Arthur C Clarke 2017 shortlist:

A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers (White Female)
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee (Asian Female)
After Atlas by Emma Newman (White Female)
Occupy Me by Tricia Sullivan (White Female)
Central Station by Lavie Tidhar (Jewish Male)
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead (Black Male)


How does Veeky Forumss white male population react to being BTFO this hard?


>being BTFO this hard
How exactly? I wasn't aware that there was a contest of which sex and/or race wins most awards.


Stick to your containment thread.

fuck off to pol

fuck off to your containment basement

>The Underground Railroad

Holy fuck, are they that desperate?

WTF, I'm transracial now.

>we wuz spaceships and aliens and time travel and shit nigga

please fuck off back to pol. lit is a safespace for women and minorities

>Implying people here are white or male
Silly OP, we are anons's moms.

It's about a slave that travels through space and time.

I know that this will piss you off (Even though you don't have to read it and at this very moment can just forget it ever existed if you really wanted to) but the book is the woman seeing and comparing the most painful moment in her racial history to her most entitled.

>lit is a safespace for women and minorities
No, it is not.

i literally cannot imagine enjoying a book written by a black person

yes it is, now fuck off back to pol you nazi fuck. we care about black, female and queer experiences here

weak b8

fuck off. The reason these books aren't enjoyable is because they are just messages in books. They should be essays, but essays would invite people to challenge your thoughts instead of make you feel, like a novel does.

Black people have written tremendous novels.

>i don't agree with your opinion therefore it's bait

back to pol my man

That's not what the book is about- I've read it, and actually enjoyed it very much, but calling it science fiction is a ridiculous stretch of the term.

You might as well call One Hundred Years of Solitude science fiction then.

which ones

you dont belong here bud

How new are you here?

maybe i don't. but this place used to be a lot more like leftypol and i preferred it that way.

So there is nothing that can be called science fiction in the book?

Why don't you do some research. Sure anyone could tell you, but it's likely you'll just scream nigger or trash anything I were to say.

there must be a ton of them

That's cute. Leftypol is just as contrarian and self righteous in their beliefs.

That's what you get for anonymous image board.


at least they care about black and queer experiences

The black population of the world is small, and of that, barely a small amount is out of poverty and writing books.

How come you aren't asking where the new white author's classics are?


im not asking about new classics

fuck off back to pol. this is our space

>So there is nothing that can be called science fiction in the book?

Eh, it's magical realism. It's annoying to see it take the place of a more assertive piece of sci-fi for the sake of 'muh diversity'

I like the book, but come the fuck on

>this is our space
This isn't anyone's space


>sci-fi world made up of white nerd beta-males
>easy target for sjws
>sjws invade
>complain that sci-fi world is "too white"
>sci-fi world immediately caves to their demands
>begins promoting non-white non-male writers to appease the sjws

that about how we got here?

I know you are fucking around, but in case you aren't, listen.

They don't. They care about their sentimental white issues and political nonsense. They ride the high horse because it comes with the territory.

It's sad because those experiences are actually important. They shouldn't be considered godly or overpraised though.

Does it matters what lit used to be? Why care what do you prefer? Queer experience have nothing to do intrinsically with literature. If a piece of work should be criticized regardless of gender then should it be. This is a board for Literary Discussion not to safeguard your integrity or your thinkings.
We? Who we? Haha.
>now fuck off back to pol you nazi fuck
Daily reminder nationalism is an important element in Literature. This has nothing to do with pol or others. People get tired of being harrased with bias when it's not amerited. Be pertinent. Now you can fuck off with your agenda bullshit.

Why wouldn't they include at least ONE white male author to at least appear to be unbiased? I mean this shit is just so fucking obvious it's ridiculous.

thats why they allowed the jewish guy

Listen, science fiction/fantasy was a joke in the 1960's but they have REALLY proven how much the genre sucks in recent years.
Want to read the *cough* "story* that won a Nebula and was Hugo nominated?
Google the title 'if you were a dinosaur my love' and read the free prose. It'll take 50 seconds, tops

First off, it reads like something a retarded 12 year old would sneer at.
Second, How The Fuck is that SFF?
Third - award winning SFF. That POS was considered one of the absolute *BEST* science fiction/fantasy short stories written that year!
At this point I think the sales copy from the back of Star Wars action figure box is better than most published SFF

they're far more important than white experiences. the literary world has to be decolonised for this reason

Jews aren't white.


Pretty much.
Bunch of liberal White editors living in NYC feel guilty.

lol good one, user.

just saying why they included him

To add to this, a friendly reminder that this was nominated for a Hugo

Not exactly.
>Sci-fi world made up of completely B movie style shit.
>So few actual good authors of Sci-Fi that they become famous even though they are mediocre compared to contemporary writers.
>These authors are praised because of their ideas, and not much else. (Ellison is one of the greatest and some of his work is like eating dogshit.)
>A new generation appears.
>It's made up of a few good authors mixed in with so much shit, AGAIN.
>That shit includes white authors who write violent fan fiction basically, minorities who write cultural science fiction which is more bitching than making people think, and blatant copying of people with actual talent.
>Of these shitty authors, the minorities are the ones actually trying, and though they aren't the gods they are praised to be, they are pretty good.
>Retard wolf vampire dragon hunter novelist is pissed and calls SJW overreach.

Nobody believes you. Give up you dumb cunt.

>Jews aren't white.
Yeah, doesn't look very white to me.

Nobody believes you. Give up you dumb cunt.
That was nominated for political sabotage by a fucking poltard who was mad that his shitty adventure porn books weren't nominated.

Perhaps those folks were the ones who deserved to be nominated?

