Christians of Veeky Forums please help me out

>tfw you realize morality and god and the concepts of truth or freedom or eternal salvation are just pattern seeking survival mechanisms engraved in your brain's makeup

It was a rigged game from the start. I never had a chance. The universe seems like a cold, incomprehensible vacuum



how did the Buddha or George Harrison do it

first: are you twelve or just dumb?

take charge of your own life pussy.


>tfw you went through that phase for years
>tfw you kept having questions like "why do I still care about meaning? why is there something instead of nothing? why would minds and subjective conscious experience emerge and try to comprehend reality and purpose and god if this is all just accidental recombinations of jiggling unconscious matter?"
>tfw everyone told you that those questions were dumb and you should just pound them down into conformity with cold materialism
>tfw started studying german idealism
>tfw realizing most of the smartest people in human history, especially post-enlightenment, have been at least some kind of hopeful deist or pantheist, if not an outright pietist who thought mankind is rationally attaining higher and higher knowledge of itself, morality, nature, and god, and there is a purpose to all this
>tfw all of the curiosities you had, but couldn't develop because no one talks about them anymore, are all eerily well fleshed out and practically universal human spiritual tendencies, like agapē
>tfw reading the transcendentalists and goethe and realizing you were looking at things all upside down, and the cosmos is a babbling brook by a spring bursting of meaning, not a cold harsh dead wasteland
>tfw seeing the threads of meaning waiting to be pulled behind every material process, scientific inquiry, and human cultural or philosophical endeavor
>tfw no longer seeing gray on gray but seeing how much color is trying to birth itself into the world to complete the picture that is life

>are just
Life is just life. Everything is just everything. Something is just what it is.

You've reduced the meaning. You've reduced the purpose to a purpose - nay, just a purpose. Stop cursing yourself and see how free you can actually be, and not just.

>pattern seeking survival mechanisms engraved in your brain's makeup

First time I've seen Stirner used properly.

isnt that the whole idea of spooks though?
that they are just patterns of survival that aren't capital-T true?
i suspect that a lot of stirner fans dont really understand this and just use him to dismiss ideas they dont like.
i think you might be dumb about this.

You're choosing not to believe in God because you're a degenerate. Enjoy hell faggot

He is one meta-step ahead of you. Whereas you've jailed yourself in the idea of 'patterns' to spook yourself, he is laughing at you trying to spook you.

>cognitive neuroscience is all complete bullshit
I bet you can see a zebra from a mile away.

>not getting the point this hard

Maybe try reddit?

i think that's dumb.
That's like saying math is a spook.
It can't be applied to everything but there are observable foundations in patterns.

>That's like saying math is a spook.
Only if you spook yourself with it. It's just another tool, or 'thing' or pattern or whatever it is. Is it what you call it, though?

With math, people tend to ignore its history, thinking that it is absolute. This is not so. Square root of two got you killed in Greece.

Those words refer to theories about how our minds and brains work. Dismissing them as spooks dismisses the ideas. Dismissing those PARTICULAR ideas dismisses the axioms of cognitive neuroscience and natural selection totally. It is childish, simplistic, reactionary, and anti-intellectual black and white thinking.

Tl;dr no u

Except you're speaking of that inclination as something distinct from your ego, some nature controlling you rather than it simply being how you personally see the world and desire.

youre overly philosophizing bud.
Ancient (keyword) history isn't a great support for your point imo.

>misses the point
>doubles down when pointed out

>Those words refer to theories about how our minds and brains work. Dismissing them as spooks dismisses the ideas.
How I stopped worrying and learned to love the spook.

it doesn't control me but math is a fundamental aspect of nature itself.
It's like saying breathing is a spook.

>When your brain is telling you what to do

I didn't think someone could be spooked this hard

>Ancient (keyword) history isn't a great support for your point imo.
Not even math exists in a vacuum. You think of the contemporary as separate from ancient. Why? I can see plenty of political motivations for it, yet alone they fail to explain it all.

