This is what kids are reading nowadays

>This is what kids are reading nowadays.

How does that make you feel?

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Why should I care?
15 years ago they were reading Hairy Sharter, and before that some other low-brow shit.

why would i be surprised by that?
kids like tolkien and cs lewis too.
big shock

They've been reading worse.

Netflix publishes books now?

are you implying that Tolkien and Lewis are as bad as op's pic or are you mentioning them as decent writers for children as an argument against the notion that currently kids only read garbage?

This is a perceptive question.

I'm saying kids just read about what interests them. Mostly its bullshit fantasy (no offense) or teen drama shit.
All of these books have flaws and redeeming qualities.

Tolkien is garbage. Once you read more than 5 books, you'll see why.

Isn't this book """about""" suicide?

It's about a melodramatic female who kills herself over inane shit.

thats essentially what most suicide is all about dummy.
People who you'd understand as worthy of suicide probably want to live more than anything else.

>oy vey goyim, let your (white) kids consume pro-suicide propaganda! Remember, talking about it is the only way to prevent it!
This fucking disgusts me. I can't believe that teens get media that glorifies weakness and degeneracy shoved down their throats 24/7.


Cleopatra's suicide was noble

That's implying kids read.

Today, it's all about film and television. When I was in HS (5 years ago) I was literally given free books by the librarian because I was the only one checking them out. Pretty sad but there are those exceptions. I also went to a public school so that likely says a lot about the kids I was around

Not noble.
Mostly motivated by fear I'm sure.

>young adults reading young adult books

Nothing wrong with that. It's the 30 year olds still obsessing over YA that are embarrassing.

>tfw teenagers all over the country are killing themselves imitation of this show
>tfw this show is actually part of a conspiracy to weed out the more fragile members of the next generation so to improve the human race

>tfw the entire show could have been prevented if only Archie Andrews was in town

Read it ~10 years ago and feel no remorse. I'm glad if they read if but now they're watching it on Netflix. Faggot

What are the 13 reasons

>When will the (((medias))) stop ???

Holy shit you're dense.

Well as long as you're sure

explain how it was noble then.
From my understanding it was a political and self-defensive move.
She could have gone into hiding or lived as a slave. But nope, suicide.

Young people like mediocre things, big surprise

t. someone who has never read about Cleopatra or even read the play by Shakespeare


Teenagers never changed and that's ok

anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot

It is the Young Werther's Sorrows of our times

O I am laffin

desu it's probably better than Darren Shan or whatever they were reading when I was that age