yet another infinite jest thread
Last read book
Who is responsible for this?
Share your contrarian literary opinions
How much money can you make self-publishing 2 novels a year?
Finnegans Wake
Harold Bloom on Tolkien
Can literature even be scary? Can it convey fear through text and make someone actually afraid...
I'm looking for talented writers - preferably very talented
I want to learn about critical theory? What books should I read?
So, she's translated Flaubert and Proust...
Has the Stirner meme died?
Best Robert Crumb comics?
Why are white male brains less complex, more like animals, compared to women's and black men's bulging brains?
So there is no doubt that Paris in the early-mid 20th century was the artistic capital of the world
Why do you guys love this? Should I read it?
Critique Thread
His most popular book has 181 ratings...
Anyone get into reading skip the Greeks and go straight into postmodernism? The past 2 years I've just read Gaddis...
Can anyone tell me about Jeff Vandermeer's work?
Thoughts? Why do the French have such a hardon for him?
Who hardcover here ?
"The immense wealth of ancient Chinese literature is mostly a sphere apart from Western literary tradition and is...
Tfw you realize that this board has nothing of any intellectual value
Help naming a faction
My very first book purchase
Suggestion thread
I miss the old Veeky Forums, straight from the /book/ Veeky Forums
Is it as good as LoTR?
Tfw relapsed again and spent the last few days playing video games instead of reading a single page
What are your thought on "purple prose"?
Was he full of shit?
If I buy this book will people look at me like I'm crazy and judge me?
Let's play a game. Type the acronym for a book title, and others guess it. I'll go first
Best book that explains marxism?
He only speaks two languages
Who /comfy paper/ here
Russian literature
Most Veeky Forums album ever?
Peterson ~ Chomsky
Why was sub-saharan africa incapable of creating any literature or poetry of great value?
The only true way to benefit from philosophy is to start with the French. The greeks were wrong about everything...
Post your favorite line form a novel
Found this left in a bathroom and took it for myself. Is it worth reading or should I return it?
Is this poem the final black pill?
What are some great writers that you barely see mentioned here...
How is France able to consistently shit out the worst philosophers?
Is Aldous Huxley considered a good writer?
Post some great aphorisms and wisdom that you've come across
What's that feeling called that you sometimes slip into where you can look at something like a chair...
Why do you hate him?
How do I stop being a bad reader? I seem incapable of going any deeper than the surface of any story
Gravity's rainbow
Christians of Veeky Forums please help me out
Is Jordan Peterson a Perennialist?
Overrated authors thread?
So I am basically planning on reading Dickens as a whole. So far I've read:
I think this is my favorite Japanese novel. What's yours?
Prove you aren't living in a simulated reality
Which pills reverse the analytic pill? Ive taken it and I'm not sure I can go back. It's weird down here lit, help
Libertarian Literature Thread
Tfw have good ideas and my writing is alright, but it's too bland and boring
Hey Veeky Forums. I am in serious trouble right now, I used to be able to read many books, hundreds of pages per day...
Why aren't you working on your philosophical treatise right now?
Tfw edith was raped by her father
My grandma thinks Jesus spoke Latin. How do I convince her he spoke Hebrew...
Hemingway vs. Faulkner
According to a New York Times Magazine profile by the novelist Madison Smartt Bell...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Has anyone here actually tried to 'sort themselves out' with this program? did it work?
What is Veeky Forums opinion on audio books
So was he correct?
I am confused. What makes this "poetry?"
Write a 20 word story about a flower
What's his political angle?
Should I read the whole Holy Bible?
Recommend books to stop with the alcoholism
Holy shit why did it take me so long to read this? More like this? I haven't read much magical realism
What do you think is the average Veeky Forums user age?
I'm trying to write a book that will appeal to the largest US demographic possible
What does Veeky Forums think of Albert Camus?
Alright Veeky Forums brainlet here...
Best character in the entire IP finally gets brought into the Disney corporate-fanfic timeline
Why do weaboos like him? Many people on /v/ claim him as best writer in the world
“When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money”
Rich white people do nothing entire book
Who's the best female author of all time?