If the point is that you should never be troubled by theories because they are man-made, then I flat out disagree.

>How I stopped worrying and learned to love the spook.
If you're not worried and you love them, how are they spooks?

Breathing is a spook, I choose to breath and I can choose not to.

dont be a dumb philosophy nerd. It's a waste of a brain.

>If you're not worried and you love them, how are they spooks?

Kek wtf even is this

You will pass out and then start breathing.

if you do, it kinda defeats all the actual potential of the philosophy.
the debate is a waste of breath.

Because I chose to do so as that new circumstance arrose

You are spooked by the concept of spooks, bad sir.


>If you're not worried and you love them, how are they spooks?
Have you had a spiritual encounter?

>dont be a dumb philosophy nerd. It's a waste of a brain.
I hope you know what you imply, but let me get this straight.
>There is a correct way to use the brain - hence 'waste' is a detriment.
>I should do it instead of my brain, or you are merely attempting to usurp my brain which would render you a spook

>math is a fundamental aspect of nature itself.
False. Math is a fundamental aspect of its axiomatic presuppositions.

>have you ever had a spiritual encounter?
Define spiritual.
Define encounter.


>Define spiritual.
Things ranging from you to God, but not beneath you.
>Define encounter
Experience and awareness. In this case, 'mutual' is a necessary requirement.

disgusting loser philosophy.
the field should only be used for "how to live".
You can deny my idea-seed but that doesn't make it less true.
You aren't using the spook idea to your own benefit, only self-doubt and delusion.

Breathing and the senses themselves are spooks if math is.
It's a useless debate.

>disgusting loser philosophy.
Ooh, I'm so spooked.
>the field should only be used for "how to live".
I take it you've lived a sheltered life.

>You can deny my idea-seed but that doesn't make it less true.
What makes it true are your children.

Not sure how encouraging practicality is a sheltered perspective.
but yes our children ultimately define who we were/are. children you'll never have.
your existence is a spook imo. Youre less of a being than an object that's in my future childrens' way.

I have had experiences that I interpreted that way at the time. I don't always interpret them that way.

>Not sure how encouraging practicality is a sheltered perspective.
You'll never face an internal struggle. You'll never ask 'why truth and not the alternatives?' You'll never ponder on whether to be or not to be. You'll never reach spiritual awareness, instead you will continue to preach the gospel of blindness.
>children you'll never have.
What if people stop complying when you hit them? What if you grow saboteurs with this trait of yours, and they will kill your children, 'just because'. After all, survival was the point, so I can't see a better way to get back at you. It doesn't even have to happen now, it should be enough for your genes to carry that kill switch around.
>your existence is a spook imo.
>Youre less of a being than an object that's in my future childrens' way.
I see the error in teaching plebeians how to read.

i am not at all shocked that my kids might be horrible monsters because that's what people are. You're no better, if anything youre worse because you take up space you won't use.
I hope my kids find fellow monsters who treat them well and appreciate them for being exactly what they are, if they die by that blade, it's just a side effect of the prescription given for the sickness that is meaninglessness and doubt, where you seem to be trapped.

I've done plenty of the spiritual/existential pondering. Done just about every hallucinogen under the sun. We exist for pleasure. Don't make it complicated.

>I did existential pondering
>I chose hedonism
How does it feel to be the villain, user?

>i am not at all shocked that my kids might be horrible monsters because that's what people are.
Pass on traits that are bound for extinction? Good luck with that.
>You're no better, if anything youre worse because you take up space you won't use.
That so? From whom? The argument works from God's perspective, not yours.

Life/God itself is the villain. Hedonism is just nature.
I'm living unspooked in the most efficient way.

>I'm living unspooked in the most efficient way.
For what? Pleasure? You got yourself carroted and spooked.