Bullshit awards don't mean anything anymore. Lets see who is buying or reading that shit in 25 years.

just as meaningless a determination

I wouldn't want them to. The latest white works are just rip offs of the greats, just fucking money grabbing peices of shit. The genre is best when it causes you to think, not when it's got le ALIENS AND DA LAZERS PEW PEW PEW SPACE MONSTERS AND FIGHTING AND WOW LOOK AT THAT SOME CONVOLUTED AND CONFUSING PLOT IN A MASTURBATION FANTASY.

>discussing the race of the author instead of the quality of the work

utter plebs ITT

no one reads that shit m8

So this thread is fucking pointless.

What's the issue here?

Non-whites nominated for some comic-con award? Can you all please stop paying attention to awards.

It's good for containment.

jews are real-life shape-shifters. they are white or jewish depending on the circumstances. catch a jew off-guard and they will admit they are not white.

im a hispanic dude who looks white, both my parents were born in hisapnic countries and have native blood in them. At one point in our genetic history there must have been some limited european intermingling.
so i say im white, but when im really honest with myself, i know that it's not 100% true. its just the way i look.
i imagine its similar with jews. they pass as white, but thats mostly because a lot of them hooked up with europeans, but truly they are middle-eastern people.

i should also mention that while im physically white, i have clearly hispanic-associated ethnic features which also applies to jewish people with hair, and noises for the most part

the problem with jews is that they complain about "white people" when they themselves are not white. their criticisms about white people are validated because they themselves look white. they are not white though. they are jewish and identify as such.

so if you were a writer an you bashed white people all the time in your articles people would probably quickly bring up your hispanic heritage and dismiss you as a white-hating spic. that's not what happens with jews though.

>they are white or jewish depending on the circumstances

>minorities have been fooled into pursueing sci-fi

The white male continues to bring misery to the wretched of the earth

i think it would be hard to call an american man as white as me a white-hating-spic. but maybe im wrong. i guess i dont really hate white people but i bet jews dont either. It's just that they tend to be educated and have an inside-outsider's perspective i think. i can relate to it in some ways.

ofc deep down they're really lizards tho rite?

>i think it would be hard to call an american man as white as me a white-hating-spic
the mainstream would praise you, probably. it would only be on places like here that you would get called out for not being white.

>This negro don´t know about the greatest brazilian writer ever
Read Don Casmurro by Joaquim Machado do Assis and tell me no black people has ever writtern a mesterpiece.

>ofc deep down they're really lizards tho rite?
if you want to oversimplify. Ike doesn't mean literal lizard people. he means people with reptilian brains that were activated in childhood through deliberate anal reprogramming.

Slavery in what form? Something like plantation slavery? That doesn´t even make sense. It would be much cheaper and productive to have some sort of automation raher than people.

Though i shouldn´t be looking for sense on things written by this kind of people


Stopped reading there. More like Messterpiss, amiright guys? Amirite?

Well, don´t read it.
I´m neither black nor brazilian, so i don´t have any ideologicl ties to the author.
He never wrote about "muh black issues" in his novels, even though throughout most of his life, slavery was legal in Brazil. He just cared about writing great literature

It's a historical novel about the underground railroad, except it uses a modern-day subway. For some reason, someone has mistaken this allegorical mechanic for sci-fi, and put it on a sci-fi list.

why are you so triggered that asians and blacks get an award?

nice subversive use of the word 'triggered' friend :-)

It goes a little like this:

1. White Males create a fantastic country in which to live

2. White Male authors write incredibly novels famous the world over for their insight and entertainment value

3. Most of the world (Asia, Africa, Middle East) desire to live in this country

4. Most of the world (Asians, Africans, Middle Easterns) have failed to established a well-functioning society without the help of White Males (Japan etc excluded)

5. Guilt-ridden White Males & Females allow as many of these people to enter the country as possible

6. Guilt-ridden White Males & Females, along with their non-white pets, demonize White Males and celebrate their disappearance from socially desirable areas of work (the Arts, etc).

7. Award shows, universities, Human Resources departments and so on all agree to reduce the number of White Males in the workforce and accommodate Non-Whites

8. Non-Whites, who benefit from the hard work of generations of White Males and their families (to build infrastructure, create and enforce laws, construct homes, organize beneficial working environments, produce great literature, conduct the vast majority of practical scientific research on Earth, etc) therefore are granted awards simply for taking part and being Non-White

Has anyone read any of these fucking books? No? Then fuck off.

Whew lad don't take this shit to Veeky Forums they'll laugh you right onto suicide watch. I can't believe you just fucking implied that the Ottomans/China weren't well-functioning societies at their height lmao.

>what is contemporary history

I read The Underground Railroad when it was up for the Pulitzer. That and the Booker are the only shortlists worth reading.

>what is contemporary history
A narrow field of study with a very limited perspective.

I've legitimately never understood how so many Hugo award winning books don't even have a Wikipedia page, even a lot of web fiction has a page.

He had more white blood than black

not black

don't be an uncle jorge you self-hating dipshit

I've seen people much whiter than Machado be called black here, and socio-economically speaking, mulattos were seen more as blacks than anything.

Have you? Has anyone at all? Except Underground Railroad, of course, but that doesn't belong on the list

name a book by someone not majority white

...what is even this question, how the fuck am I supposed to know, do you think people are made in a bethesda character editor and you can just determine "this dude's gonna be 25% jewish 64% latino 11% white"? What I'm saying is that Obama for example is considered black, and Machado's skin was not only darker, he was part of the first generation of free blacks in Brazil. Socially, he'd be seen as black by everyone, and if not for his parents connections and local priest who saw how intelligent he was, he probably wouldn't even have had basic education.

i think the correct term would be "tio tom", but I'm not.
All races are shit in their own way and white people have many flaws that are observable so it's wrong for so many to be butthurt by even the slightest criticism.