Spoilers thread
3600 pages
Tell me about the importance of dialogue in a story
Start with the Gr
Is there a better feeling in the world than cracking the spine of a new book?
I'm a black girl, but I want to be the next john green. Is my gender and race going to help me at all?
Hi Veeky Forums, anyone here in Melbourne? Kinda bored and on my own lately...
Wanna see each shelf?
Is he the great observationist of our time?
The return of /ourgirl/ Katie
Anyone know about any books on the worlds governments being matriarchal? Also...
"am I ME? or am I the amalgamation of others? Is there any true self...
Recent buys thread. Post stacks
Mfw all those years of being a fucking pretentious fuckwad have finally clicked on me
Finally found a use for DFW's Infinite Jest. It makes a pretty damn good mouse pad
Give me the most obscure thing youve ever read. i dont even care if you liked it or not...
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Is stephen king really that great?
How come Catholics are the greatest writers?
Is ambition the most parasitic normie meme of all time?
Huh? What happened here?
Childhood is Kant
Leftists seem so eager to call anything even centrist these days "Fascist"...
What do I need to read to read this?
What's the darkest, most disturbing book you've ever read?
I've just read an incredible article where "The Handmaid's Tale", a sub-par piece of science-fi trash...
Why do you write?
Existentialism is stupid
All mathematical propositions are synthetic a priori
Magazine thread
The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
Is having a kindle worth it?
Open the stream
1) Why aren't you writing right now?
Are there any good and effective books on developing wit and humor...
Language flowcharts
Check off the ones you have read. If you haven't read at least 1 you don't belong on Veeky Forums
Be told Hemingway sucks and is overacted for my whole university
I am full of ideas and full stories but i can't write a single page. What's wrong with me?
Would you live in a Hobbit House IRL?
Times Veeky Forums helped us in real life
What book had the most influence on the way you see the world?
Poetry thread
I give up on common people Veeky Forums
Veeky Forumserary confessions. Confess and repent, anons
Have you watched John Green's newest video
Iron Pill Reading
sitting in the university cafe, coffee, laptop, books like the bible, meditations, confessions, etc open...
Veeky Forums 2017 top 100 poll! Donny D edition
What stage are you on, Veeky Forums?
Not a fedoralord
What did he have against Jazz?
Is it wise to make a friend (female) read Schopenhauer's On Women?
Read a physics textbook for a few hours
I want to write a bestselling YA book. please give me some topics or a good plot in general to write about...
ITT: write four words that you think an author is well-known for using, and others try to guess that author
What does Veeky Forums think of this and ellis' other works?
Writers, what is your day job?
Where to start?
Murakami - Men Without Women
I miss old Veeky Forums
ITT: Racist books
Why can't you nurture their interest in the arts instead of destroy them for it...
What is the most important literary work of Western Civilization?
Might be the tism...
Suppose an ant traces a line in the sand which just happens to look exactly like a caricature of Winston Churchill...
Why is the face of modern philosophy so punchable?
Does the fascist intellectual tradition have anything to offer modern political thought?
Plato literally advocated eugenics, some form of proto-fascism and believed women should serve men
Who are some Veeky Forums-approved lyricists?
Spend an hour writing one sentence
Post modernism hate thread
Knowledge is a justified true belief
Future of the world
Be david foster wallace
How does Veeky Forums feel about reading in public?
Write what's on you mind
Tfw the only way to live authentically is to imitate Christ via the Roman Catholic priesthood
Meta thread
Why can't philosophers speak in plain language?
Write something that sounds profound on the surface but falls apart under scrutiny
The gulag archipelago
Bottoms Dream
Someone was so buttmad they got the old thread removed, so meet the new thread
Divine Comedy
Milo Is apparently starting a new publishing company to spite Simon & Schuster
Pepes Wake
A group of scientists announced earlier today they've been able to eliminate HIV in mice...
THIS is the face of the """"man"""" you fucks actually believe can save Western civilization
Why is the second chapter of this book perfect? I've never felt so attached to a book in my life before...
New critique thread. Old one is in its stage of death
Booktuber General
Is there anything more pathetic than avid readers who don't write?
Can we talk about this book?
Is this book only for meatheads filled with steroids with small dicks who listen to the Joe Rogan podcast?
