Fuck you, Alan Moore

Fuck you, Alan Moore

Other urls found in this thread:

merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mumbo jumbo

>It's another 'I'm going to to rewrite the Wake!" attempt
>We didn't learn our lesson with Schmidt

>Vernall's Inquest never happened
>Michael never had to kill anyone

Is this Jerusalem? Fuck dude i was just about to start that book too. Is there a guide for this shit online or something?

> joycy cunto


Separate the words then etimologize.

I am a retard. Can you explain it to me like im a retard.

Read it aloud, you mong. It is spoken in a heavy dialect.

this is called...(3)
merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mumbo jumbo

Why has Alan Moore written so many borderline-obscurantist books? And has he mastered his craft to an extent where this experiments are meaningful?

What this guy said If you figure something this simple out you shouldn't be on lit

>hasn't read it and yet feels the need to comment on its quality
Emvagine meye supreyes

I haven't commented on its quality, I've only said that they're very hard to read and then I've asked if a) it was worth it and b) if he actually knows what he's doing and if he deserves so much trust (in the same way I could find reasonable trusting Joyce even in his most difficult works).

Can you answer to these questions?

>Longunlay, Looseyher reurges dinebetwine herlix t' treicold effor pullgrooom's Burnyin' stiaff in'stierit entowhire man'shole, pettin' un intiher Vagiant Dis'pear.

[Longingly/long lay] [Lucia/looser/lose her] [reaches/re-urges] [down between] [her lips/her licks] [to] [trifold effort/take hold of her] [pilgrim's/pull-groom's] [Bunyan/Burning] [stiff/staff] [steering it/inserting it] [into where/into her] [man's hole/Mansoul] [petting it/putting it into her] [Vagiant (third person plural present active subjunctive of Latin "vagio," "I wail")/Vagina] [Diseappear/Despair]

Oh look he's trying to do Finnegans Wake, how original

So it's

>Benis in bagina :-DDDDD

B)Yes I trust and it's a great book,Joyce is better and Moore would say the same.Trust? It's not a hard book to read senpai

It's very windy today I'm surprised you're still seated on that high horse

how long is this passage? is it only a few pages?

Just checked my copy, forty-nine pages exactly

alright. this shit is staying on my backlog for a LONG time then

"herlix" is also probably an allusion to "helix" and "dinebetwine" also contains "dine between" as a foreshadowing of cunnilingus as well as "twine" in reference to her tangle of pubic hair

git gud

top 100 /lit book

his swamp thing comic is more literary

>joycy cunto

It's written from the perspective of Lucia Joyce


Doesn't sound like reaches at all. What accent is this supposed to be?

Utter bullshit for plebs - and the etymology of vagina is wrong....Alan Moore is desperately insane if he thinks these schizo scribblings are 'art'. And his fans have apparently shared the kool-aid....
Desperate losers trying desperately to appear deep. Insecurity run amok.


It's a pun



>I-it's a p-pun, you d-dumb goi!
Oh, son! We all got the 'pun', laddie - sadly, you don't seem to understand the pun of the real word 'vagina'. But do keep reading your ever-so-speshul book-of-wit-that-plebs-don't-get: it makes you better than those filthy other people who don't care to understand your bullshit.

I didn't get the pun, actually, but I agree with you.

People who read this are posers. Every single one of them. Can't be bothered to read that kind of diatribe and try-hard magnum opus.

>hasn't read it and yet judges it based off a screenshot of a page out of context
And you're calling other people a pleb you turbo autist

If OP's pic is a legit page from a book, then the book is garbage. And I've gone thru fucking Finnegan's Wake, motherfucker, so don't even start, son.
Sorry we upset your feefees with clear judgement, but that's what you get when you talk shit with grownups....go back to your safespace now, and circlejerk with your pleb friends over your pleb book. Ass.

what the fuck is the point of reading this

>Sorry we upset your feefees with clear judgement, but that's what you get when you talk shit with grownups....go back to your safespace now, and circlejerk with your pleb friends over your pleb book. Ass.

Seems your the one with hurt "feefees" you turbo autist

To learn about Northampton's history through Moore's anarcho-marxist lense

Yeah, it's like an even worse version of The Sound and the Furry. Isn't it a basic writing tip to not lose your reader with overly obscure accent or dialect? What's Moore's intent in this? What's the reader supposed to take away from deciphering that?

Actually there might be the danger if I read that, some words would sneak into my vocabulary. Especially "imple ditties." Like it activates the word salad part of my brain.

>nothing in his oeuvre but childrens cartoons and manchildren garbage
>larps as a serious postmodern novelist

You cant blame people for being pissed off about this manbaby.

>the only graphic novel to appear on Time's 100 all-time greatest novels list
>the only graphic novel to win a Hugo Award
>dismissed by a virgin neckbeard as "manchild garbage"

How can someone be so mad? so bitter? The page is a small part of the book. you're judging it because of that? fucking faggot, finish it. End it. Your life must be terrible. pls KYS

Only pseuds write off his graphic novels as childish. lol you're so desperate to seem like an intellectual. just leave.

The Watchmen is not a serious work of art. IT is a comic book, do you think any serious academic will go and read a cartoon? Yeah, writing word bubbles is so hard

Jerusalem was actually very good, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

It's very dirty down there I'm surprised you haven't at least attempted to rise out of the shit.

>elevation memes

Fucking rekt

>he wrote a comic book that deconstructs the comic book genre
lmfao and then the gall to call someone else a pseud. just wow

>Only pseuds write off his graphic novels as childish

"So how about Peter Pan and shit BUT THEY'RE DOING IT!"
