Is it even worth it reading the edition on the right? I'm aware it's a full mess...

Is it even worth it reading the edition on the right? I'm aware it's a full mess, and I have the opportunity to get either one for the same price, I gather the blue cover older one is without fault in at least the typo/textual errors department?


Fuck off

The errors got corrected after the first printing.
It's not that hard if you know how to read.

There is one line missing which has been fixed in later edition and if you get the "fucked" copy, you can easily just fill in the missing line using a pen.

There has been 0 evidence of any other egregious errors or typos.

Both those editions contain errors. Wait for the next printing edited by pynchon himself... oh btw it's 128 pages longer

why don't you find out for yourself

Stop spreading this meme, there was one "significant" error in the copy on the right; a sentence on page 142 that had a line omitted, it has since been fixed, along with other minor errors (types, missing capitals, etc.).

read this version

They're both penguin retard

I like the paper used on the right so I went with that one even though I like the cover on the left more

Whatever that paper is called on the right should be the standard for all books imo

Perfect to the touch

Too bad about the

>Choosing books based on anything but what they contain.
Wew lad you should fucking kill yourself.

But the one on the right is a objectively horrific in every way.

Wew lad the words between the two versions are the fucking same so you can go by picking based on cover, paper, etc

Literally how

Doesn't bother me

yeah, agree, is fucking comfy, I'm glad I got memed

Thanks lad

Anybody know what that specific paper is called?


source or BS

The card-like cover on the Deluxe Edition is just amazing. I agree, it's a great edition.

all the editions of GR have several errors
you are supposed to buy them all to really understand what the book is about

Sneaky, Pinecone


I read the book on the right and didn't get it at all. I would not recommend that edition because it made no sense.

Loved the edition too. It felt great to hold, looks awesome, feels good read well. Love love love

obviously bs