If I buy this book will people look at me like I'm crazy and judge me?

If I buy this book will people look at me like I'm crazy and judge me?
It's a history book, that's all. It's like I'm buying Mein Kampf or something.

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??no. and its not really a history book

Depends on what you look like IRL. If you look and dress like an edgy teenager, you might as well be buying Mein Kampf. If you look and dress like a mature adult, people will understand you're just into history.

Besides, Richard Evan's trilogy on The Third Reich is better.

>1614 pages
>reading in public

Nobody cares about what you're reading. If anything they'll be surprised that people read at all.

>it's a history book


>go to buy this book at Barnes and Noble
>Qt at the checkout sees what it is
>"Excuse me why are you reading this?"
>I explain that I'm interested in the Nazis from a historical perspective
>"Why the do you want to learn about racists?"
>She calls over her black coworker
>He looks at the book, the at me and says "man get out" after a long pause
>Leave without buying the book

Then what is it?

>its not really a history book
that's exactly what it is you dumb fuck

I'm just confused what these people think it is if it's not a history book

They may be referring to the fact that it is considered an achievement of journalism, but a poor work of history.


Its a glimpse into a mid century perspective on the Nazis. Its not a definitive guide or anything. There are better works already mentioned. But it does give you some insight into how people of that era tried to understand the Nazi party and related events. Just like any "History" its biased by its creator. This has always been true. When it comes to Nazis or anything controversial you need to read many perspectives and average them just to come close to the truth. About half way between the Holocaust Museum's narrative and Holocaust deniers most ardent denial is the truth. But looking for absolute understanding in history is a fools errand. Its always a sales pitch in some way. Take whatever they promise or proclaim and decide it in half.

The author is a Journalist who was writing a memoir of his time in the third reich from the beginning, when he was given access to the state archives of the third reich, at which case he wrote a massive report which is journalistic in nature. That said, as far as historical analysis he has been pretty much overshadowed by Richard Evans, who's trilogy is a monstrously large and sometimes iconoclastic history of the reich, from typical politics to the handling of the ministry of culture, which was fantastic.

People who are scared of swastikas are not worthy of your attention, and it is an extremely well known book.

There is an alternative cover without the swastika,if that's what you're worried about.

>calls over black coworker
Nigs dont get hired and b&n.
And tfw no nazi history in my local b&n.

Tonight, on Fictional Scenarios That Haven't Happened But Conform to my Brand of Social Politics!

>things that never happened

Thanks for the heads-up. I heard loads of ''facts'' from the book are taken from the Neurenberg trials, which isn't a good thing. Is this true as well?

it's a joke you morons.

you stupid fuck telling me about a book you haven't read. Its a work of JOURNALISM not history. How about you actually read it before saying something so completely wrong that even reading the wikipedia summary could've prevented you from. You fucking retarded blowhard arrogant fuck

> "About half way between the Holocaust Museum's narrative and Holocaust deniers most ardent denial is the truth"

I agree with the spirit of 'multiple sources, multiple perspectives', but this is a fallacious argument. I could say you need to look at the halfway point between flat earthers and geographers to find the truth about earth, but we both know that's bullshit.

The challenge of reading history is moving from facts to narratives - we can be certain of facts, but extrapolating narratives is the ambiguous part.


>not just taking the plunge and reading pic related

Obligatory reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong.

Thank you, and you're right.

Reminder that the "greatest generation" fought and died so a Muslim could be elected mayor of London and a nigger voted president of the USA, and """""refugees""""" let in in mass to Europe because >muh white guilt.

The bad guys won, and it's more clear each and every day.

No, it's actually an anti-Nazi book that paints them as the retards and degenerates they were. Also stop caring what simpletons and fools think of you.

cuck detected

Hella frkn epic, fellow Magapede.
*gives updoots*


>things that didn't happen
>things that aren't funny

Struck out on both accounts

Not that guy.

But the Nürnberg Trial is mostly cited to show how the leadership of the Reich tried covering up their facts and falling to do so because of other sources incriminating them.

