Bookshelf thread

We haven't done one of these in awhile. Post your shelves and others rate you. Here we go....

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We get it, you've tried dmt.

I just cleaned off this shelf the other day and put all the books lying around my room onto it. How's my taste? Can I get some recs?

Pretty generic but solid starter kit you have there. How's the book on Celts? I have a load but they're mostly rubbish.

Not very Veeky Forums. Your ethnogenic section is a bit hippy-dippy pothead.

boring uni shelf

Posting in my first bookshelf thread



I expect this shit from /co/, but come on Veeky Forums


It's a bait shelf. It gets reposted all the time. I think it originally came from Reddit. This is absolutely atrocious though.

Of course I haven't read all of them , some are from references I skimmed through a couple chapters in order to understand a specific person I would study etc , other purchases are the typical I'm going to read this for enjoyment once I get the chance , and most are from out of town goodwills or thrift stores , that I couldn't pass up .

Pls no bully

My paperbacks are in a different shelf

all those penguins

awful bait


>6 copies of the hobbit

Huh, those are quite nice. How'd you come about those?

Ah, the meme bindings

That's pretty sexy. Though why would you remove the dust cover?

Stop posting this shelf over and over cunt.

>Ayn Rand
>Milton Friedman
>Adam Smith
Kill yourself my man


ma nigga

Why is your walden that thick?

nice. one of my favorite books. how's my ishmael? also, have you read story of b?

Tfw cant justify buying physical books to fill my bookshelves because I can find 95 percent of the books I want free online. My bookshelves look so empty. Was getting a kindle a mistake? What do Veeky Forums?

That's all I've got.

What's the problem with penguins? Is it the quality of the spine or the translations or both?

My Ishmael isn't as good as Ishmael, but worth a read. While Ishmael is an introduction to the ideas, and a critique of human society by an "anthropologist from mars", My Ishmael delves more into specific ideas like schooling. I have read most of Story of B, but lost interest. The focus is on an actual story rather than the ideas.

Providence is self indulgent bullshit, though. It didn't provide insight into any of Quinns ideas or even really his other books. Its just Quinn fellating himself for being one with nature.

i rather like your collection. how's that religion book about celts? is it primarily factual and archaeological?





Fucking running out of space

Is Wealth of Nations worth reading?

Would I get anything out of reading a 1000 page book about capitalism?

>falling for the Familiar meme


>he fell for the commenting on books you've never read meme

It has some illustrations, and maps of the pond. Not much more than your standard edition of Walden, though. It also has high quality paper, which I imagine adds a lot to the size.

What do you mean? They don't have dust covers.

It's considered foundational and ground breaking to most who support free markets, but honestly, there isn't much to gain unless you've read a lot of Friedman and want more.

i did read pt.1 and it was hilariously awful
can't imagine reading 30 volumes of that shit (let alone paying hardcover price for each)

1st one was terrible, especially compared the the other three. It gets much better as it goes, the first is by far the worst and its not even remotely close. Also, I paid 7 dollars for each one, learn to shop.

thanks for posting these, they've given me a few things to look up



What is that one with the swastika?

There's a section of it... I've added more since but don't feel like retaking the picture. I bought a 140-inch wide IKEA IVAR and stained it myself. :)

He probably ordered specific books online from the Franklin Library Collection.

I had no idea those Junji Ito volumes were that thick, so that's why they're so expensive

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer, not him btw it's just a very recognizable book

Good work user.

Rise amd fall of the third reich



I respect unifags, user. Keep up the good work.

Pretty small collection but can't buy too many more until i move into my own place.

Note that a lot of these books I bought in early teens.

What did you think of the crow road?

Stop browsing pol

I think this is the meme section

Christian stuff and plays


Random books + the rest of philosophy

End of the random books



American literature

Chinese shelf 1/2

Chinese shelf 2/2

"big books" or whatever. Stuff like Anna Karenina and Brothers Karamazov 1/3



Hungarian shelf 1/2
Mainly Karinthy and Rejtő


Did you bit those 2 big books on top at B&N?


And for last,the Japanese section.
I'm hesitant to call it "literature section"

As if all the bookshelves throughout my home, plus the books in storage and stacked in every corner would fit in a single picture

>Note that a lot of these books I bought in early teens.

I never would have thought if you didn't point this out.

Here's what you're going to do user: throw those away, like now, and go to every goodwill within a 30 miles radius, look through their selection very carefully and pick out anything that looks good or that comes highly recommended, you'll have 50 new books, all much better than those, and you'll have spent less than 75 dollars. Then you'll have something you can show without having to put a disclaimer because you're embarrassed.

Top shelf: Christianity and Psychology
Middle shelf: Memes and Continentals
Bottom: Classics
Stacked behind: Plato CW, more Greeks and Jung, Aztec/Hawaiian Mythology, etc.

Lots of other books around, but these are the ones close at hand. Nonfic is best fic, it's the story of real life. Not looking for approval and pls no bully, but if you have a question about a book ask it. Most of the top shelf has been around the world with me 8+ years. The lower shelves just the past year. Gnawing on them all to build a new Christ.

I've been eyeing the Exegesis of Phillip K Dick for what feels like forever.

the king in yellow saved this shelf from the fires of mount doom

have you read ishmael, and is it good? my vegan hippie ex-gf gave me a copy but i haven't read it yet and probably won't ever.

I would post my bookshelf but I haven't read half the books on them and most of my favorite books I borrowed from family and my college's library.

What kind of books do you read now?

don't u hate then when u don't have copies of the good shit u actually read but still have copies of shitty stuff u didn't get around to reading yet

Christ is lame, you know enough now to worship Lucifer


>implying replacing Christ is not the ultimate Luciferian goal

this post brought to you by Danzig.

Post it. I want to see books.

Pure memeage

Veeky Forums af



oh shit 1960s army field manuals :D

would actually love to read those.



Pick a book and a page number and I'll post it.


Soldier's Guide. Check the TOC and give me something on foxholes or digging latrines or something old school. Probably includes directions for handling of POWs that is not at all safe for 2017.

lot of academic books

read up on
>organic chemistry
>tysons critical theory

i feel you could benefit from either

>critical theory
Karl pls go

It looks like there's jack shit concerning foxholes, latrines and POWs.