>he's only read one of the meme trilogies
He's only read one of the meme trilogies
>the portrait of a lady
Never heard of it baka
>no 17th century meme trilogy
I vote for Don Quixote
I've been browsing Veeky Forums for quite a long while yet this triggers me way more than it should
you misunderstand meme-ology my friend.
it usually involves books that are praised but no one raelly reads.
that doesnt necessarily mean they're bad though, in fact all of these books could be considered good someway in their own right
that said, i dont know why werther is on there as that book is short as shit.
im guessing the chart maker didn't rally do his research
When the fuck does any one on Veeky Forums ever talk about Wordsworth? Surely that's a prerequisite for being a meme.
They haven't but they're about to start
Huge length isn't a necessity if a book has sufficient meme power
henry james is crap, so is that goethe choice
You're crap
Moby Dick isn't a meme you fucking cunt
yes it is.
it's a fucking over-blown epic that people dont read and yet recieves enormous praise.
It's a literature meme.
Don't ever post here again.
You have actually read it, right? Care to explain why you hold these views?
Please return to reddit if you don't respect the Meme Trilogies
>people who didn't read any of the 20th century meme trilogies.
it's a cycle of hypocrisy.
dont get butthurt over people voicing objective impressions that only affect your safe-space-head-canon.
All these books have merits, but their inherent flaw (and an award by being presented at all) is that they're meme-ified to hell and back.
i respect the meme trilogies, but they're clearly memes for better, and for worse.
it's time to stop posting
The new canon is like ten minutes old its already triggering redditors
my intuition tells me you're either an unaware alt-right bro, or extremely deaf liberal
youre a degenerate and your opinions serve no one but your own terrible self
Sorry but you cant just pick random books and expect to meme it into existence
the meme trilogy was carefully selected by the collective consciousness of Veeky Forums
Just watch me
i think a fair amount of those books (karamazov, moby dick, and possibly werther) are posted about frequently.
that is more or less what makes a book a meme on this board. the constant glorification somehow validates their existence to outsiders and they become more significant than they really possibly could be
lit if true
Don Quixote, Anatomy of Melancholy and what else? The Pilgrim's Progress?
that sounds right actually.
bettter than the 19th and 18th for sure
>recommending Infinite Jest
>recommending The Brothers Karamazov instead of Demons
>recommending - out of all books from Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Do you need help on how to knot a tight rope, OP?
Paradise Lost nigga
gtfo newfag.
IJ is, like it or not, a candidate for all centuries when it comes to Veeky Forums's definitive meme trilogy.
you probably never finished it.
What do the vertical columns mean?
Didn't even read it and would never pretend to touch anything from DFW.
I'm confused about the definition of meme-recommendations. Are memed books books that are universally praised but no one read them or are they must-read books?
Best Prose - Highest Power Level - Spirit of Milieu
the latter.
And as the posterboy for this generation's post-modern literature, DFW is significant to the board's most basic concept of a meme. It's telling that you are out of touch with meme-ology and have never touched his work.
I enjoyed the Italian rip-off of Werther a lot more than I enjoyed the actual Werther.
That book doesnt have good meme power either it would be like putting Notes from the Underground over BK just because autists love it
In regards to literature I have my own mind. I'm just here to have a deep discussion and to shitpost here and there.
I'll never bow to memeology.
>no "War and Peace"
If he hadnt killed himself and been so awkward in interviews no-one here would pay him any meme attention.
What is the prime book from Goatyay then?
Wordsworth is my fav English poet tbqhfam.
This board is near to /tv/, /mu/ and /v/ everyday.
but he did, and the TV (significant to my point about being post-modern lit's posterboy) interviews, and oeuvre he left behind was relevant significantly meme-able and thus he is a meme on Veeky Forums and its literature boar and forever a candidate for meme-trilogies on all relative levels.
you really don't have a choice. Your head is just deep in the sand.
well this is embarassing
xD memes
This is pathetic. I guess these are the people who browse Veeky Forums now.
self-conscious discussion of memes has always been a part of Veeky Forums culture since, as far as i remember, 2005.
youre only exposing your ignorance.
go back to r/books desu
Trying to meme forced memes into memes while saying memes every third meme is just embarrassing, don't try to validate your meme thread by saying the you read a meme ED entry and found out that memes have been a meme for meme amount of years. It just makes you sound like an idiot.
i've never posted on reddit in my life, but the fact that im not strictly opposed to the idea for specific purposes tells me everything that's significant about the difference between me and you
go back to r/books
you just weren't there.
and yes, i agree- overusing the term is distasteful in the modern climate given the rise of Veeky Forums since the late 2000s, but dont let that make you turn a blind-eye to history and it's harsh realities.
