Childhood is Kant

Childhood is Kant
Adolescence is Nietzsche
Adulthood is Stirner

Childhood is Stirner
Adolescence is Kierkegaard
Adulthood is Augustine

Are you the Cara poster from /lgbt/?
>tfw already pretty old and still unsure if I should start HRT or not

Is it possible for Christianity and Egoism to get along? I recall Stirner giving reasoning that God himself could be considered egoistic.

No but she's very pretty

What (you) provide here user is 100% childhood, but I have no real complaint, liking each of the authors or rather 'philosophers' you mention here in certain very different ways.

other way around

is it opposite day or something?

Transgenderism is a spook.

>What (you) provide here user is 100% childhood, but I have no real complaint, liking each of the authors or rather 'philosophers' you mention here in certain very different ways.

Not traditional Christian ethic but it can be very individual in terms of self overcoming

I don't see how it is, at least not as an aesthetical desire

>I recall Stirner giving reasoning that God himself could be considered egoistic.
That's why Stirner is a meme. If even God is egoistic then nobody is egoistic. It's simply shitty reasoning for the sake of creating a cool philosophy.

In every way Stiner is just a shittier version of Nietzsche

What do you mean by "aesthetical desire"? Do you mean that they desire to "look" a certain way? I agree with that, but it doesn't make it any less of a spook. Transsexualism is the strongest spook in modern capitalism, those who adhere to it are obliged to mutilate or distort their bodies with artificial hormones and/or surgery in order to be considered part of the fold. It is spirituality ("I believe I'm a woman/man") attempting to manifest itself physically. In that sense, it's the consummation of what Stirner called the "mission of the Christian era": to realize the ideal.

But how can it be a spook if its a genuine desire within you? Yes I mean wanting to look a certain way, what do you understand by spook?

>If even God is egoistic then nobody is egoistic
That's ludicrously shoddy reasoning.

Muslims genuinely desire to be good Muslims. Doesn't make Islam or the idea of "good" any less spooky.

Illogical reasoning

put more effort into ur baits my fellow redditor

It's not a bad spook if it's for one's pleasure, as a sex change operation may be

>I-I'll call him a redditor and then he'll stop bullying me!
"No one is egoistic" does not follow from "God is egoistic." Mongoloid.

I'll grant that, since I'm in no one else's mind I can't know if anyone is genuinely transexual. I can only analyze it from the ideological perspective, and from that angle it is very spooky. Some research suggests that a lot of people who go through with something as drastic as that end up thoroughly regretting it.

>"No one is egoistic" does not follow from "God is egoistic."
Reading comprehension is a divine gift. God is egoistic, I guess.

Looks like I was the one getting baited all along. 2/10

>If even God is egoistic then nobody is egoistic
What does this even mean?
Is it some twisted "if everyone is egoistic, no one is?"

This is what I think the user meant

God is defined as one who is without self and ego and has no personal needs

If God is then called egoistic, the word has lost meaning.

Therefore no one can be described with such a term which has no meaning.

>God is defined as one who is without self and ego and has no personal needs

By whom? Stirner states pretty much the opposite at the beginning of his magnum opus. The Judeo-Christian god and the Greco-Roman gods were very egoistic.

>God is defined as one who is without self and ego and has no personal needs

Where and by whom?

Childhood is Kant
Adolescence is Schopenhauer
Adulthood is realizing that knowledge can never really be known for all knowledge is filtered through the limitations of our senses and therefore we might as well live in caves for all of life is an illusion made up by our brains

Alri Playdough

Adulthood sounds a lot like Kant

you have it backwards. childhood is stirner, adolesence is nietzsche (and poststructuralists, who are all nietzscheans), and adulthood is realizing that they're all just dancing around kantian antimonies. mid-life crisis is nietzsche again, before venerability with hegel.

Chilhood is stirner
Adolescence is schop
Adulthood is Diogenes

Childhood is adulthood
Adolescence is adulthood
Adulthood is childhood


Can I get a quick run down on Kant? I enjoy Emerson and Trancendentalism because I'm and /out/ fag from what I understand it has its root in German Idealism which was inspired by Kant

Childhood is OP
Adolescence is Adulthood is this post

Basically everything is gay and you're a homo if you like it, categorically.

Ranking philosophers by life stages is late adolescence.

So Kant is Veeky Forums? And by extension, /ourguy/?

Not having fun with memes to be serious for the sake of being serious is early adolescence.

Adulthood is bukowski

Bukowski is the Wisdom of a 28-year old stripper single mom with a son named "Jayden" in bookform

>By whom?
>Where and by whom?
At least know the subject you're trying to discuss. Nobody is obligated to spoonfeed you.

forgot to quote too

delete this

No one outside of Veeky Forums reads Stirner so


Further proof that he's for mature adults such as myself

>implying Nietzsche browsed Veeky Forums

You have read none of them

You have heard their names in Veeky Forums threads and have haphazardly constructed your own viewpoints of their philosophies through barely understood paragraphs out of hundreds of page of works and the first part of a wikipedia page.

I hate this place, you, and also myself.

he did.
somebody post the screencap

>I hate this place, you, and also myself.

Hello Levin

>Is it possible for Christianity and Egoism to get along? I recall Stirner giving reasoning that God himself could be considered egoistic.

He did say that, but he didn't think the two went hand in hand, because subscribing to a religion in which one submits to god by default makes one not an egoist.

>Is it possible for Christianity and Egoism to get along? I recall Stirner giving reasoning that God himself could be considered egoistic.
If you practise christian things because you're christian, then you aren't being egoist, you're being christian.

Stirner said God was egoistic for the purpose of showing that the structures (read: spooks) that the individual follows acts egoistic (God wants you to do x, y, and z because god wants it) for their own cause, at the expense of the egoism of the individual.

It's perfectly fine to be egoistic and follow Christian values as long as you're following Christian values to achieve some personal goal, and not because God (or something outside of your will) says you should. You follow?

Old age is wagner

I've read two and a summary of one, now shoo shoo you patronising wank