Learning French to read French literature.
Good meme or bad?
Learning French to read French literature.
Good meme or bad?
i have trouble believing this wasn't photoshopped to some extent
> not learning Russian to read Russian literature.
C'est assez bien. Il y a beaucoup de choses à lire, et la langue n'est pas trop difficile. Combien de temps as-tu été en train de l'apprendre?
>as-tu été en train de l'apprendre?
Tu devrais retravailler ta phrase.
French literature is /comfy/ .
I love and I have read everything from him.
If you are a historyfag like me, you will like it.
>Émile Zola
I love how harsh his books are.
Comment est-ce que je devrais le dire? Simplement «Combien de temps as-tu l'appris»?
Depuis combien de temps apprends-tu le français?
En combien de temps l'as-tu appris ?*
"Depuis quand est-ce que tu apprend le français?"
Je te pose la question à toi aussi.
English literature has been created for one thousand years, why would you need another language's literature on top of that?
Je ne suis pas l'op, mais j'apprends la langue depuis une année. Quels auteurs sont simples pour un anglo? Camus? Dumas? Je pense qu'ils ne sont pas mals en anglais, j'adore le Comte de Monte Cristo.
>Bumfucknowhereville has a Burger King AND a Taco Bell. Why the hell would you need to go live somewhere else?
Certaines œuvres de Voltaire sont très accessibles ! (Micromegas ou Candide)
Boris Vian is good fun, read L'écume des jours.
Merci de ton conseil. Moi, j'apprends le français depuis deux ans et demi, environ. Es-tu français?
Camus est plus ou moins facile. Si tu veux lire des écrivains québécois, Jacques Poulin est plutôt simple (et amusant aussi).
Les trois mousquetaires de Dumas
Les fables de Jean de la Fontaine
Victor Hugo
J'allais écrire ça justement.
Je suis Québécois.
Essaye de mettre la main sur "Prochain épisode" de Hubert Aquin, j'ai adoré.
I'm French and I'm currently reading "Les Chants de Maldoror" from Lautréamont.
Spoken like a true American. Go fuck yourself.
J'espère bien ne plus la voir dans le futur
elle a tourné les yeux vers l'avenir
le pen a perdu; elle va conquérir
>Hubert Aquin
Merci, je vais le vèrifier. Je viens de commencer l'Écureuil Noire. Tu l'as lu?
Non, mais je viens de l'ajouter à ma liste, je ne connaissais pas Daniel Poliquin.
J'ai un ami qui m'as parlé en bien de Larry Tremblay dernièrement. Je n'en ai pas lu encore, mais j'ai entendu une entrevu à radio-Canada et il me semble prometteur.
The only reason I want to learn it is so I can read Rimbaud and Moliere.
How long will it take to learn if I study for an hour everyday
What an ugly fucking language. Muchos Shitos
Merci beaucoup, les anons
Americain tabarnak
Show some fucking respect
>Muchos Shitos
What barbarian language is that? Are Americans cucked that much by Pedro?
>Frog calling literally anyone else cucks on this day in history
Soy de los estados unidos y penso dos lenguas; espanol y Ingles.
Tambien penso que Lengua Frances esta y parece mierda.
Que un broma!
Is that a le pen pepe?
Ouch my Arabian friend but I have bad news for you, you aren't going to end up in our club.
No cuckolds allowed.
Global Anglo Union when?
¿taco taco quesadillas taco chili taco?
Je suis Québécois angl*cuck
>espana: toreo, masculinidad, y cultura compleja
>Rancid France: Baguettes, los mimicas, y bigotes.
Your country is cucked anyways
That's like being French but throwing away the rich history and culture.
Nothing sound more fag than Spanish.
J'ai déjà ma propre histoire, je n'ai pas à me préoccuper de la France. C'est comme un cousin éloigné que tu ne vois jamais.
French is like budget spanish and italian.
ugliest language
>Best book from Spanish is literary a retard with down syndrome on a donkey.
What about Samuel Beckett and Proust?
I never read Beckett nor Proust for now but I have "Sodome et Gomorrhe" in one of my bookcase. I should read it pretty soon!
>learning Japanese to read Japanese literature **and to watch animus**
Good idea?
>ses pages sur les juifs
j'ai lu ca il y a bien vingt ans - et j'ai encore des séquelles.
>Louis Ferdinand, best read in French.
If you're already interested in Japanese literature, anime, or anything else in the language: yes.
Like it sounds dumb, but a language isn't worth much if you try to learn it and never interact with it. If you're constantly around Japanese stuff, it's not a dumb idea.
En effet, c'est le genre de lecture que l'on n'oublie pas, qui marque !
chaque fois que j'entends des chiens hurler la nuit: Maldoror.
(c'est plus commun que des requins, c'est pour ca)
aller au bordel saoul: Maldoror.
des poils de couilles sur la couverture: Maldoror
Voir des tours au loin: Maldoror
mathématiques: Maldoror
l'océan: Maldoror
putain, quel cauchemar.
You're going to have to learn Arabic now
Yes it is definitely a good idea ! Honestly I started learning Japanese because I was really into Mishima's work (and into mangas also). However it takes a lot of time to master kanjis, I'm nowhere near being able to read books in japanese (speaking isn't much of a problem though).
Vieil océan !
Je voudrai aller au lupanar comme Maldoror
you know, there was a quote by Flaubert which I haven't been able to find, (and I'm not going through his correspondence again any time soon) in which he said that if one hasn't spent a drunken night in a brothel with a woman one will never see again, only to wake up the next day wanting to jump off the nearest bridge, then one hasn't lived.