Efficient? Towards what?

extinction is inevitable bud.
If we're going to use the god argument i'm 99% certain God loves me more than you based on how lucky i've been with my genes/career/friendships

Kek maybe in your early 20s.

BTW isn't efficiency a spook in this context?

>thinks God needs to care about individual people to exist
Yep, truly spooked.

towards/for getting my rocks off and cementing my existence as a tangible thing to other people outside myself (the only way i can even care to exist is through them)

>I am not spooked!
>I exist through other people

>If we're going to use the god argument i'm 99% certain God loves me more than you based on how lucky i've been with my genes/career/friendships
>towards/for getting my rocks off and cementing my existence as a tangible thing to other people outside myself
Read Tolstoy, read the Bible. Especially the parts about afterlife. You're missing the point.

so this is a real God thing to you? I find that whole angle to be cowardly desu.
Hedonism is a general term. It's more just the idea of practical, considerate self-pleasure.

Even God as a metaphor doesn't necessitate caring about your shiny car, user.

nah. afterlife is the real spook.
some spooks are good. if math and breathing are spooks then i'll stick with this one too.

dumb philosophy nerds don't even know how to live. just to doubt themselves into caves that give the illusion of wisdom but which are really founded on fear.

Philosophy takes you OUT of the cave, user. The only one here with a hardcore philosophical position here is you. You have chosen to dig your heels in with hedonism, rather them face the chaos of change. You are spooked by the idea of escaping spooks.

>nah. afterlife is the real spook.
Says the person acting out despair.

You'll be forgotten. Your DNA will go extinct. Life works in such ways that you may not even remember your own pleasure, for what it was worth.

Let's just say God helped me stop a speeding vehicle on a dime that was laid out along a series of dimes on the freeway between chicago and san francisco.
If that's not God, which i dont know if it was, then i dont relaly give a shit about it.

>I'm living unspooked in the most efficient way.
>some spooks are good. if math and breathing are spooks then I'll stick with this one too.

Neither do I, but you're creating a spook to then dismiss and feel superior, rather than find mutual understanding.

a million dollar dime*

youre taking my hedonism thing too far. It's more that i want to be loved by people who i deem worthy of respect, aka not useless people. I can live to ripple and affect things and that's kinda divine to me.

mutual understanding is a spook imo.

>i want to be loved by people who i deem worthy of respect
How do you determine this? Understanding them?

> if anything youre worse because you take up space you won't use.
>extinction is inevitable
>nah. afterlife is the real spook.
>some spooks are good. if math and breathing are spooks then i'll stick with this one too.
Rejection of Logos is a terrible drug.

>tfw Stirner is a dead meme

no i kinda don't think that's possible. it's like a utilitarian thing. Certain people have traits, and social standings that i admire so i want to influence them the way they influence me, but even more so. It's not a bad spook if people do it by nature.
I'm aware that I'm just a series of qualities.

Rejecting Logos means to be ruled by one's vices.

>Love is a utilitarian thing

i don't follow and i dont think you know how to support that statement.

>It's not a bad spook if people do it by nature.
Then what about accepting God and Religion? It has a story of 10'000 years at the very least.

love is definitely a spook.
youre being ruled by a vice right now. We all are.

they hypocrisy of spook-fags is astounding to me. It's like they just want to have an unpenetrable position but when you really get down to it they're just scared.

>It's not a bad spook if people do it by nature.

that's not that long bud. I consider that just an aspect of society.

>by nature
>mechanisms engraved in your brain's makeup
>It was a rigged game from the start. I never had a chance.

>but now I like it because I was programmed to

>love is definitely a spook.

Only to the naive. Love is the prerequisite for subjectivity. There is no ego without it

breathing is a spook.
better stop that shit.

Christ and Satan are based on Horus and Seth who are based on the Babylonian myth who is 20k years old, which is maybe as old as the oral tradition.

If that's not enough, fine. But then you can't accept any known writer in history because their words have not survived that long.
Also you should reject all technology, processed food, etc...

