i read at like 150 wpm, which is like half the speed of the average reader, which means it takes me 15 hours to do something that would take a normal person 7.5 hours. I just can't read knowing this. I'm 22 it shouldn't be like this >:(
how do i improve my reading speed? Sprint Reader chrome extension helps a lot for digital stuff but it feels like cheating, probably doesnt even help me improve my natural reading
>I don't read because somebody out there on planet Earth reads faster Sounds to me like you don't like reading at all. Try videogames.
Lincoln Murphy
Just read more books you jabroni.
Michael Smith
i've tried to read, i thought it was the books content that i didnt like you try and watch a movie at half the speed without wanting to shut the fuck down : (
are u sure this works because i feel like im doomed to reading at turtle pace and maybe there's something i can focus on to actually improve?
Samuel Hill
What exactly causes you to read slowly?Do you get distracted easily or do you struggle to grasp a sentence's meaning? Or is it something else?
Oliver Ramirez
>Do you get distracted easily yes
>do you struggle to grasp a sentence's meaning yes
I'll read the sentence, shake my head, then re-read it. It's like that thing where you are reading and start thinking about something else, except it happens in short enough intervals that i dont start thinking about something else i just dont grasp the meaning of the words put together in a sentence.
sometimes I'll get to the end of the line, and spend like 6 seconds trying to find where the next line is located
Thomas Thompson
a) You are actually retarded/ADD. In that case get yourself on medication, and consider suicide.
b) You're easy distracted because reading isn't as immediately gratifying as stuff you usually do. The only cure is to read until it becomes second-nature
Noah Perry
I think some medication to calm your mind might be useful. Another question I wanted to ask: how do you know that you just don't like the books? If the material bores you, your mind is more likely to stray.
Juan Butler
I know just what you're looking for
Levi Murphy
uh thanks for the worries about add but im hella not taking ritalin, im super wary of any sort of mental medication, i dont have trouble concentrating on other tasks as i do when reading books.
>Another question I wanted to ask: how do you know that you just don't like the books? If the material bores you, your mind is more likely to stray.
I knoooow :( i struggle with this a lot because i've tried many different books (novels, fiction, self help, etc) and they all bored me, so i couldnt tell if they were boring me because i was so slow at reading them or if i was slow at reading them because they bored me. It was probably both. I remember i read the first like 3 narnia books as a child because my parents would give me prizes for it but i didnt even enjoy it even though i tried
currently trying with technical/academic books in a field of interest, that's how i realized i read super slow but im trying now
Josiah Baker
>im hella not taking ritalin Good. I was given that shit and it was no fun.
Matthew Diaz
Have you tried audiobooks? It could be that you do not like the activity of reading. Is it better if the material is read to you?
Noah Perry
Do people actually keep track of how long it takes them to read something? What is the point?
Carter Moore
audiobooks are even slower and the whole point is to not-hate reading as an activity since it's so important for learning
it takes 5 seconds to do one of those "read this paragraph with a timer and we'll tell you how many words per minute you read" welll it takes me longer cuz i read slow teehee and yes i worry because if i can somehow improve and read twice as many books under the same amount of time that i can do now it'd be a very valuable skill
Nathan Smith
also i need to read a lot of stuff for school and if im taking 4 hours to do something that the rest of the class does in 2 im wasting a lot of time over the course of the course
Carter Lopez
OP, I think you should try to improve your reading comprehension. Once your comprehension improves your speed should improve. Like said, you should read more.
I did some cursory googling and found this: opencolleges.edu.au/informed/adult-literacy/ From the page, this seems relevant to you: >Stop Backtracking >One of the biggest problems that average readers face is going back and re-reading previous lines. Backtracking will slow your down a lot, so try using your finger to avoid going back and reading the same words.
And I think you will benefit if you: >Keep notes. Whenever you find interesting words that are used in order to describe something more easily, write them down somewhere (have a notebook just for new words). Writing the words down will help you remember them.
>Write. When you’re put into a position where you have to explain something or communicate ideas, you’re forced to use new words in order to be clear and help other people understand you. Start writing about something that you’re passionate about and use new words that you’ve stumbled upon before.
I wish you success in your studies.
Camden Watson
500 wpm, who cares """cheating"""?
Easton Robinson
someone posted then deleted, op, but there is a program that will train you to read faster. look up spreedr or spreeder - it's something like that
I got 333 WPM with 100% comprehension rate ( wasted measured but i understood everything )
David Bailey
I read fiction really slowly. And often backtrack over bits of particularly moving prose to commit them to memory. Good books aren't meant to be speedread you dingus.
William Garcia
700 WPM with 100% comprehension here. I read novels in two hours.
Thomas White
Any app to read epubs like this?
Easton Brooks
Those WPM tests are conducted with vacuous YA novels and shit, OP. Anyone who brags about being able to "read fast" doesn't read anything worthwhile.
I have to mull over my science and philosophy textbooks. Anything worth reading requires serious thought that doesn't allow for speed reading.
Jacob Adams
who cares how fast you read literally no one knew nor gave a fuck until you made this thread
Nathaniel Lewis
very helpful ty
>500 wpm, who cares """cheating"""? The idea is to also read paperback fast you dofus
yeah i dont wanna brag about reading fast, yeah i get it that technical books are read a little bit slower because your mind has to relate each new concept to the ones that you already know, however, this is no excuse for me not to try to improve and do something (i.e. read) twice as fast as i do now without losing any bit of reading comprehension. (especially since my speed is currently subpar)
it's not about reading "As fast as possible", it's about retaining full comprehension WHILE reading faster