To add to the discussion, this book relies heavily on journals taken from, for example, general Halder, so partly it's a collection of opinions mingled with historical facts.

>be black
>work at barnes & noble
>cute coworker at the counter (she has a bf but we fuck sometimes)
>see this fat blob of indeterminate gender clutching a book with a swastika on the cover
>it paces and mutters to itself for a while before approaching the counter
>it starts mumbling something at the girl, like a prepared speech, but i can't make it out
>approach the counter so i can hear
>it spots me
>lets out a squeak, drops the book and just fucking runs away on its little legs
>me and the cutie laugh about it all day
>later we fuck

nobody reads that dude anymore, he tried too hard to be a fence-sitter. he burned the bridges with real academia by denying the holocaust and then pissed of his neonazi pals by not denying it hard enough. he has a small internet following but then again shoving metal pipes down your dickhole has a small internet following.

i opened it up randomly once and it said the reichstag fire was due to goering's team of commandos entering through a secret tunnel system, setting fire to the building and leaving behind a mentally disabled person as a patsy before disappearing into the secret tunnels again. i'm pretty sure this is now considered a fringe conspiracy theory but shirer states it without any hint of doubt.

i think i'll stick to books written by historians and published after the berin wall fell. the evans trilogy is good.


The Reichstagsbrand story supposedly came from a guy who heard it from Goering when they were at the same party. Needless to say it's probably pure bullshit and is pseudohistory and conspiracy theories at best.

Well there was a collection of 4 German historians who thought it was likely that it was a false flag operation, but you're right in saying that it is a fringe opinion.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a false flag at all, given that this was the last nail Hitler needed to assume absolute power.

I was feadin Eichmann in Jerusalem the other day and some random person asked me if I was a nazi only because in the cover there is a picture of Eichmann dressed in his uniform doing the roman salute. People is stupid.

>not reading what you want because you dont want to give a bad impression


honestly the swastika on the cover is the reason i want to read this book

I crave having people confront me about and I'll just smugly say "Im simply interested in learning the history of WWII, are you so sensitive that you cant handle a symbol on the cover of this piece of historical genius?"


5 million and most dying from exposure and starvation on the train cars easiest way.

I crave a world where people ever actually start a conversation with you in public.

I was blessed with good genes, and because of my sociopathic tendencies I can hold a conversation very well

Starting a conversation and having someone else start a conversation are two wildly different things.

lol that's literally the elliot rodger strategy, pretending to read books in public so that girls would approach him to ask about the book. he would then say something dazzlingly intelligent and witty and they would end up fucking.

needless to say no girl ever approached him

>pretending to read books in public so that girls would approach him to ask about the book

god, what a fag

it's a homosexual


back the fuck off!?!

because why do you need to read about such evil people user!?
haven't you seen how bad and evil they where from movies!
by researching things for yourself you're chopping one finger off the firm grip of cultural engineering
(((they))) want you to accept what you're told and not search for answers yourself

>Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the "news of the day" and that impacts society to at least some degree.

Is reporting on the interaction of events, facts, ideas and people of the third reich not a historical account of the third reich?

you're a brainlet, please consider kys'ing yourself.

>i could never tell my friends that i play SKYRIM, they'd be all like O_O ur such a NERD!!! they can never know i'm a GAMER GURRRL XD

books with hitler and swastikas on the cover sell much better than other history books, the history channel is mostly about nazis, and hitler is top historical clickbait.

the third reich is the most normie historical topic in existence. you're not a persecuted minority you fucking pseud

you're correct, it's not a work of journalism

it's a work of amateur history written by a journalist

the problem is im not trying to attract girls you retard

im trying to attract liberal retards who get offended at the mere sight of swastika so I can tell them off and make them look like fools in public

dude, liberals all study ww2 extremely closely to make sure "never again", no one is going to be enraged, you'll probably get a lot of good goy pats on the heat tho

It's the same situation you dongle. People just don't care.

i want to like the alt-right but they're just so fucking stupid, get a load of this fuckin kid, lol


>It's like I'm buying Mein Kampf or something.
Says who, you? I own some historical nazi shit and nobody calls me out on supposedly being a nazi. I doubt they will judge you for your little book.