This guy's clearly smart. He has tons of really interesting ideas, and I really appreciate his blend of Hobbes...
Post writers who were murdered/assassinated/executed
What are the best books on understanding Art (in the general sense, not just paintings)
Is it true, Veeky Forums?
3x3 thread
His favorite book is 1984
The thread where we try to find somewhere other than Veeky Forums to discuss literature
How come you're not celebrating the birth of Pynchon by reading one of his great books? He's 80 years old today, guys
Take three shots of finlandia
Happy birthday p-kun~
Just picked this up Veeky Forums, What am i in for?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Whats the real enemy of culture?
my favorite fishy in the sea if I had to pick
Do you believe in love Veeky Forums? Is it something only Stacy's and Chad's can experience?
If Life is suffering why do normies seem so happy?
God doesn't exist
What book has made you cry or has given you very strong emotions?
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Who will play him in the biographical drama?
ITT: Books you want to read but can't because they don't exist
I have to write a paper arguing against gender-fluidity / multiple-genders
I've been reading Lovecraft recently, going through all his works, and have noticed a trend in his writing...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General:
What's the evangelion of literature ?
Why is Lovecraft so popular in the mainstream Geek culture?
This is so hype that it hurts
Passive Voice
Which of WIlliam Shatner's many books should i read...
Will postmodernism ever end?
A minority of poets has like 3 or 5 good poems at most. The vast majority has none. Some, maybe a dozen...
Best translation of Crime and Punishment?
What was his fucking problem?
Where do i start with books (after high school core)
My favourite book ever is Blood Meridian
What's his name again?
Who is the Ayn Rand of the left?
Read nietzsche
Shelf Thread
Does anybody have experiences with psychedelics and reaading? Please sure!
What are your thoughts on the nofap movement?
Reactionary post, in regards the recent French Election results
Reading Plato, Aristotle, and Homer, knowing calculus...
Learn a language with no literature
Learning French to read French literature
Remember that time when a neoreactionary came to Veeky Forums and none of you marxist faggots had any valid criticism...
Hey Veeky Forums
Is it even worth it reading the edition on the right? I'm aware it's a full mess...
Friend is just now starting to have the type of basic "profound" thoughts I had at 14 at the age of 19
Get creative Veeky Forums
This is what the New York Times calls "the perfect novel"...
Okay Veeky Forums, I've done it
What should I expect?
Tfw dumb parents
What does /lit think of the new G2 "fashion collection"?
Books in favour of democracy
Is there a worse publisher?
Adding a map to a fantasy book is good idea?
Fedora philosophy books
Point out the problems you have with a book
*puts in the fantasy section*
Why aren't you reading Indian literature?
How Veeky Forums is your wishlist?
I'm really considering a bohemian-loser lifestyle as the way to go. Like...
What does Veeky Forums think of the SCP Foundation wiki? Mind you...
Why aren't YOU studying for finals right now?
Was he right?
Just pointless
Hey nerds, Veeky Forums here
How to think?
Post writers who should have been executed
Is there anything worth reading that came out of this god-forsaken shithole of a country...
Who is the cutest author?
"I'm gonna fail uni" drinking thread
Any good suicide-positive books...
ITT: Veeky Forums feels
On Humor: What's funny?
Does anyone kow any scholarly articles/academic sources on the question of "can music be considered literature?"
Are words material things?
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
So why do I need to start with the Greeks?
Currently reading/recent purchases/stack thread
What's the most terrifying thing you're read?
Why do people still study philosophy?
Are you wise, Veeky Forums?
What political ideology do you identify with, and why?
Why do people (including Pynchon) say this is a bad book, Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums videos
Where to start with Pynchon
There is a conception that romantic love is some beautiful, selfish and virtuous thing...
How do I write high-concept stuff?
Masterpiece or pretentious garbage?
What are some reasonable books on feminism?
Anons over 25, how do you deal with the fact that most well-known writers were published by your age?
We really need to sit down and come up with a definitive list of what is and what isn't a spoon
ITT: Authors that are only known today because of their deaths
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General:
Literature for deradicalization?
