The return of /ourgirl/ Katie

How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums?

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Oh Jesus. Oh Lord.
How is this going to End?
Has Veeky Forums perved out yet?

>Comments are disabled for this video.


Only time will tell.

This is a stronger Katie who has become acquainted with the wicked ways of the world.

what's Katie's tax policy?

>what's Katie's tax policy?

Taxation is theft, abolish the IRS.

That was our meme long before it was anyone else's.

Anyone has the original/classic Katie?

Anyone else disappointed that Veeky Forums's not gay? I mean, I know we're Catholic and Marxist (at least, 100% of the people on here who read are) but I was kinda hoping we had some fags styled after Rimbaud on here...

>Anyone else disappointed that Veeky Forums's not gay?
but every OP is a faggot

This is really good bait, user. I almost replied in earnest, hot damn.

>I've been trying to do this thing, which may sound kind of silly, but I try to make every other book a classic and every other book a contemporary
wow, when did she become edgy?????


I don't understand the obsession here.
Who gives a shit if she has shit taste? Is it really worth fucking with her again?

...I, I never thought I would finally get to hear here voice.

I'm so happy right now guys.

I've gone all in on LilyC, can't go back to Katie now

>comments disabled

This is the future you chose.

Disappointed she didn't add me on Goodreads. I thought she was more mature than that. Looks like I'll have to pad my friends list, change my name, and try again.


we are a f*cking LEGION lmao
to bad shes such a cunt and disable the comments section

we can't really blame her for that desu

I want to wife her so bad guys
Do I have bad taste?

She looks broken inside.

Usually I'm vehemently against any kind of plastic surgery on women, but she really could use a nose job.

what did you nerds do to her