>Watcha reading user?
Watcha reading user?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm reading your shitpost
good meem :^)
s-some.. a feminist book,
peg me pls
>emma posting has made it's way to Veeky Forums
this makes me happy
>she will never degrade you while forcing you to eat her pusy for hours on end
what is your opinion on whether she's wearing socks in
Reading is for pussies, bitch. Now put that book down and come choke on my cock.
she's not wearing socks. shes been walking around all day, and when she gets home ill take off her shoes and massage her tired and sweaty feet :3
wtf that's no way to talk to a lady
1984, It's my first book.
>no Veeky Forums gf
why live
First attempt.
141 pages in.
Iliad. Diomedes is baller out control.
War and Peace for the second time
Aeschylus Seven Tragedies, then i'll read Hesiod's Theogony because of "muh greeks"
Yuval's Sapiens. Halfway in. After that probably one of Schopenhauer. Don't know which one yet though
Building Worlds : Elites and spaces in the Mediterranean (XVI-XX century)
What a horse face. Her lower third is atrocious. Imagine punching her square in the mouth lol. It would be like hitting the air, there's nothing there. It looks like someone distorted her face in Ms paint. They pulled the mid face down and she has no lower third as a result.
take that back you philistine
Utopia by Thomas More
I recently found a copy of crime and punishment. Is it worth reading? This is not a troll post btw
How you liking it so far? I was doing a second read through, but started reading other books in the mean time.
Cioran's Short History of Decay. Have y-you read it, senpai? It's a bit esoteric but I suppose that's Cioran's sacrifice, r-right?
>user posts an inkwash by Boullee
my man, right here. my fucking man.
>t. Architecture History PhD
>When Athena and Achilles cry out from the battlement and break the entire Troian charge--buying Aias and Menelaus time to recover Patroklos's corpse after fighting to save it for literally an entire day
So good
How come you don't respond this favourably to lil jodelle?
literally who?
Veeky Forums girls don't make good gfs. You're not missing out
y tho?
They're too self-absorbed. Wanted to have the house cleaned up before you get home from work/class? Well, sorry but she was spending the whole time browsing facebook on her kindle while pretending to read.
They also like plot more than prose
Who is this even
everyone should like plot more than prose.
that doesnt mean that prose isnt valuable, but plot is definitively more so.
In some ways girls are more intuitive with some things. that's why less of them are autists and are so generally misunderstood by men who are more frequently those types.
Moby Dick. If some Veeky Forumsizen remembers, I made a similar thread and said I was reading Moby-Dick in English. The more the novel progressed the more complex sentences and unknown vocabulary came, so I gave the book back and decided wether to buy the annotated or the German version ... I bought the German version.
What a disgrace I am.
So you described an old girlfriend who maybe had a few books but was an internet junkie shitposter on Veeky Forums? A "Veeky Forums girlfriend" not a lit girlfriend?
A Veeky Forums girlfriend who pretends to be a lit girlfriend, to be more precise. Having to live with someone who shitposts all day and is a literary pretender is really what got me to get my act together
Internet addiction is ruining people's lives.
I'm about to start reading Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre. Or I'm going to read The Great Shark Hunt by Hunter S. Thompson.
Really excited to be doing one or the other
I want a Veeky Forums bf but who would want a girl who wants a lit bf?
The good girls are the ones you have to trick into liking you.
Thoughts on this tushy?
Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece Biology
wish me luck
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>I want a Veeky Forums bf but who would want a girl who wants a lit bf?
Are you kidding me? More of them would want this than not want this. By a considerable margin. This probably has less to do with you being a reader and more to do with you looking at men who are actually in your own league with disdain because your delusional ass thinks you deserve better.
Sallustius - Concerning the Gods and the Universe
i think a chick looking for a lit bf probably doesn't have impossible standards so much as she's too precious with the pussy, like she finds poor saps in her lit classes and they go out three or four times but shes so prudish she won't let the poor bastard get a nut off, so he thinks "damn, friendzoned again, oh well" and moves on
9/10, would introduce to Ligotti so she needs comforting afterward
Nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex after just a few dates. I'd actually be more interested in a girl that wanted to wait and see if a serious relationship is possible, rather than diving into the bed after dinner at applebees.
depends, if she has a bunch of dudes texting her and shit all the time, then you're always going to think "she sits in this coffee shop drinking my 5 dollar organic lattes and talking lit theory with them, but then she's gonna go home and get fucked by that chad that keeps texting her" only the most beta dude is gonna put up with that for too long
>implying you can have a serious relationship without fucking
good one buddy
Who wants to date another neurotic Veeky Forums type anyway? Find a nice normie who will disregard your reading shit and not even care about it. That would make for a more balanced life than two Veeky Forums weirdos playing a constant game of one-upmanship.
Not everyone is a soulless heathen, user.