Which video games are the most Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums humor
Have video games
Even if you write something really good, what are your chances of being published?
Kafka On the Shore
*blocks your antithesis*
Histoire de l'œil
Travel criticism
Spanish Veeky Forums
Is this true Veeky Forums?
When I was eighteen, I got a summer job as a playground attendant—a parkie...
For another thing, the very language in which today's socialist, feminist, minority, gay...
Counterculture Commodification
On education
Is this the definite endpoint of philosophy?
Goodreads cringe
Who's the greatest American poet of the 20th century?
General recommendation
Where do I start with legal and political philosophy?
Reddit: The Book
Who's the greatest 20th century American Writer?
Mum comes into my room and starts perusing my bookshelves
What do you guys think of Dostoevsky's overall theme in his books that religion is useful to society as a means of...
When did you realize that Nietzsche's philosophy is just an expression of his own self-deluding megalomania and...
Hey Veeky Forums
So, Socrates was told by an Oracle he was the wisest of all men
Which book provided the most fun and enjoyable read for you?
Is film superior to literature?
The stranger
Tfw reading totally destroyed your affinity for movies, tv shows...
Dis gun b good
Hey /lit, i have a question:
My 8th grade student keeps saying she wants to read pic related. I brush it off with "Nah, it's pretty difficult...
Author of over 100 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media
Thoughts on Christ?
I'm a Black male in college, I read this took and I agree with Murray and Herrnstein
Is it possible to learn greek, latin, french and german at the age of 18?
What are you currently reading Veeky Forums?
What language are you learning user? How's it coming along?
Which one should I get Veeky Forums?
Deskilling is a fucking disease. In cultural production today (Art, Design, Music etc...
How do I keep my brain intellectually healthy Veeky Forums?
Brainlet Dynamics
What does Veeky Forums think about commercialized "nerd culture", that is being pushed on by the media a lot...
I think therefore I am
Are Kindles worth it? If so, which one?
Blaming Marx for the barbarism of the USSR is like blaming Nietzsche for the holocaust and other moral transgressions...
I'm disappointed
How does someone describe eyes like this? please help
In 19th century England, the poet Lord Byron used a skull his gardener had found at Newstead Abbey as a drinking vessel...
Ok Veeky Forums my future is in your hands
ITT: What I Read/What I Expected/What I Got
Two sentence book summaries
What book would someone read to be instant boyfriend material to you? Ulysses or 120 days of sodom
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins!
Fuck you, Alan Moore
Has anyone read it? Is it worth 50 dollars? I love watching Peterson's lectures...
Why do people hold the enlightenment and French Revolution in such high regard?
Stories about Knights pls
How does one man fuck up history and poison generations of young minds with a single book?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
How would you strike up a conversation with a qt3.14 librarian?
Les Fleurs du mal
Find a better book title than "The Anatomy of Glory"
Are there any good Orthodox writers that aren't russian?
ITT: Books that you enjoyed, but didn't really 'get it'. You still understood what you were reading...
Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
Mein kampf
Got a BA in English
Age: location, current book, and how long you have been on Veeky Forums
Do you guys think you are the most intelligent board? One of the most intelligent boards?
Yfw you realize the most beautiful art is only borne from the greatest of struggles and you've never faced real...
What fonts make your dick hard when you open a book?
How does one acquire a literary gf?
What is your preferred word processor?
Without God there is no free will
Which translation is superior? Scott Moncrieff? Kilmartin? Lydia Davis's "Swann's Way"?
Am I the only one that thinks that science destroyed all the magic and imagination the old days had...
Essential Buddhist Lit
ITT: I unequivocally BTFO all sad posters
Does Gravity's Rainbow condemn homosexual, fetishistic, and generally non-procreative sex?
What is your favorite place to go to write?
Potatoe niggers
What are some books, or even articles...
Stop making threads and go read a book
I plan on going into literature and philosophy for a degree, and I have not read...
Wait, this is ALSO about Trump's America? Is there any dystopia that isn't about Trump?
Sola Scriptura
Do you fuckers have a favorite book written by a comedian? Pic related is mine. Well actually...
Can someone give me a quick rundown of what this lad actually believes and wants?
