>Middle school classics edition

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Currently reading. I love the narrative, statistics, economics, and analysis.

Any other books dealing with economics or sociopolitical issues that are as captivating? I'm an economist so I love stuff like this.


I think you'd like this. thomas sowell is one of my favorites


>Tfw uncultured, nihilistic, suicidal 21 yo KV
What should I read to unfuck myself?

Stop reading books and go outside you whiny cunt

that's gotten be depressing. hang in there lad

Make friends.
Be social.
Get job.
Meet 5/10qtpie

>Make friends
I have 4 irl close friends
>Be social
Hard when your insecure.
>Get job
I have a part time job
>Meet 5/10 qtpie
I wish.
I currently don't read much but was looking into maybe doing it more. It's gotta be more valuable then playing videogames, right?
Thanks. I'm trying I guess.

read the way of men

This is the best overview of the computer I have ever read. If you are interested in learning about computers, this is the book for you.

So I was super into Slaughterhouse-5 by Vonnegut, I also enjoyed Cats Cradle.

The Things They carried was great, so was To Kill a Mockingbird.
I'm looking to broaden my horizons. On my shelf, I have The Road by Cormac McCarthy, On the Road by Kerouac, and a few other novels.


I love those books with eccentric little girls as main characters. I don't know if that's a genre or even classification but I love em. I'm talking Alice in Wonderland, Anne of Green Gables, etc (those are the popular ones anyway).

>A book that's been disproven since before it even came out


The Communist Manifesto
Das Kapital
Eighteenth Brumaire

what now

Can anyone recommend me a book where humanity is in their decline but live enough to see a new species that will take over their place?

I want to read about the crusades (fiction).
Also, about the life of aristocrats.

Go to the Europe section in the Guardian. You'll find exactly what you're looking for.

>le pol memery

White genocide is a biological fact, not a meme

Freakonomics was quite good and discusses flaws of this book. I liked Undercover Economist too.

Steppenwolf if you can manage it or Siddartha. Hesse's poetry is good too and I find picking up his or William Blake's quite cathartic and grounding. Stoner and American Psycho as well. All in all people often seem vacuous and selfish turds but learning to admit the sheer marvel in their existence (and everything else for that matter) is incredibly freeing whilst adding that much more value to the good and beautiful things they do. Also to echo other anons going outside does wonders too. Confidence is a trick you play on yourself and others and you learn it by practice; just be sure to check yourself. There is no courage without fear. Meditation is a valuable skill to use against ennui.

Currently enjoying this. Any other good conspiracy fiction or "nonfiction" out there?

Is this any good?

The guy is pretty interesting. I think his most compelling theory is the stratification of society by wealth and how it will genetically lock us into a intellectually superior elite and a genetically inferior proletariat.

Any recs for improving visual imagination? I'm really bad at imaging settings in books, whether man-made architecture or forestry. Ruins books for me since I can't see what the author is trying to depict.

Foucault's Pendulum

>caring about crackers

Goethe and Nietszche. Or Heine and Jung. I'm a Germaboo but those authors helped me out. Start lurking Veeky Forums if your not too intellectually conceited.

I'm working my way through Russell's History of Western Philosophy. I don't want to read any Philosophy while doing so but rather a nice piece of literature to wind down with. My backlog is still mostly Veeky Forums recs but I can't decide what I should read, so I might as well try strawpoll.

what im currently reading. with every story, it's a piece of Veeky Forums from every country.

no he was a nazi

Wow, someone who actually read the book and didn't just skim the chapter on race. I think Murray's concern that our current (because really, nothing's changed since the book came out) social structure incentivizes the creation of a hereditary "cognitive elite", and that this will be destructive to social cohesion and to democracy, is interesting and seems to have been some truth, although not in the genetic determinist sense, between Obama, and now Trump, being elected (not to mention Bernie's campaign). Reminds me a bit of Christopher Lasch desu.

not that guy but if he reminds you of lasch than i just added it to my list

They're different thinkers with differing approaches, but there is a good amount of overlap in terms of overall sentiment between The Bell Curve and Lasch's Revolt of the Elites, which I think came out around the same time, give or take a year. Same for Lasch's Culture of Narcissism and Murray's 2012 book, Coming Apart.

I'm new here so no bully but figured this might be a good thread to ask/ start. I'm looking for recommendations on books involving the study or psychological view of being attracted to under age girls. Stuff that isn't one sided and gives a good view of both sides. Or maybe books like Lolita and so forth. I'll do my own research but thought maybe someone here would have some off hand



I love Ezra Pound, but I'm a leftist, am I dumb?


I'm looking for books about Irish folk tales and mythology, and I'm also looking for /out/ books in general, books about wandering, about plants, animals, nature and so on.

On the Road by Kerouac can be quite a fun read if you're young, though I preferred Dharma Bums, even though the parts on Buddhism weren't really on point, but still, the book was quite nice, especially when they were in mountains.
If you want to broaden your horizons I recommend reading some books from other countries too. You could try some stories by Robert Walser, and I also recommend trying Bruno Schulz, although I don't know if the translations are good.

Any other Gothic books like Frankenstein?

I Am Legend - Richard Matheson
Not meme'ing ya.



Plato - Symposium
Plato - Apology
Bachelard - The Poetics of Space
Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Santayana - Skepticism and Animal Faith


This is fucking hilarious
>smith in babby tier next to animal farm
>now we're going to take you through Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger, so you'll be completely prepared for reading the lord of the rings and the unabomber

I second this.

Macbeth because you can read it in a few hours. Then The Sun Also Rises if you're looking for another short, good read. Then everything else

Anything for self improvement?

I've read How to win friends and influence people, letters from a stoic and meditations and they all had a positive impact on my life.

I've been looking around for a couple more books like these but all I find is the ' you are special and the world is your oyster ' level of book and that doesn't resonate with me at all.

I can sum up the 7 habits of highly effective people for you by main idea: there are two levels of operation about humans, think of them as conscious and subconscious. In order to fix any problem you have to get to the root or subconscious. Once you set up the roots the conscious acts fundamental to your base. The rest is mostly tips, including the 7 habits.

An energizing book is Rich Dad poor dad,. It's mostly inspirational (in the non gay use of the word). The only thing of interest is the concept of risks and assets which are more serving to get you thinking like ceo.

48 laws of power is fun read. Gets you woke mindset but not base philosophy for mindset (refer to conscious, subconscious analogy)

If you haven't read taipan or Shogun by clavell I recommend those

Thanks user. I'll have a look at those recommendations.

Do you guys look at what a book is about before reading or do you just take, say, a book recommendation or something you have to read and just plunge straight in for a surprise? Is one method better than the other?

Did you just assume that books gender?

Know we're not meant to venture out of our cage but I think Blindsight by Peter Watts is a rare piece of scifi elevated above the rest in its field.


>hasn't read Macbeth
Read Macbeth, motherfucker. Then get you some Doestoyevsky.

>t. only reads headings and titles

whites don't care about reproducing, that's a fact

my favourite novels are Moby Dick, Heart of Darkness and Blood Meridian
what should I read?

I am book pleb. I decided to get into reading some days ago. What i have read so far

>slaughterhouse five
>the metamorphosis
>blood meridian

Liked them all. What should i read next?

American Psycho

The Book of the New Sun

>[citation needed]

>Babby's first politik.
>The Wealth of Nations.

WoN is at least tier 2 or even tier 3. Its a difficult read.