Shit you wrote as a kid

Was combing through my files and found a short piece I wrote when I was 14. I invite you to share your own craptastic, angsty writing. Let's enjoy the cringe.

Floor No.1

The sound of their fucking, the gurgling reverb of their drinking, the feel of ethanol slowly caving into my throat, as if Satan had exhaled his rotten breath into my esophagus. The ever present smell of synthetic kush and Camel Cigarettes, smoke floating in the empty space of existence, drowning away slowly in a sea of vodka, blood, cum and burnt papers.
I can hear them kissing: softly, tenderly, a subtle sucking sound bounces around the walls, a testament to their non-existent love, that flush of dopamine the young brain is so pragmatic at producing. The hooka smoke went into my lungs, grave mis-inhale. Learning to hold it in my mouth was harder than I thought. My lungs must be fucked up from all the smoke that’s been invading them, my chest feels tight. I never knew why.
And it keeps going. The world swirls rather lethargic on my present catharsis. It sits down and thinks of me, hugs me, kisses and caresses me, and I want to throw it in a trash can. To rip it apart and feed it to a gang of hungry grizzlies. To burn the world down and swim on the ashes, swim and scream in joy when I can hear the whispers of my lost generation, slowly flowing away in an ocean of moral urine and defecated lives. Purpose of a beating heart lost in the mist of youth.

>being so proud of this that you post it here

Stop pretending that this was 'my cringe 14 yo self omg im so emberssd'

>It's not like I appreciate your writing or anything... b-baka!

I'm implying that you're still 14 and can't write worth shit, you dumb fucking idiot

I remember when I was 13 I wrote some rap lyrics and got my mother to read it. She thought I was depressed and nagged me for two weeks to go see a doctor.

I never did but jokes on her I've been depressed ever since.

I cringe at what I write now.

I don't have any old shit saved. Reading it would be physically painful.

I cringe at all I've written, but that's part of it, I figure. If you're completely satisfied with what you do, you don't see room for improvement. So you get stuck.

Maybe, but it'd help you realize what aspects of your writing have improved.

>ocean of moral urine and defecated lives

At age 14 I remember writing a three page "research" paper on the JFK assassination complete with a map of Dealey Plaza drawn in MS Paint. I secretly hoped to prove the triangulation theory and discover need leads.

When I was 13 I wrote a poem that was basically Oasis's "Don't Look Back in Anger" peppered with the word "Nigger"


When I was 14 I wrote a western, set in a post-apocalyptic world, about a gunslinger being chased by a guy across a desert. It wasn't until I read The Gunslinger years later that I realized King stole my idea.

Tried my hand at writing a novel when I was about 12, came out as a series of short stories

basic plot was a cartographer was traveling the world in the 16th century with his friends, when the flying dutchman kidnapped them and spread them across the globe where he had to go rescue them. I'm sure if I look around in some storage tote or drawer I can find it, but I really don't want to read it

>Age 16.
>Wrote bad Harvest Moon fanfic with my SI getting with my favorite marriage partner.
>Abandoned after 5 chapters.
>It's still on the site.
>I forgot the password and it's connected to my Yahoo email which I also forgot.
Thank you for reminding me of my embarrassment.

A Haiku I made in High School.

Many have much contempt
For my lack of any attempt
To wait for consent



When I was 11 I wrote a short story for a school project (the students were supposed to write an essay/poem/short story/whatever and the best ones would be compiled into a short book).
It was about a prince called Daniel. His country was invaded by pirates, so he followed these pirates in order to take back all the wealth stolen by them. He defeated the captain in a duel of swords and brought home many chests filled with gold. When Daniel and his father, the king, opened the biggest chest, they found the royal crown. Then the father decided to give Daniel the crown, but not because Daniel was a prince. It was because Daniel had the competence to defeat the pirates.

t. monarchist

Did you research about cartography or the 16th century? This story seems to require too much knowledge from a 12 year old.

Step outside 'cos the dindus are in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your nigger face

What's with high schoolers and rape fantasies?

You said that you'd never been
But all the niggers that you've seen
Will slowly fade away

I like it.

>but not because Daniel was a prince. It was because Daniel had the competence to defeat the pirates.
In all fairness that's pretty mature for an 11 y/o.

I wrote a Jurassic Park sequel when I was 10. A year later, I wrote some middle school SoL/capeshit set in a town with lots of secret underground tunnels called Endoville. The MC's name was Jack Hamburg.