Why people become manchildren? Why do they play video games, watch anime, cosplay?
Lifelong reader
Rescue your father from the belly of the whale
What are some good French novels that you would want every foreigner to read
Meta thread: 1 per board according to Hiro
Can I get some recs for books about S&M or more specifically why and how girls enjoy being degraded etc?
So did the 00000 land on a theater in 70s LA or on the theater from part 1?
Last read book
He doesn't read African Veeky Forums?
Decent post-2000 Mexican literature
Are there any examples of YA novels that take place in a fantasy or sci fi setting that are remotely realistic?
Why is it we Start with the Greeks? I feel for those of us in the Anglosphere...
Name good German authors who fly under the international radar
What is
I've never seen a good chart for sacred texts aside from Christian stuff. So I've made one myself...
Patrician parenting
Are you faithful to your own country's literary tradition or do you mainly slut it up with sexy foreign lit?
Veeky Forums feels
What's essential asexual literature?
Please suggest some good books on marketing, running a company and developing it...
Who else here /completelyalone/...
I was thinking the other day that babies don't die a lot in fiction, or at least it's never described
Poetry critique thread
What is the systematic process for getting one's shit together? How do I do it...
How the fuck am I supposed to understand this obscurantist prick? I can't fucking parse anything he's saying together
What are some good entry level philosophical books?
Main character is author's self-insert
Well, Veeky Forums? What's your favorite book?
The cover of the book is an image of the cinematographic adaptation
Was he the most respectable, least fedora-ish of the New Atheists...
Is R.Kellys "Trapped in the closet" an epic saga?
Where to submit weird/horror/fantasy short stories?
I feel i'm forced into it. It's all over footnotes for Divine Comedy, and often in Shakespeare...
Can anyone recommend a good book on asbergers syndrome?
Finished pic related, got memed, now what?
ITT: literary charlatans
Shit you wrote as a kid
Thoughts on her?
Is there any point in reading? inevitably you're not smart enough to understand what you're reading...
What is the Catholic equivalent to the Philokalia?
What are the best books set in Spain?
What's the literary equivalent of this?
What are things an artist should know? How does one create worthwhile art? I'm not talking about mere craftsmanship
What did he mean by this?
How to describe an ideal female character? Serious question
Do you finish every book no matter how boring...
Walk in
Catholic Veeky Forums general
Is Nick Land a fascist? Why or why not?
One of these threads
Simply talking books on a popular tv talk show
Can I just skip the Pre-Socratics?
Gandhi was more violent than hitler
ITT: Writers that are literally you
What do you consider well read? If, having never read a single novel in my whole life...
Watcha reading user?
What is the best non-fiction book?
What would've happened if Abraham had been successful in sacrificing Isaac?
Ok, It is starting to become clear we gotta change our names to women or minorities...
Has there ever been an author as slow and pathetic as this guy?
Do any of you pirate books?
Some good books to read in deutsche while learning it?
He's only read one of the meme trilogies
What are some books about male virgins?
If humanity should only keep 10 books, what should they be?
How did Gondor manage to pay for the city repairs after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?
Want to know why there hasn't been a 'landmark' work of fiction in ~20 years?
Is there a point in reading Spinoza today or is he just a historical curiosity like how Alchemy used to be a legitimate...
What should I expect of this?
Did he 'Figure everything out'?
Can someone please give me a few ideas for a pen name...
Is the English language a good language for written works...
Read Solzhenitsyn
Recent purchases
I want to leave degeneracy behind, what book will help me...
How many pages do you read everyday?
How do I get into psychoanalytic literature?
Read Beyond Good and Evil
How many languages do you know? No horseshit
Is it good?
Surely there must be something else like the 120 days of sodom...
How's your reading challenge going?
Write something profound
Is this any good? I don't want to get meme'd on
What is your extremely short, 100 % comprehensive, and always correct life philosophy...
Why is myth and ritual so important for humans? what is behind religious desires?
How do you understand or reciprocate the love for a God that will throw you into hell...
Write what's on your mind
How the fuck am I supposed to read the entire canon of western philosophy within my lifetime?
Are her lyrics Veeky Forums?
