I agree pretty much completely with DFW's criticism of American Psycho,
>If what’s always distinguished bad writing—flat characters, a narrative world that’s cliched and not recognizably human, etc.—is also a description of today’s world, then bad writing becomes an ingenious mimesis of a bad world. If readers simply believe the world is stupid and shallow and mean, then Ellis can write a mean shallow stupid novel that becomes a mordant deadpan commentary on the badness of everything.
Most postmodern art is literally the "xd I was just pretending to be retarded" shitposting meme but manifested into everything. Pic related, pomo architects literally design ugly and inefficient buildings on purpose basically as a joke to make fun of modernism. The first couple times it's interesting and subversive but as you get exposed to more and more of the cynical, ironic shit it all washes together (the value/ingenuity of criticizing modernism is also completely gone now that everyone realizes how retarded it was). The problem is, though I want so badly to move on from postmodernism I'm afraid it may be the philosophical and artistic endgame and that it will just continue to erode culture and values forever. I, for one, am completely sold on moral relativism and the whole "pure ideology" thing and am 100% sure these "realizations" have had nothing but negative effects on my life. Despite this, I can't just force myself to go back, and don't see how we could transition from this kind of meta-ironic culture back to anything else without propagating some kind of massive noble lie.