I miss the old Veeky Forums, straight from the /book/ Veeky Forums.
I hate the new Veeky Forums, the full reddit Veeky Forums;
The always /pol/ Veeky Forums, philposting shit Veeky Forums.
I miss the sweet Veeky Forums, reading the memes Veeky Forums,
I gotta say, at that time i wanted to be Veeky Forums.
See I invented Veeky Forums, it wasn't any Veeky Forums,
And now I look and I look around and there's so many/lit/s.
I used to love Veeky Forums, I used to love Veeky Forums,
I even had the trilogy, I thought I -was- Veeky Forums.
What if, Veeky Forums, wrote a book about Veeky Forums,
Called "I miss the old Veeky Forums?" Man that'd be so Veeky Forums!
That's all it was Veeky Forums...We still love Veeky Forums...
And I love you like Veeky Forums loves Veeky Forums.
I miss the old Veeky Forums, straight from the /book/ Veeky Forums
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Nobody who has an IQ above 110 has ever listened to a full album by Kanye West. They don't exist. If you listen to the music of Kanye West, then objectively speaking you have an IQ below 110.
What does Kanye West have to do with anything?
So du kleiner Pisser, jetzt hör mir mal gut zu.
Wenn du noch ein einziges Mal so einen Post machst, komme ich zu dir nach Hause und gebe dir eine Abreibung, die du nie mehr vergessen wirst.
Haben wir uns verstanden?
you proud of this post?
Try for a second to imagine the guy who made this post. What he looks like, what his life is like.
Is this where this meme is from? Some shitty hip hop song?
Seen hundreds of times but never cared to find out where it really originated from.
really bored
Thanks, user. I needed that pick-me-up.
a little
just realized i missed a line. woops. i'll be sure to add it when i repost it.
what said.
sorry i don't speak swahili
not bad.
i intuitively feel that he's very ugly and the kind of guy that thinks highly of himself subconsciously, but when he really stares in the mirror doesn't really see what he thought he might.
is this autism?
Keep it up, big guy. Only redditors hate Kanye.
Also turbo16 WHEN?
but user...this IS the old lit
Call Kanye shit hiphop again, I dare you.
>peeps in this very thread not recognizing kanye lyrics
Its posts like this that make me want to die. Thank you for making me want to die.
thanks for pointing out your IQ is below 110
Nobody who has a dick bigger than 6" has ever disliked a Kanye West album. They don't exist. Objectively speaking, if you dislike Kanye West, you have a dicklet that is 6" or smaller
i have an 8.5 inch dick and i think the majority of his lyrics are weak. I like his beats sometimes.
He's okay as a icon though.
Are you saying penis size is a good determination of IQ?
How fascinating!
Someone who likes books like Ready Player One for its 6,000,000 80s and 90s nostalgia references.
Pretty much someone who is a Redditor.
and then there's this plen
>115 iq
>listened to every kanye album
found the newfag
I listened to a series of sounds that independent coincide with the sounds found on kanyes discography but i did not listen to any of his albums
I have 175 iq
Are you referencing his samples or Death of Pablo? DoP is shit compared to anything in his real discography.
If you're talking about samples, go listen to Blood on the Leaves, and then report back on how you feel about him.
>If you're talking about samples, go listen to his plagiarism of the Nina Simone song about getting lynched which he featured in yet another generic retard rap record about taking drugs and making alimony payments, and then report back on how you feel about him.
Wow, he's even dumber than I first thought
good thread guys, really proud of everyone here
>listened to Kanye so he knows this is a reference to Kanye
Caught the brainlet
TLoP was pretty based
but I'm honestly getting a little sick of emo rap