I've encountered two Hindu monks at my university that belong to a particular sect of Hinduism...
Best music theory books? Let's make a chart. We are better than /mu/ at their own game
What video games are Veeky Forums-approved?
Marxists actually think we do not have enough technology and thats why the inevitable communist global revolution...
Would the world be a better place without him?
What books will you give your son to read? (assume for a second you will have one)
Have you ever realized how close to Shakespeare in productivity, variety and human understanding Osamu Tezuka is?
The Bible and Religion
Gonna join my town's public library for the first time tomorrow in my 22 years of existence...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Haiku Thread
Greentext the plot of your next novel, it's not like it's going anywhere
In her essays, she critiques humanism as the source of giving primacy to humanity in love rather than persons...
Antiquarian Books
What books would you recommend to a broken hearted 19 year old who loves tragic stories?
Open Word doc
The greatest work of science fiction ever. Try to prove me wrong
J.K. Rowling apologizes for killing Snape
I have to write three essays tomorrow. what drug should i be on while writing?
So he actually said this
How do you avoid being called a pseud?
Just marathoned the Prologue. What did he mean by this?
Who do you think is the greatest right wing author?
Is it a new trend to have terrible news article titles? The title itself screams clickbait
How come Veeky Forums is so ideologically submissive? Are you guys reading the wrong books or something?
Posting this to make the leftist jannies go apeshit
The bitch is back. Now she's just spitting on our faces
Open paint
Really makes you think
Show me your handwriting Veeky Forums
Short story I wrote: The Necks Are The Worst
I've never read any theatre beyond Shakespeare in school. What theatre should I be reading...
What are some examples of overrated literature?
Can we have a thread to swoon over Tolstoy?
Can the human mind ever be replicated digitally?
The longest work of fiction I have ever read is a My Little Pony fan fiction
Which book is his best work and why is it Mother Night?
What does Veeky Forums think of Infinite Jest?
Should I quit my 9-to-5 and dedicate my life to writing? I'm scared to pursue my dreams
ITT - Pleb Filters
What's good to write about in 2017?
So, I've always been fascinated in con artists and the like...
What do you cool kids think about the horseshoe theory?
So if I've read the 20th century meme trilogy and the 19th century meme trilogy, what is the 18th century meme trilogy?
Why does Veeky Forums hate this guy again...
I'm Socrates, but my skin more chocolaty
The final boss of philosophy
Edgiest sentence you can muster
Limerick Thread
This kills the /pol/edditor
At what age did you become a serious reader?
Post your favourite author and others will recommend music based on your choice
Grad school thread
What happened to the My Twisted World thread? Was it nuked or just hit limit?
Why is it that STEM attracts more intelligent people than the humanities? Is there any literature regarding this?
What is your favorite verse?
Isn't thesis-antithesis-synthesis basically an argument for centrism...
Veeky Forums 2017 top 100 poll!
I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop...
How to read the bible
Are there any good books with non-human protagonists?
So who'll be te next meme for the edgelords of Veeky Forums? i want to get in early this time around
Can we have a thread in which anons who are very familiar with poetry and have much to impart, do so...
How important are female characters
Post your top 10 books and other anons suggest what to read next
If authors 'covered' novels, the way musicians cover songs, which covered novel would you be most excited to read?
Why does Veeky Forums never discuss one of the greatest modern philosophers?
French philosophy is shit
Any good books where the character is gay but it is never explicitly stated in the book...
I use Word to write, am I a pleb?
Why is Sam Harris considered a meme on Veeky Forums?
Are there any books where the main character is similar to Karl Pilkington? If not, there should be
Post art get book recommendation thread
Contemporary Fantasy and Science Fiction is garbage. Its become a shitty vehicle to push social justice propaganda...
Real Literature = Sci-Fi
Absurdist/nihilist literature. As a complete layman in terms of philosophy...
Just marathoned the first couple chapters when does it get good
Did you like My Twisted World?
"Now it is clear, God cares only for what is his, busies himself only with himself, thinks only of himself...
Why even read when you are a NEET/work a dead end job?
Was Raskolnikov mentally ill?
Laugh at reddit thread
So Veeky Forums, what have you learned from all you've read?