Just because of the swastika? It's about the Fall as well, user. It's literally a highly respected history book and anyone who despairs just because of the swastika, that's on them. We shouldn't forget what the symbol of the nazi party was - not out of admiration - because it should serve as a dreadful reminder the horrific acts they committed.

Also because it's really cool.

You don't seem to understand my plan. With the way I dress (leather coat, and sunglasses inside) im bound to get some sort of response. Im going for a full douchebag look

There is an edition with more subtle Swastikas.

>he has never read a real history book before

I believe a mentally challenged commie played right into the hands of the Nazis with his moronic arson.

Look at antifa

probably an anarchist, they were more active in doing retarded anti-social bullshit during that era, communists were all about organizing the masses, not terrorism, but anarchists were

it' amazing how much stupid shit anarchists are responsible for in the 20th century, you could almost think they are "agent provocateurs: the ideology" killing ferdinand and sparking ww1, shooting lenin and paving a path to power for stalin, etc.

>the problem is im not trying to attract girls you retard

the point is that you're engaging in a pathetic attempt to "engineer" a favorable social situation, which is doomed to fail because (a) you have a vastly exaggerated idea of how much attention people pay to you and (b) the figure you're trying to attract is the product of your naive imagination (your "liberal who is enraged by history books" being just as mythical as rodger's "girl who is sexually aroused by public reading").

i mean as pathetic as he was at least rodgers' fantasy culminated in him getting laid whereas yours ends in a crowd of strangers clapping at your comeback. at least he was yearning for an orgasm and not a zinger.


ah, so there's also a costume. that changes everything.

A mentally challenged commie who was nudged in the right direction.

Underrated post

What's your favorite real history book


The Bible

Fuckin trolls, man. If this book isn't history then what is

Of course, if you're a polturd you only agree with memes and retreat to your special pol safe space when confronted.


Vastly underrated post, famalam.

great greentext


I bet you think no "real" history books have been written in modern times.

You know that most nazi's were tortured until they "confessed" the most idiotic deeds they probably never did because they were tortured to say it. It's a horrible source if you're looking for the truth.

This is somewhat related. What will happen if I go to a bookstore and buy Mein Kampf, some Evola, and For My Legionaries?
Would people actually care?

I'm just imagining you stumbling over your words and mumbling as chad asks what you're reading.

I've never had a cashier care at all about any book I've bought.

>What will happen if I go to a bookstore and buy Mein Kampf, some Evola, and For My Legionaries?
All are very important works needed to understand world history. You have every right to buy these books. Who cares what other people think?

>What will happen if I go to a bookstore and buy Mein Kampf, some Evola, and For My Legionaries?

an extremely bored person will service you at the checkout while thinking about their plans for the weekend

>Hey guys check out this prank idea
>What if, right, what if we go into bookshops and buy NAUGHTY BOOKS!
>Teehee! What hijinks! Whatever will the people think?

tee hee

>OH EM GEE you're so bad!
>Here, I'm going to buy a biology book, it has pictures of naked people in!
>Don't tell my mom!

Longest book I ever read. But worth it.
>That part when Hitler sent Luftwaffee to save Mousullini and his wife.

>caring what other people think
You are on the wrong website, son. Retreat immediately.

Just make sure you pay in cash and where some sort of disguise when you check out, so it wont be traced back to you.

I have actually thought about buying "weird" books in a store so I can pay with cash, but I'm afraid of the cameras and not bold enough to buy a fake mustache


I went to the book store for "How to Talk dirty and influence people" by Lenny Bruce. I couldn't find so I went to the help desk and said I was looking for books by Lenny Bruce. Girl looked at me like I was a skeevy pervert when she said they had "How to Talk dirty" but took me to the appropriate section which was Biographies. I didn't think to look there. I briefly considered asking her about "Lolita" but decided not to. Still, I remember her face every time I read the book and laugh.


What if I want to buy Culture of Critique off of Amazon?