I really wish I kept the notebooks that I wrote those in.

I destroy everything I produce after I tire of knowing of its existence. I don't feel pride, satisfaction or the inverse from anything I create, just a nagging annoyance that I have left any trace of myself.

the text file says last modified 2002, which i guess explains a story about eminem and a backstreet boy.

"Knock knock.Knock knock,come on..."

Elevators have been a battle of good and evil to mankind since there arrival.The goodness of the elevator is its power to eliminate the middle man when in a large,or not so large building.The middle man being the dreaded stairwell.However where theres a pro,theres always a con lurking around the corner.That con at the moment was boredom,and AJ McLean was just another nameless victim.

"I hate knock knock jokes." Marshall said,trying to ignore the twisting going on in his stomach that had been going on since he first woke up this morning.

"Yeah well,everyone does,but this is a good one." AJ replied with a smile.

"Everyone says that too." Marshall said,wishing he where as calm as the other man seemed to be.

"Please for me,one time.Knock knock." AJ plead.

"Fine.Who's there." Marshall sighed.

"Marshall." AJ stated with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Marshall who?" Marshall huffed.

"Marshall i love you." AJ said as the elevator doors opened to reveal the large room decorated for a wedding.

Marshall was speechless as he stared into his future husbands eyes,not even noticing or hearing the cheering people already in the room who had taken notice that the grooms had finally arrived.

"You are the most crazy man i have ever,and i mean goddamn ever met," Marshall said as his eyes began to fill with tears. "and i'll love you every fuckin' day for it."

AJ stood still in his place,tears slowly starting to move down his cheek as well.Marshall reached out and wiped them away,giving AJ his best smile before being interrupted by someone running over to the elevator.

"You guys gonna hide in there all night or what?" asked Nick,AJ's best man for the night.

"Yeah," AJ said,reaching over to wipe marshall's own tears from his face. "i'm

"Ok,then." Marshall said,taking AJ's hand as he stared into the other man's eyes. "Lets go get married."

the end.

in middle school I wrote a short story about a mine worker in some made up socialist shithole. tl;dr he saves some important party official visiting his mine from being assassinated. the story ends with the narrator wondering whether what the fella did was right or wrong because after all he saved a life but it was the life of someone who contributed to the regime.
pretty cringy in an amusing way now that I think about it.

>Elevators have been a battle of good and evil to mankind since there arrival.

Stop being a tsundere

This. I used to see tons of self absorbed retards on r9k like op that would post "le embarrassing 14 yr old me cringe xD"

I wrote a fantasy story about knights and stuff when I was at elementary school.
It was lame.


I didn't and that's why it sucked, he decided to climb mount everest before oxygen tanks were invented is the most glaring inaccuracy I can remember, like the name of the thread says, it's shit I wrote when I was a kid

thanks senpai


When I was in middle school, our English class read Anthem and as a final, we had three different prompts to write about. I chose the "missing" scene, which was where Equality's occupation was assigned.

“Unity 4-3364,” We exclaimed as our brother shambled onto the platform, “Carpenter.”
They looked up at us and cried, “The will of our brothers be done!”
With their back hunched, they shuffled towards the exit of the House. Only the sounds of Unity 4-3364’s footsteps were heard, until our fellow councilmen murmured to us, “Tolerance 5-4433, before we decide Equality 7-2521’s occupation, we must discuss their behavior.”
“I agree, Peace 2-1267. Let us take this conversation to the assembly hall. Come with us, brothers.” we said to the Council.
We rose from our granite thrones and slowly made our way through the empty corridors into the room. The assembly hall was the second largest room in the building, yet it was also the most dull. The walls were of a grayish tint and the only thing inside of the room was a circular table and six seats. When we entered the hall, our brothers drearily sat down into the chair in silence.
Then, the eldest of the Council, Reason 0-0045, made a motion towards the table and a stone sphere glowed a dark shade of blue. The Council of the Scholars have restored this contraption from the Unmentionable Times. It was considered unholy when retrieved. However, what is agreed on by all men is true, for the Council of Leaders and us have declared the miracle stone, as we called it, pure. Its purpose would be to show guidance to us when needed. The public did not know of this device, but surely their opinions would be unanimous with ours.
The stone projected into the air, showing us the life and sins of Equality 7-2521. From the very womb, Equality 7-2521 were different from the rest. They have made many infractions against all men throughout their childhood, and even then were they still forgiven. Their minds have surpassed many of their brothers, and cannot no longer. There is no redemption for them.
At once, the projection faded and the stone returned to its former state, smooth and stainless. We looked at one another and Peace 2-1267 cried, “They have committed many sins against the great WE and it is vital that we suppress this evil inside them. We must have them punished severely for their crimes!”