If authors 'covered' novels, the way musicians cover songs, which covered novel would you be most excited to read?
Nihilism/Existentialism, Fear of Death, Beginner Reader
Where to read tao lin's works free?
Say something though provoking in one sentence
If good and evil are relative, then what is the contributing evil when someone is charitable?
Does anyone else refuse to read anything other than collectible editions of books unless there's nothing else available...
I started reading blood meridian but stopped like 80 pages in and i don't feel like picking it up again...
In three hundred years, Batman will be appreciated by scholars as the 20th century's answer to Odysseus...
If your name is called you read the book. Have fun Justin
Who is the smartest person?
You can't call yourself redpilled if you haven't read 3 (three) of these books
Post Veeky Forums pics
Was he right?
Where does one start with existentialism?
Can anyone recommend some novels that deal with deterioration of mental state, social isolation, loneliness, paranoia...
He has more unread books than read in his bookshelf
Why is this clown taken seriously by so many people, particularly in America?
Is William Faulkner the greatest American author ever?
China Miéville
Most badass book artwork
Logic or aesthetics - which one is more fundamental to human nature? Which one is the extension of another?
Tfw finals are over in a week and I can focus on reading all summer longer
What do I have to read before this
If 'Aeiou' was a word, how would you pronounce it?
Books on the Arthurian legend
Why are you still a capitalist, Veeky Forums?
Are there any good books desling with the topic of confidence? not self help books, more the concept of it
Is he the final boss?
Be linguistics student
So when the americans committed another war crime by bombing North Korean dams in the 50s...
Being new to lit and having read C&P, Master & Margarita, Pynchon and some Murakami, I'm dissappointed...
Recommended Reading for Increasing Vocabulary and Speech
Erotica thread
Spending $50k on a degree which you could have taught yourself thanks to all the freely available resources the...
Is there a forum out there somewhere like Veeky Forums but without the /pol/ influence...
How is a Nietzschean supposed to be a writer?
I fucking love this book
Had had
What am I in for?
Anyone watching/reading handmaid's tale?
Pitch me your ideas for a young adult novel
Least Veeky Forums country
The author uses Oxford commas
4th year English major, on campus, making my way to class
My brothers books
Romantic Lines for Literature
Old testament vs New testament
Do you sincerely believe that culture isn't dead?
Was Rosie the Shire's tavern slut? Samwise got cucked?
Heidegger would not have had a good time on marijuana
Where does Veeky Forums get their news, politics, and book reviews?
Why should I ever bother with primary philosophical texts if reading interpretations and analysis papers grants greater...
Any advice on annotating Veeky Forums?
Where do I start with Aristotle?
So, Hegel greatly influenced Marx in addition to influencing a number of Nazis...
GR's Ending
Just finished reading this
I am high as fuck on dissociative right now feschlorokteamine...
"The female, he contended, “is, so to speak, a deformed male” (Generation of Animals 737a). At times...
Veeky Forums cringe thread
We need to talk about Veeky Forums's recommended reading list
Hi Veeky Forums, what do you think about the 'Booktuber' trend?
I like to listen to music while I read. Should I drop this habit?
Try to name a better bookshop
Why do people insist on changing the definition of existing words instead of just creating new ones?
Dostoyevsky and Tolstoi never met each other
Why doesn't English have pronouns for more types of people Veeky Forums? French has il, elle, ons, nous, vous, ils...
Alright, Veeky Forums, list your age and your top ten authors and call each other fags or pseuds or alright men
So what's your favorite Stephen King book?
What did he mean by this?
Something wicked this way comes
Yukio Mishima
I want to understand how society works
Got these today
What do you do after waking from an amazing dream Veeky Forums ?
Goodreads thread
Just got the book series, arriving in mail soon. What am I getting myself into with this book series
Found this in a thrift shop. I've seen a lot of talk about it recently, and I've read Portrait of the Artist
"Women are directly adapted to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood...
*blocks your path*
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
I haven't seen a roll thread in a long time. I think it's time to bring them back
Thread For People Who Have Actually Read INFINITE JEST
Hey Veeky Forums, STEMtard here...
English is inferior to all the other European languages
How do I overcome nihilism?
