Alright Veeky Forums brainlet here...

Alright Veeky Forums brainlet here, after being subjected to my coworkers discussing the books they've read during our lunch break I figured I pick a few up and start somewhere.

What does Veeky Forums think would be the best book to start off with and which order would be best to read them in?

The Stranger

These are all fine, but...

>no greeks

Nigga plz

Nigga I read all the bullshieeeet during my western civ class.

It is the most foundation text of those you have pictured.


>nothing but communist bullshit (excluding a couple)
Whew lad

The only communist there is the Marx, sounds like you need to read more.

The doctrine of fascism and the origin of totalitarinism sounds kinda commie to me.

What kind of things do you like reading, user?

well Arendt's book talks about Stalinism as well as Nazism, but-
>reading female authors
>reading female jewish authors
>reading female german-born jewish authors
>reading female german-born jewish authors who blame everything on anti-semitism

Basically it's one long "OYYYY VEYYYY"

The Doctrine of Fascism is attributed to Mussolini.

>that storm of steel cover

what the fuck? the old one was perfect.

>my coworkers discussing the books they've read during our lunch break
where the fuck do you work that this happens

The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts are GOAT but you're probably not going to get them.

Definitely start with Leviathan as the other user said.

The Stranger is the most high school. You should pick up More's Utopia and Plato's Republic since those co-workers were absent that lunch break. How does the meme factory pay in summer?

Christ Leviathan may be plainly written but its a real hike to get through. I wouldn't subject it to someone for a beginners read

Nigga linking everything in Nazi ideology back to Jews is sensible. They were the keystone to the mission

surely hannah will approach this topic free from bias

gas attack on the eastern front

>blame everything on anti-semitism
Arendt doesn't do that. She blames normies. She's one of the good ones.

>They were the keystone to the mission


The Doctrine of Fascism is only 20 pages. Read that one first. It'll be quick.

>if you study fascism with a critical eye or oppose totalitarianism you are a "commie"

lovin this political landscape not!!!!

you cant even pretend you know what youre talking about

that storm of steel cover is fucking shameful