
What does Veeky Forums think of this man?

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>le drunkard genius meme

tried to be dramatic way too hard. also this

Some people like him when they're in their teens but then get over it when they've matured a bit. You should definitely avoid women who like Bukowski.

If you want to read something of his to get a grip on what kind of author he is, then Ham on Rye is widely considered to be his best novel.


What does it feel like Veeky Forums, not to be able to read the works of so many great writers and philosophers in the greatest language to ever exist? You won't read the exact words of Schoppenhauer or Nietzsche but the words others chose for you to understand instead.

>Learn German



alright what do you suggest I read that is from him?

his prose and poems are quite good

>You should definitely avoid women who like Bukowski.
why tho

Holy cow I was just watching this as a joke but it really is interesing.
I was just always disgusted by what I heard he wrote about and the few parts my perveted AP Lit teacher showed us.

What did he mean by this?


Bitter edgelord who should have become an hero before publishing his shitposts, but didn't have a forum-full of teenage autismos to guide and encourage him in this endeavor.

I can't stop watching these videos of him simply talking

Will writers during this day and age ever be as much of a human as someone like Bukowski.

God, his face looks like it's been dried out from alcohol running through his blood.

oh man I can't get enough of this guy. Fucking hilarious.

If you looked like Bukowski you wouldn't need to make an effort to avoid women

feels like a character that would be on King of the Hill, one that always keeps Hank on edge with his defeatism

reading Post Office right now.

It's a nice, funny, easy read. The old school 50-60s slang dates it in a bad way, but other than that I really like it.

I find his poetry pretty comfy.

This made me tear up unironically


dysfunctional drunken whores who are top tier dick suckers

Because they tend to be pseudo-deep muh depression snowflake sluts.

Veeky Forums may think he is meme tier, but I like him.

But I drink a lot, and hate my job.

>top tier dick suckers

I don't see a problem here.

>But I drink a lot, and hate my job.
a 9-5 job?


Why haven't you killed yourself yet then?

A fear of physical pain and disappointing people.

How many years have you worked like this now?

The funny thing is that he totally could have been a handsome guy if he took care of himself a little better

Three years. Only about 35 more to go.

> Only about 35 more to go
that is simply depressing

ofc timestamp doesn't fuckin work

>missing the 'dysfunctional drunken whore' part that precedes it

Nobody needs that, and I'm not even the original person making the argument.

Yes. It is.

only works if you paste the link

No sympathy for a spineless cuck who is too much of a coward to find a job he actually enjoys

whats your job user?

I keep looking, but I don't think such a thing exists.


You must abandon life and worship death

Ham on Rye is great. He had a few decent poems but he was a shitty poet. Post office is also pretty good

Bluebird and Born into this are his best

I didn't miss it, I just don't think it impacts the latter at all. If they give you the shits, you leave.

I feel like this would be much more emotionally affecting without the music and the visuals. Great reading voice of his though.

"who tha fack would want a woman like that?"

he tries so hard to be vulgar or something like that and it becomes pretty annoying

fun to read if you dont have youre head up your ass


this version is better

It feels like Bukowski's attitude of being "against" everything and calling out the hipocrisy of society and of living in society used to be relevant (George Carlin also comes to mind), but nowadays has completely or almost completely lost its place to the strange kind of ironic but ultimately conformist/pessimist attitude from the D. F. Wallace types.

You could claim both types of "movements" are pessimistic, but in Bukowski you have this immediate absurdity of things and it is crystal clear what is and what isn't fucked up on every situation he writes about. Whereas in the prevailing attitude towards things nowadays it is all blurred behind many layers of irony and you're basically stuck in a kafkaesque market looking out for non-existant alternatives to your current life, finding out that, one after another, every path actually plays out the same way.

TL;DR: What he says about everyone else is outdated. What he says about himself may or may not apply to you. Just read Ham on Rye and find out.

>TL;DR I have never read Bukowski but nobody can stop me from posting my psued opinion here

A very disgusting and disturbing person. Only an American could find him charming.


>guy with a cushy government job with healthcare and a pension bitches about it

millenials don't want to hear this kind of baby boomer bullshit, fuck a bukowski

>Postal service
>Cushy gov job
LOL, go read Rupi Kaur you strong independent womyn

ok cool, see you in your next whiney neet thread about how you can't get a job

I write tweets part time and stream video games full time. It's much more difficult than a cushy government job

that's the point you fucking nerd, all bukowski has to do is show up at some building and hangout for 8 hours and his lower middle class lifestyle is basically guaranteed for life, and then the fuckin fag complains about it, give me a fucking break

>then the fuckin fag complains about it
lol, you should probably read Bukowski before you start posting.

>reading some shit a drunk whiney government worker wrote

nah ill take a pass

Then stick to your fanfiction, obviously nobody is going to stop you from shitposting here.

yes, anyone who doesn't read plebby baby boomer detritus must be into fan fiction

i've personally always thought of bukowski as a poor man's miller

Read Post Office a while back and it was one of the few times a book had me laughing. I enjoyed his writing style and found it refreshing at the time

a proto user...
he lived life on his own terms
and had alot of fun living it

who was in the wrong here?
