Open Word doc

>open Word doc
>write a concise, interesting, entertaining, intelligent and witty opening sentence
>feel confident in my ability to keep landing intellectual punches against the reader until they are forced to admit my intelligence etc etc
>think of the billions of people swarming the planet
>think of how many people I meet are retarded or operating at a basic ideologically-driven meme-centric level
>think of the psychological reasons why I'm even writing (culturally-inculcated desire for "fame", pressure to prove worth and be validated, desire to find an easier means of earning money)
>think of the generations upon generations of people who have toiled like animals and died in utter obscurity
>think of how intensely repulsed I am by mainstream culture and society itself
>think of how futile gesture is in the bigger picture
>delete the Word doc
>drink Coca Cola and edge for several hours while playing Rome: Total War with cheats for unlimited money

Anybody here relate to my predicament? Is the true nature of genius in fact the reluctance to express and seek external acknowledgement of said genius? It is a perplexing notion, i.e. that the most profound minds among us may in fact be those who say nothing at all.

You're a pussy. You can act like a man and still be "intellectual", despite what hollywood/internet tells you.

lots of really unenlightened smart people and vice versa. but in philosophy, i think it's an interesting idea, particularly in individualist philosophies, the idea that many people may have been led to ideas that in themselves reject communication, or just don't seek it.

The only thing you seem to stroke more than your cock is your ego.

Admit it, you're just afraid of being exposed as a fraud, or at least that you fall short of where you think you are. Being aware that you're doing better than most people is one of the first steps to self-actualization, but those are some extremely low standards that you're talking about. Start doing something, like reading and thinking enough about topics to have an informed opinion about them.

I think of Veeky Forums as the place where I let out my inner autist.
In real life, I'm your regular brotier Chad/Normie. Most people I know don't know this side.

And does writing not make you happy? Do you not get those butterflies in your stomach at the thought of actually reaching someone k your level with your prose? To inspire them, no matter how pointless that may be in the end, if it drives you mam, keep doing it.

>Most people I know don't know this side.

Lol cringe

Hey man, you don't know his side

Sadly, I know that feel
I've always felt like I should "create" something, I really enjoy creative stuff and taking part in it, but I just can't get me to actually do something, what is the point if it isnt going anywhere? Writing is fun, really frustating at time, but fun, but reading seems like a much better use of my time and enjoy it much more, some authors are so amazing, if by some reason I publish something it will just be another brick between people and actual geniuses who are much worth reading than anything my poor excuse of a mind could ever create



Anyway, listen to some Jordan Peterson.

Are you the Prince of Macedon?

OP here. I only ever play as Julii. I've been playing my current saved game for around 3 years at this point. Every single city is maxed out in terms of buildings and contentment. Every single province is safe and well-managed. I have a strong fleet, strong armies etc. But just for fun I've left one region controlled by Carthage, and I just surround it with my own fully stacked out armies and invade from time to time to break down their morale before retreating again. Occasionally their royal line thins out so I force them to take control of another region until their royal family grows a little, then I invade and absolutely decimate them, destroying every building in the city, slaughtering its population (despite them being romans at this point) and then doing it all over again. It's omnipotence and I love it. The pleasure of having two or three armies under your control and marching in line towards a few units of poorly trained, poorly equipped peasants or militiamen, surrounding them entirely and picking them off with arrows before the final all-out charge from which not a single enemy soldier escapes. It's pure bliss.


i write everything in sublime and version control drafts with git

this is a pleb tier way of playing rome total war.

purely from this fact I can tell you are a pseud and your writing is shit

>>think of the psychological reasons why I'm even writing (culturally-inculcated desire for "fame", pressure to prove worth and be validated, desire to find an easier means of earning money)

how does one overcome this? i'm incapable of being motivated by anything other than validation from society and my peers.

Hitler was rejected at art school in vienna.
at least he tried, unlike you. you just sublimate your creative potential into some dumb repetitive, cycle of energy consuming nonsense

just do anything really. playing single player video games is the worst kind of activity after watching tv

Nice try, Carthaginian scum

we all want validation. however this shouldnt be your main focus. imho you should only write, if you want to achieve something or have something to say. if you don't help the poor and start a revolution

>write a short scene
>feel good
>realize I have no further ideas to flesh it out into an actual story
>stare blankly for a while
>eventually give up
>the growing list of unfinished files mocks my literary pretensions

Mostly google docs.

He means you are supposed to play epic 31k battles and skillful cwb skirmishes
