why do people (including Pynchon) say this is a bad book, Veeky Forums?
Why do people (including Pynchon) say this is a bad book, Veeky Forums?
nobody says this
yes they do, including Pynchon
maybe bad for pynchon standards
still better than anything I will ever write
Only Pynchon said it's bad. Most people think it's great.
Where is the proof that Pynchon said it's bad?
doesn't exist.
he didn't say it was bad, it was just where he unlearned what he knew, which is basically saying he discovered real success was not found in the traditions he was accustomed to.
in a way it was his most successful work.
intro to Slow Learner
Stop thinking like this. You're not a suburban father born in the 50s.
no he just said, as i explained earlier, that he unlearned what he knew and that he didn't believe it was a novel, which in a way it's not, it's a novella.
He never said it was bad.
And obviously he holds some resentment towards it being his most successful for what he feels are somewhat unwarranted reasons, but which i feel are just clear indications that he was caught in the zeitgeist of old and new and didn't know how to feel about it.