Answer me two questions:
How often do you read classics compared to contemporary?
Quite dense, but if you put in the energy you'll be on the edge of your seat
What I Expected thread
So, Veeky Forums, when are you going to start writing rap? It's the ultimate form of literature
How to read fast?
1. Favorite Author
My favorite author is hesse, am I pleb?
"More on pop music. It's amazing that this shit is held up as progressive...
If you don't think he deserved the Nobel, name a better 20th century poem than his best stuff
Do you take notes when you read?
What is essential Arab literature?
What is the actual meaning behind the name Moby Dick?
Tfw unable to read more than 60-80 pages a day
What are you currently writing, user?
What are the most superficial books that Veeky Forums ever read?
Time for some storytelling
Tell me a secret about the phenomenon of chance, phenomenon of coincidence
How come the bulk of quality literature and philosophy was made by white males?
Since Western society is lost to nihilism and degeneracy I feel like to only thing that can save us is convert to Islam
He wasnt even a very good Gatsby, never mind The Great Gatsby
Does anyone's world-building compare to his?
To whoever bought my erotica on Amazon, thank you
In your best prose, describe a girl undressing
Contemporary Terror
How to Read a Book
What the fuck is this bullshit? Is this actually what continental philosophy is like...
Finals next week
Why do people try to pronounce the name of foreign authors using not English, but Spanish, Portuguese...
YOU read tonnes of books in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls...
Is Hegel a pseud...
What the FUCK was his problem???
You lied to me. You told me Lattimore's translations of Homer were the best. His Odyssey is clunky unpoetic shit...
Why do so many Anti-Stratfordians come from ex-colonies like America, Canada, and Australia...
Veeky Forums, what's your opinion of the Bible...
Yo Veeky Forums, you're the creatives around here
Diogenes | Get the fuck out of my sunlight
Can any other philosopher hold up to this guy?
Who are some writers who are consistently good or great?
What are some solid books against democracy?
ITT: Post an extract of your writing/others say if it'd be worth reading more
Why do college age millenials write social media posts like replying to a corporate chain mail?
Bookshelf thread
The funniest classic novel?
Who is the greatest character he ever wrote and why is it Iago?
What are some god-tier history books?
Redpill me on Saul Kripke
ITT: Contemporary social commentaries
ITT books that deserve to be burned and WHY
Alright, fuckers, name one thing philosophy has taught you and explain why it matters
All i want in life is a woman to lie in bed with and:
Did nietzsche ever give his opinions on black people?
Where does Veeky Forums like to read and write?
I go to an """elite""" college and this Bio person I know shared this shit on Facebook. Fuck these people...
Itt: post a woman's review of a book you like and other anons guess what it is
Does Veeky Forums seem to generally despise deconstructivism because it under-girds intersectionality...
Help coming up with original argument for or existence of god
Books and essays available only online
To paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis...
*blows marxism, socialism and communism the fuck out forever*
What the fuck?
Why isn't this mandatory in history class?
LETTERS: A Novel, by John Barth (AKA The most difficult book ever written)
ITT: Confessions
I started reading Hitler. His writing is pretty bad, but I get what he's saying. I like how he speaks in 2nd person...
Review a non-existing book
Does Veeky Forums enjoy John Steinbeck or is he too basic for all of the patricians here?
So... Love is touching little boys?
What was the author trying to convey with this book?
Why did it never explain how he turned into a bug? Does it just not matter?
Okay, I will start with the Greeks. Can someone post a flowchart or something?
What are some good books about Tarot? I need to do some research for my novel
So I just finished reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Could someone explain the hype?
What are you plebs reading?
How do you study culture without getting mired in cultural marxism...
What are you reading currently, why and how do you like it?
One of the most important authors of our time
Pros and Cons of being an English major?
Is it about time we retired the "start with le greeks" meme?
Uncle Veeky Forums, what is the opposite of art?
I'm ready to embrace him, Veeky Forums, I just need another little push to get over the edge
Anyone looking forward to William Gibson's new book?
When your lit club is populated by girls:
Let's have one of these, memes allowed
For die hard lord of the rings fans
What comes after nietzsche?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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