Has anyone here actually tried to 'sort themselves out' with this program? did it work?

has anyone here actually tried to 'sort themselves out' with this program? did it work?

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Is this something you have to pay for?

It made me get over my depression and realize that I shouldn't kill myself because I'm unhappy. I should kill myself because it's the only logical thing to do

yeah it's like 30 $ for the whole thing


unless you are one of the students in his course, yes.

peterson's been memed to death on here, surprised more people aren't weighing in

He gives out coupons from time-to-time. Last one I knew was PEPE, but it's probably expired by now.

commercial spam and marketing belong on

lmao i'm not marketing you jaded douche, i'm genuinely asking if this helped anyone because i'm tired of living this meme existence

I'm not going to help some meme philosopher cash in on his sudden internet stardom. I'll just go read Chesterton again.

This is as much of a swindle as the School of Life merchandise.

commercial spam and marketing belong on


This looks like hot shit

>cashing in on frogmen with Patreon and now this

care to elaborate? or nah

Is there more to it than 'clean your room'?

In ten minutes, you write down things you can do that will change your life for the better (like go to bed at regular times, eat healthy etc. Bit more precise than that but you get the gist) and then you look at what you can do today and what you can do in a week and what you can do in a month and so on.
And then you do it.
That's it.
30 bux pls

Peterson suffers from depression, are you sure you wanna risk it?
Besides, a bible is cheaper.

this is the answer i was looking for

Veeky Forums is for books not self help programs, saged and reported.