I would be a bit sad to loose my virginity in a brothel haha !
better men have done it.
Actual french here. Off course it is good, just like learning Russian to read Russian literature.
Escpecially poetry, french peotry is as much about sounds as it is about the actual meanings of words, and almost all of it is lost through translation.
Also, I once read L'Etranger de Camus in english and I found it absolutely horrendous, it's so different than the french version.
The Kindle dictionary (for me) makes it about 2000x easier and more enjoyable to read French btw.
> french peotry is as much about sounds as it is about the actual meanings of words, and almost all of it is lost through translation.
It fucking shows, I remember I was reading Rimbaud when I'm Not There came out and being unable to see what's his deal, but then I saw the movie and Charlotte Gainsbourg reads some poem of his and it sounds beautiful, even though I don't speak french.
>Not learning French to read War & Peace dialogues.
Estás cagado, huevón.
I are México by. I walks too tongües; Espáñish and Unitestetian.
I too thinks Franch are bad and ugly tongüe.
A what jokey.
>he uses google translate
well theres the problem
Good idea. Additiomally, in our lifetimes there will always be work for good EN/JP translators.
Whom is (You) talking about?
this is the magic pill for building your vocabulary
french literature is better, believe me i am slav
russian is either very specific stuff or sensational garbage like dostoevsky
french has baudellaire, apollinaire, proust, this decadent guy and much more, also french cinema is god-tier
i am not english
Why is Trudeau so based?
C'est quoi est l'edition meillieur de la Bible?
Mon préféré au L'Anglais est "Revised King James Version" donc J'aimerais le parallèle
also, there is a ton of interest non-fiction french shit to read, like the logs from napoleons expedition into egypt that sparked egyptology, or some influential math books for stem fags who actually care to read the primary sources of great mathematicians and also every time there is a new terror attack you can read about it in le monde which you can be sure will continue at regular intervals now that macron won
I'll correct that for you
> Quelle est la meilleure édition de La Bible ?
> Ma préférée en anglais est la "Revised King James Version", j'aimerais une édition équivalente.
Fucking pleb ...
i don't even speak french but i could tell that was wrong, lol, thanks for the update, i don't want to accidentally absorb fucked up french grammar from plebs on Veeky Forums
Thank you for correcting me and putting me in my place, I will refrain from posting in French until I am ready
Yeah it's worth it, plus France is a neato place to visit.
I'm picking up my third language rn, but Greek is a fucking slog.
How does this work on Kindle? I'm very interested in reading Proust in French, but how does this work? I have a kindle, do I need to download the dictionary? And if I download it, will it allow me to look up words right from the text or will I need to switch back and forth?
It should be automatically downloaded if you're connected to the internet and open a French book I believe.
You simply tap a word and you get a drop box with three different options, Wiktionary, the dictionary and google translate.
One of which the Kindle automatically detects is most appropiate.
Hey thanks guy!
Mine didn't download automatically. I had to go to the Kindle web interface (my content, or something) and send the dictionary over that way. It's a FR-FR dict.
kek I'm doing that
J'apprends le français ilya une année et j'adore, j'ai déménagé en France et je me renseigne dans un lycée (j'ai majeur mais c'est plus pour apprendre la langue)
Je trouve la littérature super bien sauf la poésie, j'arrive pas à l'aimer et ça m'énerve.. Et uncore plus chiant quand j'ai mon bac de français à passer, j'arrive à aimer et comprendre tout peut-être parce-que je peut toujours les comparer avec la littérature russe ( ma langue maternelle) mais rien pour la poésie, vous avez des conseils ?
Et n'hésitez pas à corrigé mes fautes je vous remercie.
Absolument dégoûtant.
Macron won so learning French is kind of pointless now that it's an African language.
Soon there won't be anymore French speakers, so who cares?
>Recommendez-moi des romans écrits dans la langue française.
Le genre m'importe peu. Je lis tant de littérature anglophone qu'il en vient un point où mes capacités a nommer plus de 10 auteurs francophones m'est impossible.
You should learn a marketable skill instead, rofl.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Henry de Montherlant
Drieu La Rochelle
Jacques Chardonne
Paul Morand
Michel Déon
Michel Mohrt
Alphonse de Chateaubriant
René Barjavel (surtout: 'Ravage')
A good list of decent writers.
Protip: They're all on the right.
Bonne lecture!
>J'apprends le français il y a une année et j'adore, j'ai déménagé en France et je me renseigne dans un lycée (j'ai majeur mais c'est plus pour apprendre la langue)
Change la phrase pour:
Pour mon grand bonheur, j'ai commencé à apprendre le français l'an dernier. Afin d'étudier la langue française dans un lycée, j'ai aussi déménagé en France.
Il y a plus a corriger, mais il est tard. Deplus, je ne suis pas sur si tu as commencé à apprendre le français avant de te rendre en France ou après.
Je te conseille de lire beaucoup; c'est ainsi que j'ai appris à écrire mon médiocre français.
P.S. Corrigez mes fautes
Merci !
Also, Valery Larbaud.
That makes 10.
Now you've no excuse.
why would you start with the fourth volume?
>Et n'hésitez pas à corrigé mes fautes
maybe because it's got a promising title?
>You have to read books in the order I choose.
Because I bought it for 2$ in a thrift store.
It's a serial in seven parts with foreshadowing and parallels you can't start halfway through what are you doing