>be linguistics student
>email professor long question
>spend a couple hours on it
>use references and shit
>Professor points out tons of glaring mistakes
>i look like a complete simpleton
>realize Professor is on an infinitely higher Power Level than me
Be linguistics student
Other urls found in this thread:
That's how it SHOULD be, anonymous.
Use these opportunities to raise your power level.
>realize Professor is on an infinitely higher Power Level than me
>realize that I can reach that power level, and even overcome it
Now you must train.
Professors earn it. Time to step up your game, boy.
My history professor's power level was off the charts.
yes, sensei
The student should never be more intelligent and competent than their mentor. At least during their education.
>Being a brainlet first year dipshit
You are like a little baby.
answer this
>implying any professor replies with more than
>go for it
OP confirmed lying
>implying that professors answer emails
Lying sack of shit
i have emailed questions to my professors many times, and they always answer with a thorough response
It's your professor. Of course he knows more shit. It's his job. He's been doing this for ages.
You are not the first pseud to ask him a question.
kys u are dumb when you get owend by a cucked cultural marxist uni prof
You must post the question
this, opie. i am genuinely intrigued.
back when i was a teenager who just smoked weed for the first time, i emailed noam chomsky about his debate with alan dershowitz and the future of lincoln-douglas style debates in a culture of increasing rhetorical hysteria. it seemed to me that shaming your opponent on their opposition to (((commonly-held ideologies))) and shrieking the loudest would automatically win you the debate.
thankfully, i was too stoned to send the email.
>not realizing the infinitude of your mistakes on your own immediately after pressing 'send' despite revising at least 3 times
get on my level
>the feel when in your final year you point out a glaring mistake to your professor and he resorts to "it's a semantics argument"
Yeah no shit loads of stuff is semantics, the thing is you go for the efficient definitions, not the needlessly inconsistent ones.
here you go
post the answer please
That formatting
holy shit no wonder he didn't reply. Is English even your first language lad?
"Yes. No. Thanks. Go for it"
user, we can still see your name.
>just now realising that your professor is smarter than you
Sounds like you got the reality check you needed, kiddo.
better luck next time, Danny
That's a dedicated professor. I honestly don't see anything wrong user
don't really give a shit desu
it's cool, just teasing :)
So you got an informative and kindly worded response with an encouraging conclusion and you think you have a good reason to be upset?
Holy fuck, this is the final nail in the coffin. You're a pseud beyond measure. Instead of making the same hypothesis three times with some quotes, you would've come off less ridiculous if you would have just sent:
"hai big P,
big fan of ur work much aprecc8ed
anyways u think scientology and language and vocal cord parasitus cannot exist w/out the other?
Fucking kill yourself. How can Professor Layton be even remotely kind to your sorry ass?
Anyways, a good thread nonetheless.
That's because he's a pseud and cannot handle that someone is factually more knowledgable than him.
of course i didn't think i was more knowledgeable or intelligent that my professor...
are you dumb senpai? the whole point of this thread was self-deprecation and humbleness in the face of becoming disillusioned with his power level
>>spend a couple hours on it
Your professor uses language to make the idea he's talking about clearer, while you seem to shroud it in some convoluted prose. It looks like you want to be perceived as more knowledgeable than you are when really it just makes your email confusing- even to the prof. who clearly knows more than you about your questions than you.
Why'd you do this user?
Never had this experience. I've always been smarter than my professors, especially the females and minorities
Would you be happy with a professor below your own power level?
As long as you view it as a learning experience, there's no hard in having a professor that corrects your errors and helps you on the road to your own advancement.
>be a cute girl
>become Professors wife
>make the perfect child
>getting outautism'd
>literally engaging in social interaction
goddamn normies on my chan