I'm not OP but his problem is he is failing his most basic function as a living creature. He needs to understand the "rigged" game and play it himself by his own rules. Not get caught up in the spooks or not play at all

>you take space you won't be using
>extinction is inevitable
So I, an (allegedly) extinct being, am taking space from (allegedly) extinct beings. You seem to value survival despite this, yet you also believe that
>afterlife is the real spook.
Life after death is life after death. What shape it takes is not known. You reject afterlife as a spook. Then you go and accept spooks anyway.
>some spooks are good.

150,000 years we've been eating food and making things. It's honest-to-god nature
God as an idea is just a social solution.
nice try.

>youre being ruled by a vice right now. We all are.
There are degrees of vice. Don't put yourself in the same category as me unless you don't drink, smoke, take drugs, fast.

If you believe that some things are rigged by nature, where do you draw the line? Why do you think you can choose your choice of hedonism?


Hardly. Love is the event horizon between which the self is constituted solely by object relations to subject relations. Its phenomenological importance is paramount

>Christ and Satan are based on Horus and Seth
Christ allegedly spent his early years in Egypt. Talmudic texts also claim that he was an Egyptian sorcerer. His magic of choice was egregore.

If Christ is indeed Logos, and every other nation would have accepted Him, it would make sense for Egyptians and the rest of the world to have some level of understanding based on Logos.

no the time you have is all you have and should be used accordingly. the idea of time itself is almost a spook from that perspective and extinction is almost irrelevant unless you really get caught up in that illusion.

and i can't see any evidence of the afterlife so it's definitely a spook. i can see breathing, pleasure, and math, and while htey may be spooks, they are at least useful for moment-to-moment living.

>God as an idea is just a social solution.
Explain hermits.

>150,000 years we've been eating food and making things.
Yes exactly, god as a concept is maybe one of the oldest we have because it has been worked on and off forever. But fine, reject everything you don't like as spook and indulge in your vices.

you read that in a book and have no idea what that really means in a practical sense. Classic spook-fag shit.
youre just a loser. classic spook-fag.
my point is proven. Youre all just lost souls who need a screen porch to hide in so you can say you know the outside.

Not necessarily, Christ as Logos is the most refined idea we have right now.

For instance, the flood is a universal story (even Abos have one). But the Logos in Christianity is not the same as the Logos in Islam.

>you read that in a book and have no idea what that really means in a practical sense.

Give me a moment to take that sentence in

i just did. God isn't a truly natural phenomena, but a social one. But now the modern hermit is someone who believes in God, aka spook-fags
that's not forever.

Funny, too, that you accuse THEM of hiding.

Isn't being a loser a spook?
What about "lost souls" isn't that a spook?

>no the time you have is all you have and should be used accordingly
Who are you to tell me how to use my time? For what purpose would you even do that?
>the idea of time itself is almost a spook from that perspective and extinction is almost irrelevant unless you really get caught up in that illusion.
Even if you were correct, what is it to you? My biological / social etc. urges are not enough to command me.

>and i can't see any evidence of the afterlife so it's definitely a spook.
You die, life goes on. Afterlife in the minimal sense. Is this not what you based it all on? Yet you went on to say that extinction is inevitable.

what you said is absolute bulshit. flowery prose to disguise a basic idea. Fitting you'd post bloom too.

Look at that cognitive dissonance and laugh.

nah like i said, practical natural spooks are worth believing (like breathing and math).
Losers are part of basic darwinism. That may be a spook too but it's definitely having an observable effect.

>i just did. God isn't a truly natural phenomena, but a social one. But now the modern hermit is someone who believes in God, aka spook-fags
Most spook-fags are leftists and nihilists. They may even want to believe in God, but they will likely not do so.
>God isn't a truly natural phenomena
Only the most plebian kind of idolaters would claim that God would be such.
>but a social one
I think, therefore I am.

>flowery prose
>Kantian terminology

I think you might want to start reading more