This guy's clearly smart. He has tons of really interesting ideas, and I really appreciate his blend of Hobbes...

This guy's clearly smart. He has tons of really interesting ideas, and I really appreciate his blend of Hobbes, Nietzsche, Jung, and psychology. His lectures are some of the most interesting I've found, and his writing does a great job of efficiently laying out his beliefs

So why was he so retarded when it came to the Bill C-16 fiasco? I share a lot of the same concerns as him and if any of what he was saying was true it'd certainly be worth the outcry, but nearly everything he said the law could lead to really still can't happen at all. What am I missing here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is he
a) right in a way that I can not see at all
b) paranoid and panicking over something that doesn't exist
c) nefariously trying to drum up publicity

He's unfortunate he was born in North America, if he was European he would have had a chance to be doing serious intellectual work. He would have made a fine Lacanian

I'm going to fuck his daughter.

his entire thing is based on neechee and jung that says all you need to know about him.

I think he said something dumb, got in trouble, started getting a lot of fame and popularity and $30k a month on Patreon and decided to ride the money train as far as possible.

>Someone in the humanities mentioning Godel
This is an even more dastardly tactics then abusing the concepts of quantum physics

rewatch the part in his interview in Joe Rogan where he talks about Brown's book 'ordinary man'

He sounds very retarded when he tries to talk about maths, economics, sociology, politics, Marxism, post-modernism or anything outside his field.

Pretty sure this is shitty bait to start a shitty thread the mods will have to close in 10 minutes but if you're serious:

It's 95% a) and 5% b) because his Soviet Union studies left him somewhat paranoid about where similarities can lead.

So if you're serious, I'll gladly point you in the right direction. What do you believe he said that is wrong, specifically?

on his patreon you can pay 100 bucks to get a video of him thanking you

not that guy but point away, please.

Never heard that
You can only say that if you're part of what he criticizes
>Marxism, post-modernism
Agreed, although I don't think he's completely wrong

Well to point away I'd have to know what OP considers wrong about Peterson's interpretation of C-16.

Otherwise I can only say that Peterson has a lawyer and the university has lawyers and they all agreed that Peterson's interpretation was correct. One point of contention was whether you can end up in jail, and he explained how that can indeed happen if you don't change your position throughout the court proceedings.

OP here
He's said that an individual could potentially be jailed for refusal to use someone's preferred pronouns, and critique of their gender expression, which ultimately boils down to fashion.
From what I can see, no you can not be jailed for any of that
Refusal to use pronouns is not considered illegal in any way by the law
Critique of gender expression is not considered illegal in any way by the law

The law itself is pretty bare bones and a lot of his concerns are coming from the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the guidelines on their site. But those guidelines are not legally enforced in any way.

Before I answer, did you watch the debate where he deduces how all of that follows from the admittedly harmless-seeming "bare bones" law? Because it makes a difference whether you heard and disagreed, or didn't hear the arguments yet.

Which one in particular? I kind of lost interest in the whole fiasco after a while and only stick to his lectures now. A link would be appreciated
This one. It's kind of messed up to call him retarded and wrong about the issue when you lost interest and got lazy.
If you only have a few minutes worth of attention span, start at 34:00.

A general tl;dr though: Everyone, including the university and his critics, agree that it wrong pronoun use is now illegal. Then they say "yeah but we'll only fine you" and he says "yes but that still means forcing me to say a certain word, so if I disagree with the fine = contempt of court = jail".

Pretty sure it is legally enforceable
They just aren't enforcing it because it would cause too much of a shitstorm

I think I started this a while ago, I'll give it a full watch now
Have you read the actual bill? It's three paragraphs long and doesn't permit that at all

It's long and honestly not a great debate, but you can't really talk about the issue without watching it. I'm biased obviously but as a law student I'll tell you that the excuses given by his opponents are plain wrong.

Here's a lawyer writing about it too:

You need to understand the whole legal system behind it to understand why such a "harmless" bill has such big consequences. You cannot look at it in an isolated way.