If anything, we should be proud of bringing the concept of memes to the masses, at least in some contexts.
your false sense of superiority on this subject just once again shows your inexperience
>you really don't have a choice. Your head is just deep in the sand.
Better having my head in sand than far up my own ass.
19th Century is War and Peace, Moby Dick and In Search of Lost Time
>I haven't read any
I'm pretty sure /r/books doesn't even allow image posts but you should know that reddit
>In Search of Lost Time
>19th century
ANd how does the Prelude make it as 18th century meme? Only two books were written in the 18th century and only Coleridge and DeQuincey read it before 1850.
Because the Prelude is mindblowing, why is this even a question
>21st century
House of leaves
On the edge
What about the 15th century mt?
Faust Parts 1 & 2
it's a poem, tard
werther is pure shit m8
The 18th century one only has a single good inclusion. Only TS should be there. Others are like 400 pages short.
>muh filler
ur rly dum
meme trilogies should be long books. sorrows of young werther is like 100 pages. pick a better goethe or some other author, i don't know 18th century that well
Nah. It's a masterpiece that somehow manages to be a comedy, a tragedy, an adventure story, a philosophical discourse, a cosmic horror story, and a spiritual experience in one.
>implying that could not be said about the 20th century meme trilogy
you 19th century lit fans are the worst.
you think seniority is everything.
keep appealing to daddy's assumed authority, but it's too bad because he's dead and not coming back.
use your own judgment for once for christ sake
it still belongs, thats how good it is. started more memes than any other item on the chart.
Huh? I'm just defending Moby Dick, not saying that 20th century lit is worse.
no one asked you to defend it.
you have no idea what i was saying.
being a meme is a blessing in disguise, don't take it as an insult.
I haven't read a single book on here.
I don't think you understand what a meme trilogy is dude. At least the 20th century meme trilogy isn't really about impact on literature at all but rather just really long books that are fun to post about
The 18thC is fucked up, OP. Shandy fits, but come on, you have to include Robinson Crusoe and something by Richardson or fielding to really get the early novel experience.
As for the 1800s: you need some dickens instead of Henry James
>Anna Karenina not in the meme trilogy
>At least the 20th century meme trilogy isn't really about impact on literature at all
i have access to all the important 21st and 22nd century lit, and i can tell you that especially infinite jest is seminal.
I'll the first one of the 21st century meme trilogy
*I'll right
dont forget this one
you dumb faggot there hasn't even been a 22nd century and IJ, while not as bad as people pretend it is, is not any better than GR really. Definitely worse than Ulysses.
the fact that you used seminal just proves to me you probably only read this book. probably just or haven't quite finished.
better be a troll.
get your delusional ass back to grade school
> there hasn't even been a 22nd century
thx for adding to the joke, tard
how am i supposed to tell youre joking when youre not funny at all?
are you mentally impaired and incapable of seeing art works objectively?
moby dick is definitely a meme of the literature world, and therefore fair ground in deciding 19th century meme trilogies.
Take it as you will, but it's undeniable if you have any idea of what the original trilogy was all about.
bad post.
youre mad that i'm right though and i like that.
For 21st I would say
>House of Leaves
>My Struggle
>The Corrections
Calling it a bit early tho aren't we mate. It's only been 17 years
lurk more faggot
wow. just...wow.
>potato niggers and slavs
It's a play, mongloid
Shouldn't meme trilogies consist of the most memed books? Veeky Forums barely even talks about Werther.
nigga until i see some pansexual genderfluid representation in my 18th century reading lists, i'm gonna keep dying my hair purple and indulging in polyamorous relationships
Yeah, I just mean so far.
kill yourself
People literally memed Werther to death when it came out
Don Quixote, Anatomy of Melancholy, and Paradise Lost