YOU read tonnes of books in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls...

YOU read tonnes of books in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls. CHAD didn't even read the books assigned to his college classes and he gets girls WET without talking to them.

YOU read in cafes while awkwardly trying to make eye contact with girls in the hope that they'll give you a concrete sign to talk to them or, in your daydreams, they'll talk to you. CHAD has dozens of matches from local college girls on Tinder, ALL of them craving him.

YOU study history, philosophy, economics, and politics in order to obtain wisdom and a logical framework that lets you powerfully analyse any idea or person. CHAD hasn't even realised that W and H.W. are different people yet he uses his charm to beat you at job interviews, the workplace, and outshines you in the unstructured domain of social situations, especially the SEX-MARKET that is modern night clubs.

YOU pay attention to your diet while maintaining a structured weightlifting routine that results in your 4 plate squat, which garners you zero attention. CHAD goes to the gym infrequently yet has bigger arms than you, a lower body fat, and makes girls SALIVATE over him.

YOU weren't on the top of the social heirarchy formed within the unique and non-repeatable high school experience, which permanently branded you with disapproval from girls who didn't care about you when they were at their most authentic. CHAD was craved in high school by dozens of girls with FRESH pussies, which only solidified his incredible high school experience and optimistic outlook on life.

start with the greeks


I strive for enlightenment and not cheap puss.
>Inb4 *tips fedora*

I read for myself and not to impress people

>reading for women

Chad isn't real. You realize this once you become an actual adult who works at a job.

YOU don't really want Stacies like those. If they were teleported naked into your room, and made attracted to you by some magical forces, YOU would feel disgust and run away from them.

I donno, it's true that I don't desire a Stacy in my life, but if a bunch of them were nude-teleported into my room and wanted to fuck I'd probably assent

>not being Veeky Forumslit/

You're doing it wrong.

YOU fell for the hedonism meme while WE are following the volkish lifestyle.

Chad certainly exists, even if he doesn't exist in "adult world", he certainly does before.

this thread belongs on Veeky Forums

I would gladly choose my situation over being a dudebro that has an IQ to match their age. Was part of a sports team at my uni last year and pulling dumb sluts was a lot easier. Having sex that didn't mean anything and lying next to a girl I cared nothing for would make me feel lonelier than just being by myself.

this is all true. physical appearance is literally the ONLY thing that matters in life. people should be euthanized for their own good the moment it's confirmed they'll grow up to be ugly.

>Was part of a sports team at my uni last year and pulling dumb sluts was a lot easier.

uh, you already ARE chad.

>living a literary lifestyle
>associating with women
Pick one

No, I don't read for women, I'm attractive and likeable enough to have a good time without having to resort to that stuff.
Stop projecting user.

Being a faggot isn't literary, in any way whatsoever.

Stacies and chads are low hanging fruits. It's fine to be attracted to them, it's natural. Just know that your plebeian taste is viewed with disdain, as tasteless and primal as a couple of street dogs having sex in a street corner.

>there are men who will never take a girl's virginity
Too bad reading will never trump life experience haha

You could have found some better faces for your pic lad. All these people are really face ugly

Imagine if this board had real moderation

Not at all lol

>Veeky Forums

Choose one.

>be me
>stayed virgin until age 30
>found qt girl solid 7 who did the same
>married with no baggage or stds
>never had to wear a condom
>have one son intentionally
>her pure un scarred womb gave be a perfect son in 99% percentile of everything.

Our ancestors had this figured out. If you want happiness, follow thier example. If you want STDs, abortions, unhappiness, and unfaithfulness then by all means follow the example of Chad and his post modern whores.

>Those pointy knees
No thanks.

>was unattractive to every woman who came across me
>biology cucks me into lowering my standard in hopes that my decrepit, putrid sperm will land in the horrific cunt of some slag
>settle for 3/10 (pic related) who's as desperate as I am
>Unaware that personality and looks are largely heritable, I doom a child to a miserable existence as a hideous, socially retarded incel
>In a last-ditch effort to save my decaying vessel from self-inflicted destruction, my brain sprays out the good chemicals in absurd amounts, blinding my eyes to my son's impurities
Pro-natalist genocide when

Agree. I've fucked so many women unprotected I'm surprised my penis hasn't fallen off. I'm miserable, I want to die. I want a cute loyal gf who I am loyal to as well.

this is why i will never reproduce. perpetuating my genetics would be a curse on the human race.

>can't read one whole post
>on Veeky Forums


Haha, antinatalist genocide guaranteed!

Stay mad child. I turned down dozens of sexual offers in my 20s. I'm over 6'2", my father was a male model and my mother was a virgin until marriage. My genetics are top tier angry friend. My wife is aesthetic as fuck and highly educated. And my son is universally praised by everyone who lays sight on his magnificent form as the most beautiful child they have ever seen (that is the ones who are not silenced by their intense jealousy). I thank god personality and looks are hereditary so he will never end up like you. Good moral training and genetic breading will always be the most important factors in human advancement. I'm sorry your parents did not love you enough to give you the true red pill of moral virtues. You really were short changed by this dystopian ethical wasteland of a civilization.


dozens, eh? You sound like a regular Brick McLargeHuge

i like pokemon too

Quick question: are you retarded? Lol you think profits are define by pussy? Go write your fucking book you dumbass. Maybe you can take solace in some poon when you realize the deconstruction of your profits.

Why do these people look the same?

i'd let the guy in the middle fuck me and i'm not even gay

This dude right here is the only sane guy in this thread

Holy shit, that's some real luck.