“No, that would be wasteful. Our brother must be made a Scholar. They could help usher men into a greater light. Just think of the inventions made the Scholars and them!” said Unanimous 3-2234 with excitement.
Reason 0-0045 responded to them, “Silence, We ask of you all. They are too different. If they go any further into the Science of Things, they would begin to have doubts. They will have the urge to overthrow us and plunge humanity into the next Unmentionable Times. Brothers, We believe the best option is to make them a Street Sweeper. We must diminish their creativity instead. Make sure they never have contact with the House of Scholars. Give them the lowliest of occupations.”
We all nodded in agreement, save for Unanimous 3-2234. They jumped up from their seat and yelled, “How dare you all limit the benefits of our brothers! You are preventing the great WE from becoming exceptional. This is an outrage!”
Reason calmly replied, “Brother, what is agreed by most is true and what is said by one must not be. This is the only way to prevent another dark age. So, let it be decided that Equality 7-2521 is assigned Street Sweeper.”
We stood, held up our right hand, and said in unison, “The will of our brothers be done!”

im ignoring all posts after this one lol

The earliest thing I can remember is making a story based on Greek myth in the 6th grade
Mine was about some evil dude trying to lull Apollo to sleep right as the sun passed behind the moon, so the world would be cast into a permanent Lunar eclipse

No idea where I was going with that, only did like 6 pages, 3 of which were crayon drawings

The first "play" I wrote was about Super Mario.

In the second grade.

I read it for my class and it wasn't even an assignment.

Fuck I hate myself.

you know you're not destined for chadhood when you do some shit like that...

The only two girlfriends I ever had dumped after after less than a year and started dating chads. One turned gay after.

I have a myriad of cringeworthy childhood moments like that user

>4th grade creative writing assignment was about a heroic sacrifice in a videogame multiplayer round
>sophomore creative writing class I wrote about a small business owner who tries to rob a rich family to stay in business another month and ends up killing them
>8th grade writing assignment about Titanic I read to the class in a posh british accent with a fake mustache, needless to say they all laughed at me
>every year of highschool I did a dramatic reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas before winter break to my friends in anime club since I was the unofficial subtitle reader

>changed computers and lost all my scribbly Notepad files of random ideas and shit
>only other remaining work from my childhood is some shit Halo fanfic I wrote when I first discovered machinima
tobehonest I'm a little sad all those notepad files are gone

>unofficial subtitle reader
Ok what
Do you mean reading moonrunes or were you just screaming over the already English subtitles?
How is it every time anime club is ever mentioned in any context it's a Bizarro world of batshit autistic nonsense?

i was the same, i started writing rap lyrics when i was 13 too, i was actually depressed though, i was having a hard time in school and especially during class, i remember writing down specifically so that i wouldn't pay attention to anything around me. it turned mostly into angsty poetry, ill reply to this post if i can be fucked posting some got a hundreds of pages of the garbo

screaming over the already english subtitles
like I said, cringeworthy shit that makes me hate myself, I vaguely recall people chuckling when I did it though

I have 8 full composition notebooks from when I was in a mental health/rehab center from 16 to 17. It's mostly me shitting out every thought I had in that period, mainly centered around Nietzsche, personal "philosophical" musings, some girl I had a crush on, and some crazy bitch that tried to fake a pregnancy with me. Still makes me want to blow my brains out looking at the inane bullshit I came up with back then.

>cringe incoming
Well I guess there is peace... and there's piece of mind, and then there is mind over matter and then there is the word satire ( god i don't know what i was saying ), and then there is life and death and pain and all the things that make you sane. I'm lacking some normalises does that make me strange or unique, is it problems and queries or answers you seek?

Oh man that's cringy af, even for something you wrote as a child.

I wrote a lot of poetry when I was 12-14. And kept trying at it on and off until I was about 22. All the poetry I have ever written, save one poem which I think is quite good, is terrible.

Here's an early one:

Would you love me still
If I beat you around?
Slapped you and stabbed you
Until you dropped to the ground?

