Why do you hate him?
Why do you hate him?
I don't, I haven't read any of his stuff.
i dont, but i think lacan should be read as much as him
Philosophy is trash and neechee is the king of trash.
You know that's pretty much his take on the whole thing, right?
Because he's entry level
Most people hate him because:
-his views were distorted and later discredited by the Nazi movement
-his views are distorted and misunderstood by the general public
-most of his followers are ignorant fedoras
This desu, I don't have any actual problems with his work. Genealogy of morals is GOAT
That he's the trash king? Nah.
Because he made me realize I can never be an Ubermensch
because he can take it
yeah he's a pretty damning read if you're a mediocre person ie. 99% of humanity
On the upside though, I'm content now with normies using my existence as a way to say, 'well at least I'm not that guy.' I might not be an Ubermensch, but at least I'm not completely useless
>don't know these feels
I don't hate him at all. I think he's one of the most intelligent people who ever wrote on philosophy, but people have a way of justifying his written words for their own ideological and self-interested reasons, sort of like how people use religion.
>99% of humanity
tfw to intelligent
Are you saying that's a bad thing, even in a world beyond good and evil?
Well I just think it's a mistake to read him that way. He was trying to solve the deepest problems of the West.
I don't.
>supposedly knew how to overcome humanity
>did not overcome humanity
he was full of shit.
Because he wasn't Christian. Read Kierkegaard instead.
“There is a false saying: “How can someone who can’t save himself save others?” Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?” (Nietzsche, KSA 10:4[4])
lm@o that's gay as fuck. It's just the kind of thing a charlatan would say to get out being revealed as a fraud.
I don't need to be a good singer myself, to realize that some else fucking sucks at singing.
If someone talks meta, you can't meta them with their own meta
that has nothing to do with this. Just shut the fuck up already with your shitty analogies and semantics. Nietszchack was a fraud.
>nononono, but im right!!!!!!!!!!
pic related is you
that's pretty much all Nietzsche haters
>omg how dares he write in a non-technical autistic way he is such a pseud!!1!
I don't hate Nietzsche, but I am annoyed when people read 5 pages of his stuff and then talk about it like they understood it.
That's all that it really takes though. Nietzsche's philosophy isn't that confusing. It's just muddled in beautiful but obfuscating metaphor.
Cont... Nietzsche does annoy me to some extent, though, because he used such a histrionic writing style and was arrogant beyond the point that his talents supported. He was talented, don't get me wrong, but not as talented as his arrogance wished. Also, his love of sociopaths like Borgia is grating.
I don't even consider Nietzsche to be a philosopher, reserving that word for people who discussed fundamental questions of being and consciousness. Nietzsche was more of a psychologist and critic of philosophy. I'm not sure Nietzsche really had a philosophy. He is well worth reading, but he's not really someone with a stance of key philosophical questions.
I can kind of dig this, he doesn't really have much to bring to the table on his own other than an attitude towards valuing philosophies and shit. But idk there are some ideas that are really his own like eternal recurrence (ik he wasn't the first to say it but it's his in a way) and will to power.
Veeky Forums is really full of pseudos and brainlets mostly
I think you can get the rest
real Veeky Forums does not hate him
but what you probably realize by now is that Nietzsche’s not writing his philosophy so that every single person in the world can take a little something from it…he’s writing his philosophy for a select few people that are actually going to try at existence…he’s writing it for a very small handful of people that aren’t interested in FEELING like they know everything about the world…but people that are actually going to try to understand things deeper than they’ve been led to believe about things over the course of their life.
- Philosophize this podcast episode 93
Not surprising Lit would shit all over Nietzsche
He predicted perfectly our current times. The current generation is a mess thanks to all the goddamn nihilism caused by postmodernism. I've been getting tired of my own nihilism lately and told my (now) ex-girlfriend to fuck off. I want kids, I want a family, and I want a simple life. After years of deconstructing life, I just want to pick up all the pieces and build something new and hopefully find some metaphysical sense, too.