The greatest work of science fiction ever. Try to prove me wrong

The greatest work of science fiction ever. Try to prove me wrong.

*blocks your path*

Burden of proof falls on the dramatic claim, bruh.

>greatest sci fi work
Not saying much....

>muh real literature.

Fuck off.

You mean the book where almost nothing happens, almost no characters have any growth, and such growth is very limited? The book where no big ideas were presented or tackled?

Did you not read 'Fall of Hyperion'?

>OP's image is of Book A; refers to it as being 'greatest'
>You are referencing Book B
After the cringeworthy snoozefest that was Hyperion I have never read anything by Dan Simmons since.


More like the greatest sci-fi short story, along with some fun, less good short stories collection

Which one?

Priest's, obviously. I'd put Consul up there too, but his story is too tightly knit to the rest of the novel

Hiya Reddit!

I bet reddit LOVES Hyperion

What exactly makes a SF work great? What are the things you are looking for? Is it character? Plot? Description?

>t. potential SF author

cut that shit out, either you write or you dont

and just read more to develop your own taste and sensibilities, anons wont tell you shit

Timetravelling loli is a must

How could the bible possibly be defined as science fiction? Nice try, fedora
>back to plebbit

I am soliciting opinions. I don't always do so overtly, but I assume this board is one such place. I often place myself in unfamiliar social situations, just to take the pulse of the room. I unashamedly live the life of a voyeur. I observe people.

I'm not asking you how to write. I am not begging for ideas. I am collecting data.

thank you

Yes, you should collect data by reading books in the field. You will learn what people want to read that way. You will not learn anything asking faggots on Veeky Forums.

How was Noah's Ark not SF? You forget that sea vessels were the space ships of the ancient era. The world was bigger back then, distances harder to fathom, the dangers multiplied. The divine command isn't at all unlike most modern Sci Fi novels, which all seem to recursively return to wishful thinking in the end. Not to mention N.A. is a salient archetype of apocalyptic and space colonial genres.

You are assuming I haven't learned a great deal here already. Come on. We're all internet veterans here. If your mental sieve wasn't working optimally, you'd be knee deep in spam offers right as we speak. Clearly, it is possible to discriminate.

Adulthood is realising Ilium makes more sense

Sci-fi should be a test lab for ideas. The best sci-fi is the most original and cerebrally challenging.

Which is ironic, because most sci-fi is idea-free, cliche-ridden shit.

Why is SF judged by it's worst?
Should we judge """""literary""""" fiction by masturbatory stuff like John Green?

Read any book by Philip K. Dick (except for his "literary" books, those are boring) and come back to me.

>Why is SF judged by it's worst?
Because there's just so much of it. It's pulpy escapism for children. Same goes for horror, fantasy etc.

Amazing how writers of "imaginative" fiction have no actual imagination, and keep on reheating the same tired bullshit.

Sorry but Alfred Bester existed.

Sorry but Stephen Baxter exists

I'm in the middle of Hyperion and plan on reading the sequel, but I've learned to avoid the last two books. Does the second book offer enough of a conclusion to warrant dropping the others or should I plan to read all four?

Zelazny would like to have a word with you.

>pulpy escapism for children
i read SF all day and then watch 90s space operas

shitty meme

meme, but fantastic

good, but inconsistently so. some sections fascinating, some boring

never heard of it

meme, but good. do not read on or after psychedelics or you will end up in hospital

inconsistent writing. wrote better books than LoL tho


I consider Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion as one book, so definitely read both. If you have interest in the story after finish the second book, read the other two


he said FICTION user

Hyperion and Fall Of are excellent science fantasy

If you want real science fiction, [spoilers]Blindsight[/spoiler]

worst bait bad troll kys

There are loads of different styles, hard SF, soft SF, SF that is so far in the future it can basically be everything. It depends on what kind of book you want to write. Is it an adventure that is just set in the future, is it to explore a new technology, explore humanity's changing relationship with his environment. All of these can be possible.

Hyperion, like dune, really got shitty in the last books. mary sues abound and plots out of the ass and time travel.


>no you see I really really want to fuck this loli but I need an escapade so people won't know I'm a pedo
>I know, I'll just send the main character on a years-long lightspeed journey so that when he mets her again she's barely legal and now she can jump on his dick

>"Hyperion, like Dune, is a poorly written snoozefest that idiots praise because it has a high page count"

Yeah, pretty much. Only first books are good.

Dune (first book) sucks
Hyperion (first book) also sucks

I've tried three times to get through Dune. Just so much out there that is more worthwhile to read, even in sci-fi.

but that book isn't about the Culture.

>even in sci-fi.
give me some recs pham

came here for this

I actually liked the first book only fuck me right