Would you still love me
If I exterminated the jews?
Commited mass murder
with a live chase on the news?

Would you be there for me
if I gave a kid cancer?
Holding my hand
after id finished raping some dancers?

Would you be embarrased?
If i fucked a fat kid
Do you care
when i laugh at babies dying from sids?

Feels embarrassed to even be posting these anonymously. What's worse is that I used to actually send them to people with no irony, thinking they were good.

A jewish tradition
Skin cut off at a young age
Mutilated flesh/cock

Sudden bowel movement
An unexpected burning
Poo comes squeezing out

Boobies bounce
A girl jumping nude

This one's just pure cringe, probably meant to be lyrics:

She's a wild flower
And don't ever forget it
In her red lace bodice
With a body like a bottle rocket

Hair, a sea of silk chocolate
She's a wildflower
And don't ever forget it

Wide brown irises
Cameras ready to snap
Flickering lenses, no flash

A chest like the highest mountains on mars
And a/her waist like
The worlds best valley

She's a wildflower
Don't pick her till she's ready
Her pace is too unsteady
Her scent is too heavy

A wild child
Different tastes
Punk attitude
High stakes

(No way to win
Or to lost
Except her
If shes picked too soon

She's a wildflower
And don't ever forget it/that
Shes a wildflower
Don't pick her till she's ready
Her pace is too unsteady
Her scent is too heavy.

Her taste like the finest cuban cigar
A temptation for the strongest of men
Lips; red, lush sweet strawberry plains/fields

She's a wildflower
Grown too fast for the season
Blooming from nowhere
When you didn't expect it

Luscious looks and lips
Looking all around
Delicious dark, tan skin
Men fall to the ground

>A wild child
>Different tastes
>Punk attitude
>High stakes

>her waist like The worlds best valley
>tfw running out of metaphors but you just have to push on because what's coming up is too damn good

>A jewish tradition
>Skin cut off at a young age
>Mutilated flesh/cock
Next level.

When I was in high school, I made up a story for a personal narrative essay about my little brother with Down Syndrome and won a state wide essay contest with it because my teacher submitted it without telling me. Was too autistic to tell her I made it up and my parents were so proud of me. I've tried throwing out the journal it got published in numerous times and my mom always fishes it out 8 years later

I love you user

>be me
>be in 3rd grade
>be in "wonderful" public school
>wrote shitty parody fairytale 'book' in free time at home styled ala stinky cheeseman/Jon Scieszka
>took to "discovery club" which was an on-site school daycare in the early morning hours before and showed it off to the daycare guy there I liked
>he notifies the teacher
>teacher wants me to show it to the class
>do dumb condescending and patronizing show and tell
>fucking teacher liked it so much she mad it a class assignment for everyone to write a story
>figure it cant be that bad since I can do whatever, and I can spend more time drawing since its technically "class work"
>turn it in after an extension because I wanted to work on it more
>get it back with a "58/100," the book scribbled with notes in shitty red ballpoint pen as if it was a frivolous worksheet printed on shitty recycled 18lb paper
>spend the rest of the day head inside desk trying to dry my eyes
>throw away booth 'books'
>never write anything outside shitty class papers again until highscool

delet this

Here's a crappy hardcore song I wrote:

Stand off

I see you
You see me
We stand out

We stand out
On our own terms
And let it ride
Or watch it burn

Stand in
Stand out
Stand by
Stand off



[This final section is written exactly in that way]

>and AJ McLean was just another nameless victim.

>We stand out


how much do you want to bet op wrote this just now LOL

I lost it long time ago, but me and my best friend of back then used to spend our math and english classes of 7th and 8th classes writing some sort of erotica novel.

The summer before 7th grade I spent like 2 weeks designing a world based on various mythologies where I inserted me and my friends as gods of some copycat greek pantheon.

We went at war with some fanfiction viking and aztec pantheon before realizing we were facing a cabal of "evil" gods from all religion to take over the world. We also had tons of sex like gods do.

At the end it was like around 100 A4 pages long. We would write half a page then give it away to the other so he could finish it. Once every week one of us was allowed to write a complete page to complete his arc.

Some YA shit.

>Her taste like the finest cuban cigar
>A temptation for the strongest of men
This is pure gold

>the entire first poem
jesus christ, was your hair like pic related?

That sounds adorable, user.