Iron Pill Reading

Any recommended reading for someone looking to walk the path of the Iron Pill? I know Evola get's thrown around a lot, but I honestly hated Revolt.

Also, I'd like help pinning down exactly what is degeneracy and what its opposite would be.

Twilight of the Idols

Storm of Steel

According to Der Antichrist, degeneracy is when an animal, a species, an individual loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers what is harmful to it (section 6).

gay porn mags

Eminen is a fucking whigger.
Why do people like this wannabe stupid cunt?


good one aids ridden queer

you maent too reply too OP with that post but you typed the wrong number lole

>being bald
>and a fag

Haven't read much Nietzsche outside of Zarathustra and Genealogy, I'll need to take a look at Twilight.
I can see turning against your own instincts as degeneracy, but decadence is clearly degenerate and decadence is just giving in to your base instincts more than you should. Pic related.

I have to admit I know nothing of Foucault (although I do know how the name is pronounced at least). Why is his book on ethics preferable to anyone else's?

That depends on what sort of instincts you have, doesn't it?

>Iron pill

Well a person who didn't have the instinct/will toward pleasure wouldn't engage in decadence, but decadence would always be a case of giving in to your instincts. I may just have an oddly vague but nuanced idea of degeneracy, though. I can point it out (sometimes) but I can't define it.


Hey, the image did say
>(no homo)

The opposite of degeneracy is raising a healthy, well-adjusted family.

The opposite of degeneracy is black holing this site in your hosts file and never coming back


no significant society has ever gown to prominence that did not take the family as its basic unit of structure.

anti-family rhetoric and lifestyles lead to the death of nations - it "degenerates" societies.

>implying poltards are ever going to do that

So does spending excessive time on a website which has the main gimmick of stripping you of your identity.

If you actually believed what you claim to, you'd leave.

your base desires aren't your instincts. Even the biggest hedonist, I imagine, still feels a twinge of instinctual guilt in his foray into pleasure.

Instincts are staying alive, finding a wife, making children, defending them in battle, hard work to maintain the home

Degeneracy is favoring chaos over order, to such an extent where you're a slave to the passions, that your body is weak and deformed, that your mind is slow and unrefined, that your relationships are toxic and unfulfilling, that your time is wasted to the point where you have none of it when you need it, that your morals are twisted if you even stick to your principles at all, and that your overall well-being needlessly suffers until you die in utter mediocrity and misery without any meaningful legacy to speak of. It's a vicious cycle as well, since the more degenerate you become, the less you care about yourself, so it becomes harder to even recognize the destruction that you're wreaking upon yourself and others, let alone start taking concrete steps to help yourself.

Degeneracy is disease where you allow yourself to waste away. Don't ever get yourself or your friends get inculcated into the habit of it.

>Manly iron pill
Frankly not quite.

>he doesn't want to understand how real power works
you're not ready


Well, the Evolian perspective is that individuality is highly overrated. Instead of leveling yourself to a member of the herd in exchange for some distinguishing accouterments, you'd be better off sacrificing your individuality in pursuit of an ideal. We can all work towards becoming a shared archetype. It's better to be a heroic caricature than a novel degenerate.

Another way to look at degeneracy and degenerates: what is the opposite? "Generacy" and "Generates"? Sounds like people who contribute to the world instead of taking away from it. And it makes sense why self-care, in maintaining discipline in your health and in your actions, is important for avoiding degeneracy. If you're just a walking litany of problems, then you're sucking resources from outside the world. Don't willfully create problems and contribute further to the entropic heat death of the universe.

Not true at all actually.

Screencapped friends, this is exactly what I was looking for.

Whoever drew Iron Pill is gay af.

It's practically Tom of Finland.


>not having children

convincing argument wow

>So does spending excessive time on a website which has the main gimmick of stripping you of your identity.
there is no historical evidence of this, you are just mad

Allow me to retort

Try Men Amongst The Ruins and Ride The Tiger. Evola is GOAT.

I actually read Men Amongst the Ruins and loved it. Unfortunately, Evola's principles and ethical prescriptions are all grounded in his metaphysical model as represented in Revolt - a model, which I find to be deeply flawed. And although a shallow predilection for these systems is a good enough reason to start behaving in a certain manner, it's not enough to motivate persistent change. I need to believe that it's true.

>genocidical finn that dreams about some l33t military that can keep the rest of the world in a pre-industrial state
>"identitarians" fighting against the spook 68-ers
Also, Savitri Devi had a dick.

Evola a shit. Read Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel Goethe, Nietzsche, Spengler

Why even think about change when you have skepticism to all countering views of reality? What motivated you to even consider the question?

Post the screencap please if it's cropped well.

Post on r/Veeky Forums!!!

Not cool guys?

Never said it had to be on plebbit. I'd just like the screencap for future threads. Though you'd probably be doing the plebbitors some good by getting some sense into them.

I wasn't accusing you of it, was being a foil

Here you are sir

Green Pill best pill

Start with Guenon.

>Crisis of the Modern World
>Reign of Quantity
>Revolt against the modern world\
>Men among the Ruins
>Ride the tiger

If you enjoy you can read stuff like fascism viewed from the right, the cantos (pound), for my legionaries, the biocentric worldview, metaphysics of war, mystery of the grail etc.

Fuck off, Linkola is based

Thanks friend

straight to /r/Veeky Forums

In addition to the 12 Iron Pill books (and reading more from those authors), I'd suggest Growth Of The Soil and the Bhagavad Gita.

Alain de Benoist and Evola are the only ones worth insightful enough to read and even they are meme-y at best.

Krebs and Faye are Nouvelle Droite wackjobs, Donovan is a faggot, Linkola a deranged wannabe hermit and Savitri Devi worships Hitler as the reincarnation of Vishnu. The rest is obscure bullcrap falling short of /pol/ "writers" like Lauren Southern and Mike Cernovich.

In short: a very, very terrible selection.

Do you recommend any alternatives?

what's this iron pill meme? another hopeful pop at traditionalism?

you've read Genealogy but not Antichrist? how did you manage that? that's like reading Tractatus and not Investigations

eh, Evola's idea of race is really interesting. and if you're recommending Descartes instead of Evola it really sounds like you're not sure what conversation you're having

I've never seen anyone seriously engage with De Benoist s work more than "metapolitics, we new left now lol". He's much more sober and nuanced than the alt right prefers, he doesn't even take much influence from Evola despite the impression