What nihilist books do you recommend?
Novels, poems, essays ...
Anything by Barth
>Posts Dostoevsky
What did you intend by this
The plays of Wm Shakespeare, the poems of Emily Dickinson, the Essays of Michel de Montaigne.
The ego and It's own
Dostoevsky wasn't a nihilist and nihilism is the weak mans ideology.
>nihilism is the weak mans ideology
What kind of nonsense is that. It's a lack of ideology because they aren't convinced by any ideology. How is that a matter of weak vs. strong? What's the strong man's ideology?
>Dostoevsky wasn't a nihilist
He didn't ask for books by nihilists he asked for nihilist books. His novels qualify as its a major theme of his
>What's the strong man's ideology?
The red pill obviously
>It's a lack of ideology because they aren't convinced by any ideology
No. It's an ideology even if it is a lack of ideology. You chose to follow the idea of it.
It's followers are weak because they are too brittle to construct there own moral code without the possession of anothers, which is also an answer to your question of the strong mans ideology.
Dostoevsky's novels are psychological and existential. Nothing nihilistic about most of them.
>Nothing nihilistic about most of them.
Except all the nihilist characters, which play a major role in all his major novels.
There's nihilism in some of Mishima's books
>Dostoevsky's novels are psychological and existential. Nothing nihilistic about most of them
Yeah the psychology and existential issues of characters struggling with or against nihilism.
>There is no meaning in the universe
>Dude just magically pull meaning out of your ass
Nietzchlets need to leave
I agree with you for the most part but the problem is that you can't really draw a line between "strong" and "delusional".
The nihilist will say (and admit) that there is no way to deduce morals or a meaning for anything without metaphysics (which we got rid of, too).
The "strong man" will say "well it's enough if I personally can convince myself to believe in it without any objective reason to".
To which the nihilist will reply "so how's that different from just doing whatever you want?".
Its the same as I'M A CENTRIST fags.
Anything written by this witty fella, in particular The New Gods and The Trouble With Being Born.
Congratulations you're the dumbest poster on Veeky Forums!
>naive nihilist idiots thinking they're profound by being aware of the obvious fact that there is no meaning
>"yeah there's no meaning lmao, just gonna do whatever until death, Rick and Morty ftw"
shake mein head
I'm a Hegelian actually, git gud son
Then why are you whining about "meaning" and not dialectics?
Because I find Nietzsche's concept of "personal" meaning out of objective meaningless to be juvenile and absurd
infinite jest
>this is your brain on America