Just got the book series, arriving in mail soon. What am I getting myself into with this book series.
Just got the book series, arriving in mail soon. What am I getting myself into with this book series
>just got the book series
>what am I getting myself into with this book series
"Every conversation is exposition" the book.
Pretty good genre fiction.
I'm starting the series over again today. Haven't read it since high school in the 90s. Some books are better than others, but it's pretty coherent and entertaining.
First book is great. The rest are OK to blah. I read all of them but I only re-read the first book and have been doing so since the 80s.
This is pretty accurate. For the love of god, don't take any of the Brian Herbert/Kevin J Anderson books seriously as part of the Dune universe. They are BAD. On the other hand, according to Brian, Frank Herbert was a bit of a shit father, so maybe it's revenge (plus the cash grab, of course).
Space arabs
Dark Ages and Islamic Caliphate in Space: Electric Boogaloo
All good writers are shit parents. The man spent his time creating a universe and a legacy. Of course he missed some t-ball games. I'm sure Brian and the rest of the family wipe a lot of tears with 100 dollar bills, before wandering around their palatial estates.
First time around I did option 4. If I was rereading them I'd do option 2. Don't believe anyone who tells you God Emperor is amazing.
>tfw you thought this was going to be a "I ordered 20 Brian Herbert books!!" troll thread
>tfw kind of disappointed it's a real, non-shitpost thread
So im only gonna read the original six, not gonna go further with shit, but looking forward to reading it. Is it as good as everyone on here makes it sound?
A lot of people like Brian Herbert's books, so your opinion is of the minority.
>God Emperor is a good Dune novel
Time this meme was quietly smothered with a pillow.
But it was good.
Explain how it wasn't, or you're full of shit.
The first two are great. The second book is basically just the conclusion of the first one that got cut because the first Dune was already long as fuck.
If you really like the setting, read the third and fourth as well, but book three really cheapens the ending of the second book, so proceed with caution.
Don't bother reading past the fourth book.
>not getting the classic covers
wtf is wrong with you kid
Because it reads like the rambling dissertation of a mediocre humanities major. And there's barely any plot. It was never even intended as a standalone novel, merely as a set-up for the new trilogy.
Now tell me what's good about it. I'll wait.
>Don't bother reading past the fourth book
>slogging through God Emperor without taking the payoff
you got the first part right
You should really only read Dune
Maybe the second and third book
Gets shit after that
>the opinion of the majority is the correct one
I got the classic covers, just pulled up that photo on Google since they re still arriving in the mail
I read them on my teenage years, here are my two cents:
The first is good, the second is also good but shits all over the themes of the first. It's the last book told from Paul's perspective, and goes out of its way to illustrate just how much a failure he was, in that all the terrible visions he was getting since the middle of Dune came true with him being completely powerless to stop them. He becomes completely reliant on prescience, and eventually causes his own death. This is probably the best stopping point
The third continues to shit all over the first and if memory serves had better prose than the two before it, but is only really worth reading if you are aiming to finish the series. It ruins the end of the second book and boils down to a large set up to God-Emperor of Dune, probably the weakest in the series.
God-Emperor of Dune has the worst, driest prose out of the bunch. As someone higher in the thread mentioned Leto's dialogue reads like the ramblings of a mediocre humanities major. It gets much better as all the pieces fall into place during the climax, but not enough that I wasn't dissapointed.
The last two are when Herbert's prose and characterization matures, but they are thematically unrelated to the previous books and a lot more pulpy. They happen in the aftermath (several millenia later) of God-Emperor. The antagonists are a mutated offshoot of the Bene Gesserit. These were a lot of fun.
>has never been traumatized by emotionally distant parents
read Sound and the Fury
two good books
Dune is the best but don't buy it because his jewish son would get them moneys. Don't read a Brian Herbert's Dune book.
>but shits all over the themes of the first
Que? Not sure how you can think that unless you believe that the key theme of the first is 'being forced into a saviour role designed by others is great fun and nothing could possibly go wrong', tbph.