Take three shots of finlandia

>take three shots of finlandia
>play a game of overwatch while sipping beer
>once I'm sure I'm tipsy, start writing, taking another shot of finlandia every 30 minutes
>eventually stumble to bed

>wake up with a throbbing hangover
>look over what I wrote last night
>it's literal shit, not even stream of consciousness, and it eventually turns into babbling nonsense near the end

Was Hemmingway a hack?

Maybe you just can't hold your liquor

Why you write after playing videogames, especially a terrible one?

If you want to write drunk, you're going to be losing focus at the expense of spontaneity. Any kind of activity that's not writing will only dull you more.

Because you're not fucking buzzed 15 minutes after shots, I was waiting for it to hit before I started writing

Bring your bottle of absinthe then bitch and we'll see who the lightweight it

Try writing while not being completely hammered. I doubt that's what Hemmingway meant.

I write the best drunk
It takes away my anxiety and makes me more creative.

I'm pretty sure there's been multiple authors that have said that quote was a joke

he meant write on adderral, edit on pot

That seems hilariously backwards

It wasn't meant to be taken literally you pedantic putz. He just meant you should write your first draft without inhibition and edit it without compassion.

Do you really think alcohol gives way to creativity? Hemmingway most likely drank as he wrote, and made sure he finished whatever it was he was doing; not distracting himself with entertainment and then going to bed.

You're the hack OP

>play a game of overwatch
Yeah that's where it went wrong

Just start writing sober and let the drunkness fade in.

hemingway was just being blunt with dry humor about a more depressing subject but cool thread about you being ironic mister casual gamer beer drinker

most people who write under the influence of substances are usually in a perpetual state of being overwhelmed by feelings and anxiety they cannot process, and use the alcohol and the narcotics as a way to numb the background noise diverging their attention from writing some of genuine human substance because it takes the edge off and by no means should be interpreted as being 'edgy' or 'patrician'

it is a self destructive habit, i try to avoid it myself but i find most of my writing while sober is not very interesting because of my own mental afflictions, i've come to terms i will not write anything of great academic achievement but what is more important to me is that my writing connects to people on a more personal and human level than it does on an intellectual one

i digress, your priorities are beer and videogames before writing so there's that

>le fine tastes man

who the fuck do you think you are?

write on speed, edit of speed.

>playing vidya

There's your problem. that'll fuck your cognitive faculties up infinitely more than having a drink

>write on pot
>edit on cyanide

Sounds like your a try hard that likes the "idea" of you writing more than having a passion for writing. Let me guess, most of your writing is first person narrative about some sort of decadence in the world?


thanks for typing this out, it gave me summin

this is true. Hemmingway woke up early and wrote before his day began. He wasn't some drunken degenerate like Kerouac or Bukowski


Video games ruin your creative ability because they demand a completely different kind of cognitive process and basically rot your neural pathways, making them retarded for anything that isn't immediately pavlovian.

do you have any proof of this? i want to believe you and it sounds good on a surface level. i have a friend that spends all of his free time playing video games and want to get him to quit

There are still a few good men left on Veeky Forums.

The proof is literally anyone who plays video games (other than Dark Souls).


>shots of vodka

Noo what are you doing?! You don't understand alcohol at all. Typical American. I guess Hemingway knew what he was doing because he spent so much time in Europe.

You sit down to write, not get drunk, you drink when you are doing the activity, same as you drink when you do everything else. You put two fingers of vodka into a rocks glass and sip away, refilling as you need, as you write over several hours. Or just drink some tins.

It sounds like you can not drink worth a shit and I can tell you haven't been drinking that long. Is it five years even?

You drink to loosen up and remove that voice that makes you second guess and delete every other sentence, to relax. It's coming across like you think alcohol is a magic potion that will make you write better.

>it's literal shit, not even stream of consciousness, and it eventually turns into babbling nonsense near the end

now edit it.

This sort of thing is impossible for me to keep up for more than an hour. The willpower needed to not drink too much kills the mood, and it gets harder and harder to resist drinking the more I drink.

I don't even believe people can actually drink like you say. Or maybe I'm just an alcoholic.