ITT: literary charlatans
ITT: literary charlatans
Another quality thread.
Can you provide an argument or was this thread just created to harvest (You)s?
Can you provide and argument as to why Ezra Pound is a serious artist and critic?
Well, you've made that statement, therefore you should justify.
What's your opinion about Ezra? Do you even have an opinion?
Ezra Pound could do in a couple lines what would take some people several stanzas to do.
Yeah we know he ripped off the japs both in style and in love of fascism. Can you make one argument in favor of efficiency in literature that can't be used to delegitimize half of the silly bitches Ez paid to be better than him?
Give me one example of above-average verse from Pound that actually achieves his own ideals of "musicality" and "precision". As far as I can tell, a lot of Pound's verse is impossibly vague and unmusical, and only exist to show off his questionable erudition. Is there any imagism in Pound better than, say, that which can be found in the odes of Keats?
Ezra Pound is my favorite poet because he drives lefties bonkers with rage. It infuriates them that a fascist was not only smarter, more creative, and more successful than they could ever dream of being, but he was also better looking and better dressed. I've never actually read a poem by him, but I don't think it's necessary since his supremacy is so plainly obvious. The lefties can lash out at him with resentment and envy, but his status as their intellectual superior is ultimately invulnerable to their tantrums
>clear as frost
>orange colored
I can't in honesty say that this hits the eye more than
>To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
>And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
>To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
>With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
Or any random passage from fellow poet Carlos Williams.
>I've never actually read a poem by him,
I don't read poetry or fiction. I have an IQ above 120 so I studied STEM
poor bait
135 is the average of all students in universities worth attending
If not for Dubliners, I would say Joyce.
Dubliners didn't obfuscate too much.
Literally nothing I said was disingenuous. I admit I might have tried to provoke you with a couple truth bombs, but truth bombs are still the truth. I have never read a poem by Ezra Pound, Ezra Pound is my favorite poet, I don't read poetry or fiction, I have IQ above 120, and I studied STEM.
You've clearly never attended a prestigious university
His critical writings reveal him for the hack he is. He apparently thought himself a master of several disciplines (including music, economics, and art criticism) and intentionally goes out of his way to praise obscure poets, but it seems to me like he's compensating for his lack of intelligence and insight with scholarly pedantry. This is most obvious in the ABC of Reading, where he denigrates Wordsworth and Milton while praising minor poets like the Earl of Dorset and Landor. We all know that he barely knew Latin, let alone Chinese and Icelandic.
But I think what betrays him most is his angry, combative attitude. True geniuses are calm and secure in their talent, but Pound was insufferable and charged writers not much worse than him with the same faults that he himself had. It reveals a deep insecurity not unlike your average psued.
His poetry is sometimes pleasant, but never more than mediocre. The Cantos are unreadable.
Am I allowed to say Charlotte Bronte if I've only read Jane Eyre.
If so, Charlotte Bronte.
>But I think what betrays him most is his angry, combative attitude. True geniuses are calm and secure in their talent, but Pound was insufferable and charged writers not much worse than him with the same faults that he himself had. It reveals a deep insecurity not unlike your average psued.
I'm not that user, nor I have ever read him, but this is just bullshit. There is no fixed behaviour for creative geniuses, if anything irascibility is extremely common in this demographic, to a point where it has been a clichè for thousands of years.
What kind of literature do you enjoy reading, sir?
Average Harvard SAT score is 1480, corresponding roughly to 145 IQ. A school doesn't even have to be prestigious to make >muh 120+ guys like you feel like brainlets.
He was a fascist, so I like him because I'm a child and I'm on Veeky Forums.
SAT are relevant as IQ tests only as long as students don't study for it.
People who want to get into Harvard and are not loaded will practice for years in order to ace that test, hence it is not that reliable in these particular demographics: sometimes it shows great intelligence, sometimes it shows great work ethic.
Emily is the true patrician brontefu
People practice for years and still do terribly much more often than they actually ace it. There's some validity to what you're saying, but for the most part ETS is very good at filtering brainlets with novel tricks that you just can't study for. IMO you can't study your way to anything above 1400.
Plus poetry is for fags
>True geniuses are calm and secure
Just like Beethoven
I love seeing you anglo people measuring your dicks about whose doing the better university.
Michelangelo was a fucking retard
>I've never actually read a poem by him
>I've never actually read a poem by him
>I've never actually read a poem by him
Nigga what dafuq
>where he denigrates Wordsworth and Milton
All poets have strong opinions that conflict with the canon. What's your point?
Isaac Newton was perhaps the single greatest example of genius in history, and he got in spats with pretty much everyone he knew. He even got breakdowns over it. Strange, short, angsty fellow.
The only way an American from the late 19th century midwest could really seek literary heights is by rejecting almost everything around him. Seriously, he grew up surrounded by people quoting "The Raven" parodies and earnestly imitating Milton.
Milton, I might add, is Pound's biggest rival for the claim to have brought classical influence into English lit. That's how I think Pound saw it, even though we don't really see him as a Hellenist.
>he's compensating for his lack of intelligence and insight with scholarly pedantry.
I'd almost say the opposite. His criticism is based on rapid intuitions and inspired analogies rather than, say, statistical analysis, which is a fair example of pedantry.
He was pretentious and eternally biting off more than he could chew, in both his reading and his writing. But maybe ambitious is a better word. He actually raised the bar, charlatan or not.
He wasn't particularly in love with fascism, he believed fascism was the best system because it was opposed to the power of the banking system and against usury as well. You're ignorant.
I felt the need to reply just to reiterate what you said.
Newton was without a single doubt, the most intellectually gifted human being to ever exist in recorded history.
It is nothing but fucking awe inspiring what the man did within one lifetime.
He was so dedicated to his work, that it's believed he died a virgin, and probably out of choice (unlike the people who are virginal on here), since he was not an ugly man.
Reminds me of the nice anecdote about John Von Neumann.
>At the age of 15, he began to study advanced calculus under the renowned analyst Gábor Szegő.[22] On their first meeting, Szegő was so astounded with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears.
That's how I feel about Newton and I probably don't even understand half of his work.
A decent reply to what might've been the worst post I have ever seen on Veeky Forums. Thank you