Well yeah, if she's just using beta guys to pretend to have a stable relationship while she fucks chads on the side, then there's an issue. But if she's a virtuous person who is genuinely disgusted by the idea of casual sex, then there's nothing wrong with that
no girl who pretentiously talks lit theory in a coffee shop is adverse to the thought of casual sex. be real now.
if she talks serious lit theory then you know she's down to take some chadwick dick, but if she's just a "bookworm" who's introverted and reads for plot then she probably thinks her pussy is a golden snowflake that has to be saved for mr. perfect, then later in her 30s when she's up to ten cats, she'll be humping every trashy guy on tinder, but by then even the most beta of white knight faggots will have moved on
if u dont want to fuck why dont u just talk lit theory with some bros, u sound beta as fuck
>but if she's just a "bookworm" who's introverted and reads for plot then she probably thinks her pussy is a golden snowflake that has to be saved for mr. perfect
if she isn't a super religious homeschool case this is always an act. if a 10 winked at them they'd fall over themselves to give it up. these faux-precious sloots don't fool me for a second.
>he's this angry
I like fucking just as much as the next user, but I recognize that everyone is different. And you can't hate a girl just because she wants to be virtuous, unlike you.
Cujo rite now
>Architecture History PhD
I'm reading Paradise Lost without having read the Bible before
Spoiler: they eat the fruit and get kicked out of Eden
That's the least interesting part of PL though
The Great Shark Hunt, I just read it last week.
I'm currently reading:
>All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
Really enjoying it so far. American politics is such a uniquely depressing shitshow, it tends to make for good literature.
>Jacob, Menahem, & Mimoun by Marcel Benabou
This was just a random book a professor had given me while she was clearing off some book shelves a couple years ago. It's been a really pleasant surprise thus far.
>Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas
I've only read the introduction thus far. Waiting until I have time to sit and blow through it all at once and then have time to search for the audio from an actual production of the script.
its based off of like 3 pages of the Bible, you should at least read that part to say you have.
Does Emma have a Goodreads? I wanna read what she does so I can impress her.
The only thing you could read that would really impress her would be your stock portfolio.
doesnt she have her website?
belletrist or something
H-Herman Melville...
please be my gf
>herman melville
>male authors
any good?
Absalom, Absalom and probably As I Lay Dying afterward.
Cus I'm forcing myself to drop bad habbits and repick up old/good ones. Stopped reading because I outgrew the YA trash and never took the time to discover new reading interests. Loving my current read, but I'm easily discouraged if I start reading a book and don't like it. So what say you, femanon
Some women just prefer sex once they feel there's an emotional connection, a level of trust and respect.
I don't think that's something you can put a time frame on, though strong chemistry makes a difference. I can't sleep with someone unless I've met them at least two or three times because it's so much better when deeper feelings start to develop.
>D E M I S E X U A L
I'm straining to read China Mieville's "This Census-Taker". Maybe I'm just a normie, but it's-it's not that great my friends. There's hardly an inkling of direction or purpose to anything that happens for the first half, at least. People make movements and Mieville waves his hands at his us. I'm reading it because I need something, and I lived the Bas-Lag books.
gravitys rainbow. i just realised i cant remember the last couple of pages i read
Good job for making it past Proteus, most people I know who begin it can't get through Stephen walking on the beach. Good luck cause it's gonna get tougher after a while. You're in a nice bit atm but when you hit the Oxen of the Sun chapter, you might be tempted to give up.
Don't bother with Tartt. Having read secret history and the goldfinch, just don't bother.
solid review. i was going to bother. thanks.
How cliche am I anons?
Against the Day. I love it, it's much funnier than Gravity's Rainbow. Reverend Lube Carnal is one of Pynchon's best character names. Plus, I'm about 260 pages in and the main plot seems to have started at last!
Dunno what was with everyone telling me this would be harder than Rainbow, though. It's a comparative cakewalk so far. Does it get harder?
i dont understand user
Reading Les Miserables, it's definitely the best book I've ever read together with Crime and Punishment. I wonder if I should start The Man Who Laughs next or Brothers Karamazov.
>'''''''''''''''it's'''''''''''''''''''' has made its way to Veeky Forums
Infinite meme
because she has an 'ayy lmao' face
H is for Hawk
Breddy gud desu
>2 days ago
>reading at my favorite cafe
>qt waitress who works at the restaurant next door and who reads a lot comes in
>only talked to her once before
>"What are you working on user?"
>My table is covered by my copies of Aristotle's complete works and Aquinas' commentary on the Physics, and my own notebook
>Realize I have no fucking idea how to explain what I'm doing, let alone why
>Vomit out "Aristotle, just for fun, or not exactly fun, but it's not like anyone is forcing me to read it"
>see her immediately lose interest
>she leaves soon afterwards
Never met a girl who cared about nonfiction, and my own autism isn't helping the situation. I love the Greeks and Romans but am never able to convey why they're interesting, especially since people seem to only ask as a courtesy.
Bleeding Edge
Not that much blood, a lil' edge but could use more.
>reading for plot
Ummm no sweetie that's not why you read, aesthetics are the goal of all artistic persuits
I think he thinks reading that book is cliche because it is memed on Veeky Forums
I'm reading Norwegian Wood in it's native format right now. It's good, but I'm definitely not good enough at moon to get as much as I should be out of it.
Just read a short story by Ted Chiang called "Hell is the Absence of God." It's really good.
How did this ugly cunt manage to bed Emma Roberts?
p e r s o n a l i t y
i have no fucking idea desu
j-just some Hemingway short stories, you?