Wait, this is ALSO about Trump's America? Is there any dystopia that isn't about Trump?

Wait, this is ALSO about Trump's America? Is there any dystopia that isn't about Trump?

Trump is the culmination of what all dystopian fiction was trying to warn us about. It doesn't get any worse than this.

wow this is totally not a /pol/ retard who wants to talk about women, liberals, etc. on Veeky Forums.

Nice genuine post, fellow non-retarded friend! Thank God for a quality literature thread that isn't just bait to rile up frogmen


If it's not going to get any worse than this, that ain't so bad. Shit, I could handle this apocalyptic present standing on my head. There are plenty of places NOW that have it way worse!

If you want a serious point, target the rhetoric the left keeps on spouting about how they're the party of hope, not fear (like the right)---see Obama's comments on Macron just this morning---and yet they're constantly fear-mongering about right-wing politics and politicians.

At least he posted a book, I guess.

Fuck you.

if youre a hallucinating retard, then yes
Trump is the american ayatollah

Such notions of inequality. To the guillotine, until we are equal.

God fucking damn it. Thank you.

The problem with /pol/ is that the discussion is just "muh jews" and "around blacks, never relax." I'm genuinely curious about the trend of dystopias being defined as "this is about Trump/the Republicans" these days. Is it appropriate? Is a book like this or 1984 an inkblot that can be attributed to any particular political movement, or were they specifically about Republicans?

>fuck you

>Fuck you.
the tolerant left everyone!


Both sides do this though and it is retarded whether it is a conservative or a liberal

Potentially any dystopia can be framed as referring to Trump, or any political enemy really.

1984 is a good example - the Right has cited progressive use/modification of language (e.g. acceptable speech codes, politically useful alternate definitions of words, etc.) and the "thought police" vibe that language policing campaigns culminating in harassment and disemployment gives off as resembling the dystopia.

On the other hand, the Left points to Trump's general authoritarian character and engagement with "alternative facts" as a political tool as resembling 1984.

you're as fucking annoying as the stormfags

It's about muslims. The FGM is a bit of a hint.

You must admit the book is the '80s version of the liberal moral panic that's come back in such force over the past few years.

Are you mad about /pol/ or just embarrassed that the pearl-clutching dopes are on your side now?

I'm mad that you aren't here to discuss the work but to talk about le Trump and le libruls instead

that doesnt work, since trump uses whatever context appropriate for the exact moment, definition, narrative, fact, alternative fact, etc etc

Donald Trump is about dystopia's America. Trump is plump! Biopower!

>leftist cuck angry because hillary lost
who the fuck cares

Do you think the work is anything more than its ideology?

>Trump is bad
>Story A is about something bad
>Story A is therefore about Trump
Liberals, ladies and gentlemen

Blumpfdtenfkins btfo!!