*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

What do you do Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


you're like a little baby, old man. watch this:

So...that's the power of not reading Plato.

>pulls out three books
>gives a smug scoff
>tap my coat pocket where i have a fourth book


>be surprised that a black man is reading
>say hi

>Talking to someone who's reading

How will he turn a page?

Could it be?

The book in his right hand is "The Purpose-Driven Life," schlocky, religious junk that came out shortly after 9/11 and now fills half the shelves in every Goodwill in the country.

I imagine the book in his left hand is a Bible, since the former refers to the latter.

I'm sure he feels like a real scholar checking the source material, but "Purpose-Driven Life" really is brainless slop for the masses. Check out the reviews on Amazon for a good laugh.

most black people are titanic pseud brainlets yet never get called out on it because being a pseud and black is like some huge triumph

comparative literature

*teleports behind you*

"Heh, nothing personal, kid."

sell him one of these with an option for bike and car versions


Is this a perpetuum mobile?

What's he reading though? Looks like Warren/Warrin something purpose something

>Another Landmark Book by Rick Warren. You are not an accident. Even before the universe was created, God had you in mind, and he planned you for his purposes.
The other book's presumably a bible so he's just cross-referencing what Rick Warren says with the original.


Fuck off I found it on my own.

Say excuse me. Go on with my day.

Is this the final boss of Veeky Forums?

I do nothing. The door is closed.

Underrated post

>tfw didn't choose dual wielding perk and can't respec

Philly has a lot of characters

Racists not welcome here

Woke af

No coming back from this. You got nigroasted.

What IS wrong with Plato? Never got that guys remark

the latter comment isn't racist though. blacks who can use multi syllabic words and recite talking points are treated like Gods by the left.

also racism is extremely welcome here. do you have a problem with Knut Hamsun or Heidegger?

Say "excuse me" loud enough for him to look up and see that I'm walking by and have no intention of stopping if he doesn't move in a prompt, polite manner.

You guys really have trouble getting people to move? Lol

Anyone with shooping skills able to swap the book for something more meme-worthy?

is he /our guy/?

It might have been a compliment. As in "I know that I know nothing."

Veeky Forumserally /ourguy/

>Pull out two books
>Unzip pants and and expose my cock on which I've tattooed a short story

Any kind of bigotry is welcome and encouraged here.


new meme borned!

Now do The fault in our stars, please.

>being a faggot
Go to reddit, you'll find a more comforting community.


no man should have all that POWER

kek, good post

yknow i'm just as surprised to see white people read or any person read because people just don't seem to read that much anymore, please don't base the judgments on race thank you

Nice. I'm not gonna request anything else, but you're doing God's work, user.

Y'know it could mean either an insult: only idiots read Plato. Or it could be a remark that you're trying to better yourself: you might not be an intellectual, but I see you are trying to improve yourself by reading a great Philosopher.

I'm not sure how I would take it if someone actually said this to me.

i tried

>Knut Hamsun or Heidegger

not racist

>yfw random nig on the subway is the most intelligent man in the world



Two copies of Pale Fire. Oldest trick in the book

This was like having several tabs open at once back then

There's nothing here to be read.

How do you shop the books at an angle like that? What program are you using?

pretty damn good

photoshop elements, skew tool.

Thank you.


tfw too smart for conti/analytical divide

steal his laptop and yell, "This is for my bike nignog!!!!"

Why are Americans so retarded about public transportation?


If you lived in Philly and took the trolly or trains you'd stand by the fucking doors too.

People of SEPTA: youtube.com/channel/UCvkdhGV6u4UglJ_h3KC4e9g

I think he meant it sarcastically, or somewhat playfully, as in, "Oh yeah right, so that's why you're reading Plato then!?"...but naturally it came out coonified due to the nature of the African American man's deformed brain structure and inferior intelligence.

>Oh, so that's why you're reading Plato
Turned into
>Shit nigga! U iz be reeding Playtoe?

>Riding the subway