My grandma thinks Jesus spoke Latin. How do I convince her he spoke Hebrew. She's 89 and I want her to know she is wrong before she dies
My grandma thinks Jesus spoke Latin. How do I convince her he spoke Hebrew...
Why do you want to upset her?
google it fag
But she would still be wrong if you convinced her
Write it into her Vulgate Bible in Red Ink, then tell her the Pope told you to put it there.
Given he was God I think he could have pulled it off rather effortlessly.
>convince her he spoke Hebrew
Put your granny on I have some things I want to say to her.
What about the fact that Christ was also fully human? Does Him growing up before His baptism (divinity) make Him only able to speak Hebrew? (Or did He speak koine? -- I really don't know.)
You grandson is a shit person.
More like how do you convince her you aren't retarded desu.
According to wikipedia he spoke Aramaic.
What's her ethnicity?
Born in Italy
The grandmother of a Veeky Forums shitposter? She's white, most probably.
Jesus can speak all languages.
How is it that so many of you people don't know that Jesus spoke Aramaic? Is Veeky Forums really this stupid? You couldn't even respond to the bait correctly.
God you are a dumb nigger
Generally people (on here at least) argue within the parameters of a given argument as though it is true. It's a mistake to do so honestly and it's sad to see so many people get bamboozled by cheeky dishonest Canadians like OP.
What makes you say that?
You dumb cunts. Christ (totally not Krsna) spoke koiné. Everyone spoke koiné in those days
Only picture I've ever seen of cuckerberg where he isn't smiling like John Wayne Gacy about to sodomize and murder a little boy
He most likely spoke Aramaic
Maybe he knew Hebrew or Greek
How do you know he's canadian
Canadians are dishonest bamboozlers.
He spoke Aramaic most likely.
Maybe tell her about the historical background, Latin wasn't even the language of the elite in the eastern Roman Empire, it was Greek. But being from the rural area of Galilee, Jesus would have spoken Aramaic, a semitic language related to Hebrew. Maybe point out that Aram was the name of the region north east of Galilee and is named several times in the Bible, that's where the name comes from. Jesus may have had passing knowledge of Hebrew or Greek from scripture readings in synagogues, but that's speculation. So he definitely wouldn't have spoken Latin.
You swine. Jesus was a gentleman and spoke perfect English. Now let that be the end of it.
Didn't he speak Aramic? Or Greek?
Why would a blue eyed blonde white male speak Hebrew? He spoke American.
not him, but aramaic it's an old version of hebrew
But Jesus was from Utah
so then speaking italian is the same as latin?
He spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew
Will you kneel & pray for her?
He spoke Aramaic not Hebrew retard.
>aramaic is an old version of hebrew
no it isn't, it's a semitic language, but that doesn't mean it's "an old version of hebrew," it's just one branch of the semitic language family along with arabic, akkadian, hebrew, and many others.
That's not even remotely true
You could have googled this in three seconds
1) Jesus probably spoke Latin and Greek.
2) His native language was Aramaic.
He actually spoke Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, but stay mad.
>She's 89 and I want her to know she is wrong before she dies
can't stop laffin'
>I want her to know she is wrong before she dies