Is there a better feeling in the world than cracking the spine of a new book?
Is there a better feeling in the world than cracking the spine of a new book?
>not reading barely opening the book to not crack the spine.
Dubs check'm
also kek lmao i dun laughed so friggin hard hahaha. unironically ovencourse m9
This. I read books so that one of the covers stand proudly in the air at a 90 degree angle.
>Dubs check'm
Go back to /s4s/
>he's a dirty cracker
Why even buy book if you must ruin them
People will go out of their way not to crack the spin, even if the book is 1000+ pages long.
This is the true fascism.
I used to do this back when I didn't read much. I would awkwardly tilt my head to be ale to read the full page because I didn't want to crease the spine. All of my books looked brand new after I finished reading them.
As I started reading more often though, it became far too uncomfortable over long periods of time so I started just cracking them wide open. So much better for long reading sessions but I do still feel guilty doing it.
Books are there to be read, not to look good on your shelf you damn pseud
They can also be read without being deliberately damaged.
If you need both pages perfectly flat to be able to read one of them, then I don't understand your reading technique.
>I would awkwardly tilt my head to be ale to read the full page
Tilt the book, not your head.
Boooyy you are the gottdamm devil.
I purposefully crack the spines of my books and hive them a few shakes just so they appear to be read. I've never read them.
y'know if i crack a book
and remember i don't go out of my way to do so but sometimes it just happens
i don't care much.
I always wonder, when I'm scrolling through "shelf" threads, are all these people purposely not cracking the spines or are 95% of the books on their shelves unread. Ultimately I come down on the side of the latter, because this is Veeky Forums and what looks good always trumps actual substance.
It's a pickle.
Prostate orgasms
Fuck you.
Honestly I wouldn't give a shit what people say if they looked at my shelf and thought they were just for show.
I know myself that I have read 90% of them even if they still look new. If somebody wants to think I don't read them then it doesn't have any effect on me at all.
All they need to do is ask me about a book on my shelf and they'll know that I've actually read it.
The weak should fear the strong.
>Is there a better feeling
When you crack the spine of a book you don't own
I crease every page after flipping it so the book stays wide open. I don't crack the spine but it's full of creases after I finish reading the book.
>tfw cracking the spine of a new book right off the bat so I don't sperg over accidentally cracking it
>tfw craking the spine of a book I took out of the library
no regrets
I never crack any book and try my hardest to make sure you can't tell it's not new.
But it's just how I treat everything I buy, no ulterior motives.
i dont understand how you do this while reading a book,
are you trying to rip it in half or something? i just dont get it
I'm also sure it also feels good to shit yourself but you don't see civilized human beings doing that either.
You know how if you read a book and let go of one side it closes?
If you break the spine it stays open by itself, you don't need to apply any pressure of even hold it
Took me a bit to figure that one out too
>having trouble holding books
Holy shit, you need to go to /fitlit/
I don't know this feel because I only read off of papyrus scrolls
t. literally doesn't read
Greetings Marcus, how's Rome trating ya?
>caring about the physical book instead of only the content.
You haven't read them. Do you make notes in the margins? if you don't, you're only fooling yourself. Sounds like you just have a massive ego.
I personally find books more aesthetically pleasing when they show some wear, which is why I almost exclusively buy used books these days. Paperbacks are meant to be beaten up.
That said, who cares really?
>Do you make notes in the margins? if you don't, you're only fooling yourself.
not the one you're replying to, but you don't need to litter the page with every inane sentiment in order to do a close reading of a book. and you don't even need to do a close reading of a book in order to have a reading of it. I find what works best is writing in a separate notebook so there's room to flesh things out rather than vomiting out half stutters of thoughts. I know having the books be clean and neat isn't in line with your messy autodidact scholar persona you'd like to give off, but the thing that makes you genuine about it is not how you treat books.
Though I will say feeling free to beat up and vandalize your own possessions reflects poorly on anyone, whether it be torn book covers or holes in a sofa.