my 8th grade student keeps saying she wants to read pic related. I brush it off with "Nah, it's pretty difficult. I definitely recommend it when you're older, though. You should try ___ instead."
I have no idea how she even knows about it. part of me thinks she just wants to read it to be edgy, another part of me thinks she's doing some weird psychosexual shit that I should report before I end up on the news.
what do
Hudson King
stop larping on the internet
Parker Reed
yolo op
Luke Wilson
Let her read it. If she wants to fuck you after she's a brainlet and not worth the orgasm.
Kevin Sanders
>what do
Be honest and say it is out of her age range. If Lolita is on your school library's shelves it is not forbidden. It's a free country. She can check it out on her own, without needing your explicit permission, but she won't understand Nabokov's meaning. She's a kid, not a dirty old man/cougar. An 8th grader might accept this answer.
If you want to report her flirtatious behavior out of concern for her safety/home situation (and NOT as a precaution for your career), stop being a faggot and do so.
Tread carefully op.
Matthew Cruz
Tell her parents and your department head, recommend they allow her to do so as it is a masterwork, and explain that you are telling them in full disclosure due to content matter.
Jackson Murphy
here drink this hemlock
Julian Russell
What sort of psychsexual shit? You canĀ“t just pique my interest like that. Also this kind of thing can be nurturing and benefical to the developement of character, if performed correctly and with enough wisdom. I mean, that is what tantra is, psycho-sexual and religious self-developement.
David Stewart
"If it's so difficult maybe you could read it to me, professor"
Cameron Hughes
>tfw Jodie Foster was the Lindsey Lohan of the 1970s >tfw your ideals have been shaped by industry >tfw am i even a real person
Joseph Rodriguez
she is ugly brah
Henry Brown
Kayden Long
holy shit that manjaw
William Collins
Nathaniel Foster
Ian Bailey
brah it is not for me to say whether she is ugly or not. she is objectively beautiful because she is on tv. that is the point.
np has always had me naked and petrified and covered with hot grits but she only ever seemed like an airhead. especially funny was a pro-israel screed she wrote for her college when she was like 19.
William Baker
>she only ever seemed like an airhead
They don't let airheads into my alma mater.
Cooper Reyes
She was born in Jerusalem
Henry Wright
>and NOT as a precaution for your career Yes, good. Remember, goys, listen and believe.
Angel Hall
Is that what they told you when you got in?
Luis Watson
>I should report yes dumbass.
if your in Australia then you already know the laws on mandatory reporting for teachers.
to be honest your not fit to be teaching if youve let the situation get this far without reporting it.
Parker Thompson
Because a girl saying she wants to read a widely lauded classic book is totally something that implies he's "let" any "situation get this far"
Autistic to the max.
Xavier Collins
She has probably just heard the book talked up by someone she looks up to. If you have no other concerns than her wanting to read Lolita, there's nothing to report. If you have an inkling that she is getting abused at home, mandatory reporting etc. Etc.
Austin Taylor
A girl reads Lolita because it is a romance novel. It is like 50 shades of gray and twilight, don't argue with me.
Carter Phillips
>Lolita is a romance novel >don't argue with me t. psued brainlet who hasn't read a book since Kindergarden
Elijah Perry
Lana Del Rey has an album based on the book. Your student probably is a fan and wanted to read it because of that. Be careful of course, but reading the situation as being more than it is could be a red flag to some.
Wyatt Torres
She's a lesbian you nitwits. That reaction GIF is largely used by the lesbian community.
>Monroe Jesus christ she makes my heart pound and then feel suffering at the knowledge that 99% of her audience look at her like a fucktoy instead of an actual human being who is cute and attractive, and she's either too naive or too brainwashed to realize/care.
I hate men and I hate pornography.
Kayden Flores
tits or gtfo
Juan Evans
Daniel Hill
Why so hairy?
Andrew Thompson
SRY gene triggering the development of testes which produce testosterone and ultimately lead to development of thicker follicles starting with puberty.