>author uses an adverb
Author uses an adverb
>author uses a noun
What's an adverb?
>'Big' is a verb.
>'Bigly' is an adverb.
>author writes prose
>author who writes
>yfw bigly is actually a word
Rename that .jpg to fitinanutshell.jpg
>'Big' is a verb.
To "go big" is a thing.
But there the verb is still the "go".
dang chang
Big up then
>author describes the room
Big in that context is also a verb.
>author gives a character a hot literary take that they themselves obviously have
It's interesting to note that adverbs and anything resembling adverbs is altogether missing from the Chinese classics. Were the ancient Chinese the most Veeky Forums?
when did adverbs go out of style? when virginia woolf when way overboard and hemingway made his shit?
No, you're only Veeky Forums if you have the chance to use them but choose not to
No it isn't.
You clearly don't know what "go big" means.
>author does books
I do, but the "big" is still just describing how you're going.
If you were going to "go insane," "insane" still wouldn't be a fucking verb you moron
>it's a "everything is a text" episode
It isn't.
If you "go fight" it's a verb.
That is how you should see "go big".
I don't know how you did it, but you strung me along pretty damn well
Good bait, user
that superbowl is cuter than the girl
I used to think this, but Joyce has me comvinced that they can be very useful and create beautiful writing.
This is why I've never gotten past 20 pages of The Great Gatsby
Adverbs didn't go out of use. Maybe with Americans, but the rest of the world is fine.
Americans seem to think that
> come quick
> drive fast
> I'm good
are acceptable English, for some reason.
Adverbs eventually appeared in the Chinese language soon after the classics had been written. I think it's likely they were just being consciously avoided in the polished register, but we'll never know.
see who walks there its little sheepdog rowdy with his 4 little paws and some fure and such things on his body in his mouth is bone and bbone is tasty so say rowdy. In his mind rowdy is happy dog and he starts rolling himself on gras where also many ants live but also other insects who walk casually round the world and occasionally get eaten or EAT THEMSELF and thus rowdy was still a happy dog for nature wen it's way with Rowdy doing his deed in rolling and eating and barkingoccasionally at strangers across the land for example when the sun goes down and Langusthine waks past the fence rowdy goes realy wild and bakrs with implicit pleasure though in explicit content with ferocious hostility and threat of supreme danger of physical well being for passerby langusthine. Langusthine would then fix his eyes on rowdy and attempt to communicate unabashed self-assuredne. he would concentrate on not emitting any fearmolcules so that rowdy would ne impressed by just how brave Langusthine was. He thought that dog impresonated masculinity. Then dog got bored and raw away down te hill towards the sea. Fish were doing skatebboard tricks on the waves and rowdy ate the whole crew for breakfast. He collected the 5 skateboardss and put them into the trash can because his owner was very conscious of ecological catastrophy and skateboards had unhealthy parts in them. Rowdy wondered why the fish wold do skateboard tricks on waves when they could do for example 1000 360 spins in the water without any problems or just swim down very fastly towards the ground rowd was thinking oin this question and then got ver tired but as he got tired a seagull named choboca got after him and picked him on his earz and said to him: hello rowdy how are you and then she icked with her mouth on his ears and rowdy would open his eyes and then start to look at her and say bark bark. it was not what the seagul chocoba had planned but she was known among friends for versatility and adaptability. Thus she replanned? she said to herself: RELAX CHOCOBA RELAX you may have miscalculated once but you will surely not miscalculate twice. Rowdy may not be able to talk, here was your grave mistake when laying out the plan originally, but he may still be able to express his feelings by writing words into the sand. filled with bravado and feeling chills of succesfulness (in future) the gull wrote: hello rowdy how are you into the sand. With it's mouth it took 7 minutes and 42 seconds and when the gull was finished rowdy started to run up the hills again because he was bored and also hungry bu the didn't like gull so he ran up the hills and chhocoba cried sadly and thought that maybe i'm versatile and flexible but i'm not good at talking to dogs it seems so what use is an allrounderish set of abilitys if it doesn't allow me to pursuemy carefully constructed plans. having thought these thoughts the gull flew into the sky and then still higher and when it reached it there was heaven with god it was die
The great Gatsby is beautifully written.
It really really isn't
It really really is.
>President uses an adverb
what? you never bigged?
>protag is a beta low-test loser who gets the girl
>protag has a random mental illness
Gentle reminder that America decides the course of the English language, not the rest of the world
>author uses an adlib
>author uses a dablib
Holy... I want more
>author of madlib
It's a verbal phrase. "Go big" is a verb.
Big isn't a verb by itself.
Just stop. Americans are ruining the English language.
The British Empire should have never died.
These are unironically good
Classical Chinese is autistically concise. It doesn't even have any two-syllable words.
>drive fast
Nothing wrong with that. 'Fast' is an adverb
>author uses real words
i think they meant "embiggen"
>it's a dream within a dream
it's a perfectly cromulent word, user